Fanta-Seer, v. 1, issue 1, August 1939
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FANTA-SEER VOL 1 AUGUST 1939 No 1 AN AMATEUR MAGAZINE OF SCIENCE-FICTION Published by the hecktograph method whenever [illegible]. The editor is William H. Grovenan of 18 Maryland Avenue, Hempstead, New York. FANTA-SEER costs $.40 per year, or until the subscriber realizes [illegible] Single copies may be had for 5 cents. Manuscripts on science-fiction and fantasy are welcome at all times. FANTA-SEER is affiliated with, but not distributed by, the American Amateur Press Association. ************************ WE GREET YOU... with this issue, the editor starts what he hopes will be a long and interesting career in science-fiction fandom. The urge to issue a fan magazine has been with us for quite a while, and we have not reached the point where we can hope to be considered one of those who puts out an interesting journal. Our plans for FANTA-SEER are great. We already are affiliated with the American Amateur Press Association and will see about getting into the FAPA. This first issue is being mailed to all who are interested in science-fiction, and whose names we could secure. WE have no subscription list, as yet. However, if you wish to receive this magazine regularly, kindly mail $.40 to the editor immediately. With subscriptions the magazine can be enlarged. We hope to have 4 pages in the next issue. The editor is willing to put the necessary work into FANTA-SEER, provided, however, that manuscripts and subscriptions are forthcoming. Manuscripts dealing with any phase of stf are welcome at all times. In fact, they are more than welcome. This issue is written for the most part by myself, future issue need not be. Authors may choose any science-fiction topic they wish and be free to say what they wish. Editing will be as minimized as possible, usually only to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Fiction, poetry, articles, news, anything is welcome, just keep under 500 words. Concering art work. The editor is no artist, as can easily be seen from the flag. We especially need good drawings. Those planning to do drawings for FANTA-SEER should contact us first, letting us know what they have in mind. It is also necessary that we know the size that the finished drawing will be and that it be done with either hecktograph pencil or ink. Remember, the copy you send us must be done so that we can reproduce it on a hectograph, therefore, the original drawing will be used rather than a tracing. Science-fiction cartoons are always welcome, we see so few. Lastly, and this concerns other editors, we will be glad to exchange. Just mail your journal regularly, marked exchange, and FANTA-SEER will be sent in return. The editor of this journal would be glad to correspond with all interesting in science-fiction. ********************** EDITORS OF OTHER HECTOGRAPHED FAN MAGS : Being that we are rather a novice at the hecto process, any suggestions and tips would be quite welcome. Especially on types of paper used, drawings, etc. Thank you. ********************** A POSTAL INFORMING US THAT YOU ENJOYED FANTA-SEER WOULD PLEASE US GREATLY. kindly turn over the page.
FANTA-SEER VOL 1 AUGUST 1939 No 1 AN AMATEUR MAGAZINE OF SCIENCE-FICTION Published by the hecktograph method whenever [illegible]. The editor is William H. Grovenan of 18 Maryland Avenue, Hempstead, New York. FANTA-SEER costs $.40 per year, or until the subscriber realizes [illegible] Single copies may be had for 5 cents. Manuscripts on science-fiction and fantasy are welcome at all times. FANTA-SEER is affiliated with, but not distributed by, the American Amateur Press Association. ************************ WE GREET YOU... with this issue, the editor starts what he hopes will be a long and interesting career in science-fiction fandom. The urge to issue a fan magazine has been with us for quite a while, and we have not reached the point where we can hope to be considered one of those who puts out an interesting journal. Our plans for FANTA-SEER are great. We already are affiliated with the American Amateur Press Association and will see about getting into the FAPA. This first issue is being mailed to all who are interested in science-fiction, and whose names we could secure. WE have no subscription list, as yet. However, if you wish to receive this magazine regularly, kindly mail $.40 to the editor immediately. With subscriptions the magazine can be enlarged. We hope to have 4 pages in the next issue. The editor is willing to put the necessary work into FANTA-SEER, provided, however, that manuscripts and subscriptions are forthcoming. Manuscripts dealing with any phase of stf are welcome at all times. In fact, they are more than welcome. This issue is written for the most part by myself, future issue need not be. Authors may choose any science-fiction topic they wish and be free to say what they wish. Editing will be as minimized as possible, usually only to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Fiction, poetry, articles, news, anything is welcome, just keep under 500 words. Concering art work. The editor is no artist, as can easily be seen from the flag. We especially need good drawings. Those planning to do drawings for FANTA-SEER should contact us first, letting us know what they have in mind. It is also necessary that we know the size that the finished drawing will be and that it be done with either hecktograph pencil or ink. Remember, the copy you send us must be done so that we can reproduce it on a hectograph, therefore, the original drawing will be used rather than a tracing. Science-fiction cartoons are always welcome, we see so few. Lastly, and this concerns other editors, we will be glad to exchange. Just mail your journal regularly, marked exchange, and FANTA-SEER will be sent in return. The editor of this journal would be glad to correspond with all interesting in science-fiction. ********************** EDITORS OF OTHER HECTOGRAPHED FAN MAGS : Being that we are rather a novice at the hecto process, any suggestions and tips would be quite welcome. Especially on types of paper used, drawings, etc. Thank you. ********************** A POSTAL INFORMING US THAT YOU ENJOYED FANTA-SEER WOULD PLEASE US GREATLY. kindly turn over the page.
Hevelin Fanzines