Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 18
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BEYOND THE EARTH J. HARRY VINCENT SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 18... But before he could answer, the alias Van Loon lifted his tearstained face and cried; "I AM NAPOLEON!" ...o..O...THE END...O..o.. [Image of rockets flying around planets. Signed Giunta.] Illustrated by John Giunta. Hundreds of ships, floating, frozen and cold. BEYOND THE EARTH by J. HARRY VINCENT The crowd had been waiting since early morning. In fact some had been waiting since the night before. Why not? Why shouldn't they have waited? Was not the greatest event of mankind to take place on this day? Man was to leave his planet for the first time in recorded history. The greatest and most glorious invention of all time, the Radium Motor. It was to lift a cigar shaped vessel to the other planets of the void. All was set. The great ship rested in it's cradle, while around it hundreds of mechanics and spectators near the ship moved back. Police pushed back into the crowd, so that it would not be hurt, when the ship left the Earth. At the given signal, the ship rose from it's cradle and shot into the air and vanish from sight in less than a minute. A great cheer went up from the crowd. Man had conquered space. Man had left it's own planet to go to others. Yes man had left his home planet! But, man was not to land on any other world. Never is he to reach other than his own small Earth. Dream on you fools; dream on. Dream of the days when you think you will travel space as you now travel the oceans. Bah! You are stupid, you do not understand. There are a number of reasons why you cannot cross the void. Could you but see, but look pass your own atmosphere, you would see hundreds of ships of every make and description, floating frozen and cold. Yes! Other ships from other planets have tried to cross the Universe, but all have FAILED. Give up this dream this wild dream my poor fools and stop this killing of her brave men. Yes, because they will fail, due to meteors, lack of air, engine trouble, but all will fail. So! be satisfied with your own planet, and try to improve it instead of trying to get away from it. [Image of a spaceship with exhaust trailing behind it constructing using typewriter keys.] FINIS:
BEYOND THE EARTH J. HARRY VINCENT SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 18... But before he could answer, the alias Van Loon lifted his tearstained face and cried; "I AM NAPOLEON!" ...o..O...THE END...O..o.. [Image of rockets flying around planets. Signed Giunta.] Illustrated by John Giunta. Hundreds of ships, floating, frozen and cold. BEYOND THE EARTH by J. HARRY VINCENT The crowd had been waiting since early morning. In fact some had been waiting since the night before. Why not? Why shouldn't they have waited? Was not the greatest event of mankind to take place on this day? Man was to leave his planet for the first time in recorded history. The greatest and most glorious invention of all time, the Radium Motor. It was to lift a cigar shaped vessel to the other planets of the void. All was set. The great ship rested in it's cradle, while around it hundreds of mechanics and spectators near the ship moved back. Police pushed back into the crowd, so that it would not be hurt, when the ship left the Earth. At the given signal, the ship rose from it's cradle and shot into the air and vanish from sight in less than a minute. A great cheer went up from the crowd. Man had conquered space. Man had left it's own planet to go to others. Yes man had left his home planet! But, man was not to land on any other world. Never is he to reach other than his own small Earth. Dream on you fools; dream on. Dream of the days when you think you will travel space as you now travel the oceans. Bah! You are stupid, you do not understand. There are a number of reasons why you cannot cross the void. Could you but see, but look pass your own atmosphere, you would see hundreds of ships of every make and description, floating frozen and cold. Yes! Other ships from other planets have tried to cross the Universe, but all have FAILED. Give up this dream this wild dream my poor fools and stop this killing of her brave men. Yes, because they will fail, due to meteors, lack of air, engine trouble, but all will fail. So! be satisfied with your own planet, and try to improve it instead of trying to get away from it. [Image of a spaceship with exhaust trailing behind it constructing using typewriter keys.] FINIS:
Hevelin Fanzines