Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
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SCIENTI-PHOTO'S AND BIOGROPHIES Famous Authors, Artists, Scientists and Science FANS by John Giunta Louis Maurino GALILEO GALILEI ::::: The illustrious GALILEO brilliant scientific thinker, experimentalist, physicist and astronomer; he who began the Era of modern scientific Study of the Planets and Stars was born in Pisa, the old seaport city of Tuscany (Italy) on February 15, 1564. His parents first wanted him to be a cloth merchant, and afterwards to give him a medical career; but the mysteries of the Universe enchanted the young Galileo more than anything else. In 1589, at the age of 25 Galileo was appointed to the chair math; at the University of Pisa, and from that famous tower he dropped two different weights which reached the ground at the same time thus proving that the Anstothan theory was wrong. He is famous for his discovery of the possibilities suggested by the pendulum. He is noted for the development of the telescope, through which he proved the Copernican System, observationally as his freind Kepler proved them mathematically. Through the telescope Galileo studied and observed the Moons of Jupiter, the Sun Spots, and the phases of Venus. He also invented the compound microscope the pendulum, and the thermometer. He discovered the Jovian Satellites, the phases of Venus, the libration of the Moon and the laws of Motion. Biography and Data gathered and written by LOUIS G. MAURINO.... GALILEO GALILEI illustrated by JOHN GIUNTA ::::: He, Galileo is the author of 32 volumes of Scientific Treatises, dealing with his life and his great works of which the world of his time abused, tortured, vilifed and dishonored, and the world of to-day honors and esteems him as one of the greatest five of all scientists. Blind, unfirm and broken hearted, this brilliant man who has developed the telesope and applied it to it's nobuse making it the most remarkable instrument of "all time"m passed from his life of brilliant achievements at Arcetri, Italy on January 8, 8642. FINIS
SCIENTI-PHOTO'S AND BIOGROPHIES Famous Authors, Artists, Scientists and Science FANS by John Giunta Louis Maurino GALILEO GALILEI ::::: The illustrious GALILEO brilliant scientific thinker, experimentalist, physicist and astronomer; he who began the Era of modern scientific Study of the Planets and Stars was born in Pisa, the old seaport city of Tuscany (Italy) on February 15, 1564. His parents first wanted him to be a cloth merchant, and afterwards to give him a medical career; but the mysteries of the Universe enchanted the young Galileo more than anything else. In 1589, at the age of 25 Galileo was appointed to the chair math; at the University of Pisa, and from that famous tower he dropped two different weights which reached the ground at the same time thus proving that the Anstothan theory was wrong. He is famous for his discovery of the possibilities suggested by the pendulum. He is noted for the development of the telescope, through which he proved the Copernican System, observationally as his freind Kepler proved them mathematically. Through the telescope Galileo studied and observed the Moons of Jupiter, the Sun Spots, and the phases of Venus. He also invented the compound microscope the pendulum, and the thermometer. He discovered the Jovian Satellites, the phases of Venus, the libration of the Moon and the laws of Motion. Biography and Data gathered and written by LOUIS G. MAURINO.... GALILEO GALILEI illustrated by JOHN GIUNTA ::::: He, Galileo is the author of 32 volumes of Scientific Treatises, dealing with his life and his great works of which the world of his time abused, tortured, vilifed and dishonored, and the world of to-day honors and esteems him as one of the greatest five of all scientists. Blind, unfirm and broken hearted, this brilliant man who has developed the telesope and applied it to it's nobuse making it the most remarkable instrument of "all time"m passed from his life of brilliant achievements at Arcetri, Italy on January 8, 8642. FINIS
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