Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 23
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BEAR-CLAW WOOS THE MAIDEN DALE HART SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 23 [Image of a caveman with stones coming at him.] Stone whizzez by from the dark interior. BEAR CLAW WOOS THE MAIDEN BY DALE HART illustrated by JOHN GIUNTA (Foreword: Since time immemorial Man has subordinated all else to gustatory delights. Scene: The Primeval; Characters: Members of a typical clan. Bear-claw is disconsolate, and sits meditatively under the shade of a giant fern. Perhaps the diplomacy of a yet-to-come age finds lodging beneath his shaggy, unevt , locks, for a wide grin temporarily eradicates his physiognomy. (Bear-claw is the Einstein-Carnegie of his time, anyway.) What he thinks of: he must find some succulent grubs or beetles for the girls grandmother: she can't chew meat, being wholly toothless. Her mother loves the eggs of birds. Papa's permanent scowl departs under the soothing influence of wild cattle meat. Bear-claw gets up decisively. He starts upon an uneventful hunt. Next we find him at the entrance of the girls cave. His hands are free of weapons and he is loaded down with food. A stone whizzez from the darkened interior, striking the ardent suitor in his abdomen. More follow, so Bear-claw retreats hastily. But he finally placates everyone concerned. Sometime later we find how Bear-claw fared. Before the cave's mouth papa is sprawled. He is snoring lustily, his distended pawnch rises and falls in respiration. Mamma's uncomely face is reposed in blissful rapture as she dexterously cracks eggs. Grandmother is sucking the marrow from a bone. And the girl's many brothers and sisters fight over tidbits. Bear-claw squats among a litter of bones, achieved his hearts desire, while his mate -- mom and pop have given their consent -- stuffs food into his cavernous mouth. (Afterword: Bear-claw has, by the use of his head, achieved his hearts desire. Man had taken another step forward!) FINIS SCIENCE ODDITIES OF INTEREST In 1887, a commission, appointed by the German Government to investigate a series of airroad accidents that had occurred near Hagen, reported that a thin, gray worm, two centimeters in length and the size of a prong of a silver fork in circumference devoured 36 Kilograms of rail in a fortnight. To soften the iron before eating, the worm sprayed it with a corrosive solution secreted by two glands in it's head... [Image of two worms feeding on rail tracks.]
BEAR-CLAW WOOS THE MAIDEN DALE HART SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 23 [Image of a caveman with stones coming at him.] Stone whizzez by from the dark interior. BEAR CLAW WOOS THE MAIDEN BY DALE HART illustrated by JOHN GIUNTA (Foreword: Since time immemorial Man has subordinated all else to gustatory delights. Scene: The Primeval; Characters: Members of a typical clan. Bear-claw is disconsolate, and sits meditatively under the shade of a giant fern. Perhaps the diplomacy of a yet-to-come age finds lodging beneath his shaggy, unevt , locks, for a wide grin temporarily eradicates his physiognomy. (Bear-claw is the Einstein-Carnegie of his time, anyway.) What he thinks of: he must find some succulent grubs or beetles for the girls grandmother: she can't chew meat, being wholly toothless. Her mother loves the eggs of birds. Papa's permanent scowl departs under the soothing influence of wild cattle meat. Bear-claw gets up decisively. He starts upon an uneventful hunt. Next we find him at the entrance of the girls cave. His hands are free of weapons and he is loaded down with food. A stone whizzez from the darkened interior, striking the ardent suitor in his abdomen. More follow, so Bear-claw retreats hastily. But he finally placates everyone concerned. Sometime later we find how Bear-claw fared. Before the cave's mouth papa is sprawled. He is snoring lustily, his distended pawnch rises and falls in respiration. Mamma's uncomely face is reposed in blissful rapture as she dexterously cracks eggs. Grandmother is sucking the marrow from a bone. And the girl's many brothers and sisters fight over tidbits. Bear-claw squats among a litter of bones, achieved his hearts desire, while his mate -- mom and pop have given their consent -- stuffs food into his cavernous mouth. (Afterword: Bear-claw has, by the use of his head, achieved his hearts desire. Man had taken another step forward!) FINIS SCIENCE ODDITIES OF INTEREST In 1887, a commission, appointed by the German Government to investigate a series of airroad accidents that had occurred near Hagen, reported that a thin, gray worm, two centimeters in length and the size of a prong of a silver fork in circumference devoured 36 Kilograms of rail in a fortnight. To soften the iron before eating, the worm sprayed it with a corrosive solution secreted by two glands in it's head... [Image of two worms feeding on rail tracks.]
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