Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 24
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SCIENCE ARTICLES ADVERTISEMENTS SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 24 SCIENCE ARTICLES OF INTEREST COMETS... Scientists disagree regarding the composition of a Comet. Some say it is just hot molten fragment, others say it is a hot gaseous mass. Some Comets are extremely large, others being so small as to hardly be noticeable. It has been definitely proved that Comets have their own tremendous orbits covering trillions of miles of inter-galactic space. Haley's triumtailed Comet appears but once in seventy-five years. Others soon to appear but once and never return, but in actuality their orbits are of such tremendous range that it may take thousands of years to complete it. The tail of the Comet is not always gas, most of it is light catching up to mass which is traveling at tremendous speed. METEORS Meteors are usually fragments of the asteroids which wandered off and were pulled in by the gravitational attraction of the Earth. They are sometimes incorrectly called shooting stars. It has been proven that the Earth's atmosphere is bombarded by millions of these Meteors daily, most of them no larger than a dust particle. It is estimated that possibly one in every two million ever come anywhere near the ground. A all the size of your fist, might have been as big as a house when it first struck the atmosphere. The Meteor that struck Arizona ages ago must have been in the vicinity of several hundred miles across when it struck the atmosphere. -----o---O---o------ SCIENTIPHOTOS by J.G. [Portrait of H.G. Wells.] *********************************** FANTASY NEWS, weekly. 3 issues 10c 9 issues 30c. Send for it NOW! PLANETEER MAGAZINE revived! First and last issue ever to be published! 10c a copy; 24 pg. A COSMIC P. J.V. TAURASI, 137-07 32 Ave. FLUSHING NEW YORK. *********************************** FANTASCIENCE DIGEST 10c a copy. A COMET PUB. Address, ROBERT A MADLE 333 E. BELGRADE ST. PHILA. PEN. *********************************** COSMIC TALES monthly. 10c issue. $1.00 a year. C.P. LOUIS KUSLAN 170 Washington ave. West Haven, Conn. *********************************** READ NEW FANDOM! THE GREATEST HAPPENING IN THE HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE-FICTION FAN-FIELD. SEND IN TO SAM MOSKOWITZ. $1.00 per year. 603 SOUTH 11th. STREET NEWARK NEW JERSEY. ********************************** COMING next issue! NILS HELMER FROME. He will conduct something new new in the Fan FIELD... A NEW DEPARTMENT called "BELIEVE BE" it's subject "IF TELEPATHY WERE CARRIED TO THE NINTH DEGREE?" Written and DRAWN by NILS M. FROME. WATCH FOR THE NEXT ISSUE IT WILL FILL YOUR EXPECTATIONS. *********************************** Buy the remaining AMAZING WONDER TALES. A few issues left, good for the collectors. Will not raise price, still 10c. SEND right away for it at: 1355 80 St. Brooklyn NEW YORK. *********************************** Other COMIC PUBICATIONS are: THE SCIENCE FICTION SCOUT, BO-KAR OF KANN, THE NUCLEUS, SOLOR combined with the F.A.P.A. SPECIAL; SCIENTITALES...GALAXY! JOIN NEW FANDOM, DO NOT FORGET! SEND $1 to SAM MOSKOWITZ. "NEW FANDOM IS SPONSORING THE 1939 WORLDS FAIR CONVENTION!" *********************************** NEXT ISSUE SCIENTI-TALES out MARCH 1st. PROMPT!
SCIENCE ARTICLES ADVERTISEMENTS SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 24 SCIENCE ARTICLES OF INTEREST COMETS... Scientists disagree regarding the composition of a Comet. Some say it is just hot molten fragment, others say it is a hot gaseous mass. Some Comets are extremely large, others being so small as to hardly be noticeable. It has been definitely proved that Comets have their own tremendous orbits covering trillions of miles of inter-galactic space. Haley's triumtailed Comet appears but once in seventy-five years. Others soon to appear but once and never return, but in actuality their orbits are of such tremendous range that it may take thousands of years to complete it. The tail of the Comet is not always gas, most of it is light catching up to mass which is traveling at tremendous speed. METEORS Meteors are usually fragments of the asteroids which wandered off and were pulled in by the gravitational attraction of the Earth. They are sometimes incorrectly called shooting stars. It has been proven that the Earth's atmosphere is bombarded by millions of these Meteors daily, most of them no larger than a dust particle. It is estimated that possibly one in every two million ever come anywhere near the ground. A all the size of your fist, might have been as big as a house when it first struck the atmosphere. The Meteor that struck Arizona ages ago must have been in the vicinity of several hundred miles across when it struck the atmosphere. -----o---O---o------ SCIENTIPHOTOS by J.G. [Portrait of H.G. Wells.] *********************************** FANTASY NEWS, weekly. 3 issues 10c 9 issues 30c. Send for it NOW! PLANETEER MAGAZINE revived! First and last issue ever to be published! 10c a copy; 24 pg. A COSMIC P. J.V. TAURASI, 137-07 32 Ave. FLUSHING NEW YORK. *********************************** FANTASCIENCE DIGEST 10c a copy. A COMET PUB. Address, ROBERT A MADLE 333 E. BELGRADE ST. PHILA. PEN. *********************************** COSMIC TALES monthly. 10c issue. $1.00 a year. C.P. LOUIS KUSLAN 170 Washington ave. West Haven, Conn. *********************************** READ NEW FANDOM! THE GREATEST HAPPENING IN THE HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE-FICTION FAN-FIELD. SEND IN TO SAM MOSKOWITZ. $1.00 per year. 603 SOUTH 11th. STREET NEWARK NEW JERSEY. ********************************** COMING next issue! NILS HELMER FROME. He will conduct something new new in the Fan FIELD... A NEW DEPARTMENT called "BELIEVE BE" it's subject "IF TELEPATHY WERE CARRIED TO THE NINTH DEGREE?" Written and DRAWN by NILS M. FROME. WATCH FOR THE NEXT ISSUE IT WILL FILL YOUR EXPECTATIONS. *********************************** Buy the remaining AMAZING WONDER TALES. A few issues left, good for the collectors. Will not raise price, still 10c. SEND right away for it at: 1355 80 St. Brooklyn NEW YORK. *********************************** Other COMIC PUBICATIONS are: THE SCIENCE FICTION SCOUT, BO-KAR OF KANN, THE NUCLEUS, SOLOR combined with the F.A.P.A. SPECIAL; SCIENTITALES...GALAXY! JOIN NEW FANDOM, DO NOT FORGET! SEND $1 to SAM MOSKOWITZ. "NEW FANDOM IS SPONSORING THE 1939 WORLDS FAIR CONVENTION!" *********************************** NEXT ISSUE SCIENTI-TALES out MARCH 1st. PROMPT!
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