Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 27
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SINCERELY YOURS SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 27... SINCERELY YOURS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3... If you support this magazine in this venture I and my associate Lou will assure you a monthly publication. MONTHLY and with a SET DATE. I am sorry about the cover and certain illustrations coming out bad; but you can check that as inexperience. You will notice as you go along in the magazine that it starts out a ruined cover, Space Patrol illustration: one side plain and dark the other very light. Blots on paper and things as such. I am sorry that our new artist Angelo's drawing as spoiled, specialy since it's his first. But, at about halfway through, the printing comes better, the illustrations clearer, hardly any blots. That is because I began getting the nack of the mimeograph. Also, the nack of pressure on stencils with typewriter, pencil stylus and shading screens. You will also notice that in the latter part of the magazine the shading comes in, that is because I had ordered the screens, but they were delayed, and I have received them this last week of December. The shading screens I have used as much as possible so that in the next issue they will be as perfect as possible, that is; the drawings! The cover will not always be done by myself, but I will contact whatever artist you wish, for it is up to you. By the way would you like to see Jimmy Taurasi do the cover? He had a drawing scheduled for Keller's "THE HORRIBLE PANTOMINE" but I have not received it, so; I had to take it over. He will be in the next issue tho'! When I announced that this magazine would be mimeographed and gave the set date as January 1st. It was a vague dream, I was hoping that about the time till then I would be able to procure a mimeo. But alas, was scarce and everything looked black. We, Lou and I, figured out how much [illegible] in, it second nighhh impassible, and we just sighed. But, on a beautiful, cristol clear day an angel appeared before us, and we had, alas, we had money enough to start us off and go ahead with our plans. Now, we are nearly paid up, mimeo-graph, paper, stencils, stipling machine, cloth binding, shading stencils and pen stylus's. Many thanks to the man who let us have all things at once, meanwhile paying him on time. You know the TIME Magazine? I hope to sell enough issues so, that the mag will pay itself for the coming issue, if it doesn't, ah woe! ah me! On the back cover of this magazine there is our trademark, the reader who possesses and sends in the best definition of what it represents, will receive a current Science fiction mag, but it a quarter or fifteen cents, English mags are included. Or if you want otherwise, a three issue subscription to a fan mag, or a nine issue subscription to Fantasy News. There will be allowed only two winners! By the way, I forgot to mention, we put this magazine in two weeks time, therefore we can easily do it monthly! Besides we put it out on time too. Before I sign off, I want to ask you fans another favor. Send in a snapshot or drawing of yourself plus your biography for Scientiphotos. All snapshots will be returned if so wished. Write in and let us know what you think of the magazine. So! Adios till the next issue! And a happy and prosperous year from all of us! THE EDITOR
SINCERELY YOURS SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 27... SINCERELY YOURS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3... If you support this magazine in this venture I and my associate Lou will assure you a monthly publication. MONTHLY and with a SET DATE. I am sorry about the cover and certain illustrations coming out bad; but you can check that as inexperience. You will notice as you go along in the magazine that it starts out a ruined cover, Space Patrol illustration: one side plain and dark the other very light. Blots on paper and things as such. I am sorry that our new artist Angelo's drawing as spoiled, specialy since it's his first. But, at about halfway through, the printing comes better, the illustrations clearer, hardly any blots. That is because I began getting the nack of the mimeograph. Also, the nack of pressure on stencils with typewriter, pencil stylus and shading screens. You will also notice that in the latter part of the magazine the shading comes in, that is because I had ordered the screens, but they were delayed, and I have received them this last week of December. The shading screens I have used as much as possible so that in the next issue they will be as perfect as possible, that is; the drawings! The cover will not always be done by myself, but I will contact whatever artist you wish, for it is up to you. By the way would you like to see Jimmy Taurasi do the cover? He had a drawing scheduled for Keller's "THE HORRIBLE PANTOMINE" but I have not received it, so; I had to take it over. He will be in the next issue tho'! When I announced that this magazine would be mimeographed and gave the set date as January 1st. It was a vague dream, I was hoping that about the time till then I would be able to procure a mimeo. But alas, was scarce and everything looked black. We, Lou and I, figured out how much [illegible] in, it second nighhh impassible, and we just sighed. But, on a beautiful, cristol clear day an angel appeared before us, and we had, alas, we had money enough to start us off and go ahead with our plans. Now, we are nearly paid up, mimeo-graph, paper, stencils, stipling machine, cloth binding, shading stencils and pen stylus's. Many thanks to the man who let us have all things at once, meanwhile paying him on time. You know the TIME Magazine? I hope to sell enough issues so, that the mag will pay itself for the coming issue, if it doesn't, ah woe! ah me! On the back cover of this magazine there is our trademark, the reader who possesses and sends in the best definition of what it represents, will receive a current Science fiction mag, but it a quarter or fifteen cents, English mags are included. Or if you want otherwise, a three issue subscription to a fan mag, or a nine issue subscription to Fantasy News. There will be allowed only two winners! By the way, I forgot to mention, we put this magazine in two weeks time, therefore we can easily do it monthly! Besides we put it out on time too. Before I sign off, I want to ask you fans another favor. Send in a snapshot or drawing of yourself plus your biography for Scientiphotos. All snapshots will be returned if so wished. Write in and let us know what you think of the magazine. So! Adios till the next issue! And a happy and prosperous year from all of us! THE EDITOR
Hevelin Fanzines