Fanta-Seer, v. 1, issue 1, August 1939
Page 2
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FANTA-SEER PAGE 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATTENTION -- AMATEUR JOURNALISTS... To all of you interested in printing, writing, mimeographing, poetry, et cetera, I suggest that you join the American Amateur Press Association. Dues are quite low and members receive the opportunity to place their written or printed matter before fellow amateurs. Bundles of amateur papers are sent out monthly. More information from the editor for a three cent stamp. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PROGRESS... ...BY GEORGE R. HAHN 725 Amherst Street...Buffalo, New York. Reprinted from the March, 1939, issue of our other journal, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL. The stars were stellar pinpoints in the carpet of the sun, The moon, a lambent disk, sped on its eternal run, The Poet, the Sage, and questful of Knowledge's pure light, The hoary Sage and Wizard were seeking for truth and Might, The Poet was seeking after and found but only Sight, And though each had sought and sought in similar way But one had found and he peered now into the lurid DAy. GRH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS ISSUE. WE HOPE TO BEGIN A READERS' COLUMN WITH THE NEXT ISSUE. PERHAPS THIS FIRST APPEARANCE OF FANTA-SEER MAY BE DULL, BUT BEAR WITH US UNTIL WE GET SOME OUTSIDE MANUSCRIPTS, THANKS. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WOLLHEIM AND WEISINGER On July 13th the editor had the pleasure of meeting two gentlemen quite prominent in science-fiction, DAWollheim and Mort Weisinger. We just stopped into to see Mort about an error in TWS and also about getting a back copy. From him we learned that the Thrilling group is planning another fantasy magazine this fall. From there to 801 West End Avenue. Spent about an hour and a half speaking to down, especially about our plans for FANTA-SEER and amateur journalism in general. DAW gave us quite a bit of information and many papers also. He has the largest collection of science-fiction books in the world, or so he told us. After an interesting afternoon the editor headed for Hempstead. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IN THE MAILBAG...Anniversary issue of FANTASY NEWS, the gigantic May issue of NOVA, June SCIENCE FICTION FAN, and June SPACEWAYS. All were really great and we hope they come again. Will you fellows exchange with us? The issue of NOVA was really tops, combining as it did, about 7 other issues of fan mags. We are a bit new to science-fiction, so perhaps someone could tell us about this Pong family. How many are their. Many Wade, James V, and Hoy Ping. They do seem to have a monopoly on fantastic foolery...And maybe somebody could tell us how the devil we can get into the FAPA. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This issue of FANTA-SEER was gotten out on a 9x12 hectograph, which we purchased at Goldsmith Brothers, N.Y. Colored pencils of Purple, Red, and Greed used for flag. .16 pound typing paper is what this is. Now are you satisfied? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Next issue of FANTA-SEER will have either four pages this size, or 8 pages 5 1-2 x 8. SO LONG.
FANTA-SEER PAGE 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATTENTION -- AMATEUR JOURNALISTS... To all of you interested in printing, writing, mimeographing, poetry, et cetera, I suggest that you join the American Amateur Press Association. Dues are quite low and members receive the opportunity to place their written or printed matter before fellow amateurs. Bundles of amateur papers are sent out monthly. More information from the editor for a three cent stamp. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PROGRESS... ...BY GEORGE R. HAHN 725 Amherst Street...Buffalo, New York. Reprinted from the March, 1939, issue of our other journal, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL. The stars were stellar pinpoints in the carpet of the sun, The moon, a lambent disk, sped on its eternal run, The Poet, the Sage, and questful of Knowledge's pure light, The hoary Sage and Wizard were seeking for truth and Might, The Poet was seeking after and found but only Sight, And though each had sought and sought in similar way But one had found and he peered now into the lurid DAy. GRH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS ISSUE. WE HOPE TO BEGIN A READERS' COLUMN WITH THE NEXT ISSUE. PERHAPS THIS FIRST APPEARANCE OF FANTA-SEER MAY BE DULL, BUT BEAR WITH US UNTIL WE GET SOME OUTSIDE MANUSCRIPTS, THANKS. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WOLLHEIM AND WEISINGER On July 13th the editor had the pleasure of meeting two gentlemen quite prominent in science-fiction, DAWollheim and Mort Weisinger. We just stopped into to see Mort about an error in TWS and also about getting a back copy. From him we learned that the Thrilling group is planning another fantasy magazine this fall. From there to 801 West End Avenue. Spent about an hour and a half speaking to down, especially about our plans for FANTA-SEER and amateur journalism in general. DAW gave us quite a bit of information and many papers also. He has the largest collection of science-fiction books in the world, or so he told us. After an interesting afternoon the editor headed for Hempstead. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IN THE MAILBAG...Anniversary issue of FANTASY NEWS, the gigantic May issue of NOVA, June SCIENCE FICTION FAN, and June SPACEWAYS. All were really great and we hope they come again. Will you fellows exchange with us? The issue of NOVA was really tops, combining as it did, about 7 other issues of fan mags. We are a bit new to science-fiction, so perhaps someone could tell us about this Pong family. How many are their. Many Wade, James V, and Hoy Ping. They do seem to have a monopoly on fantastic foolery...And maybe somebody could tell us how the devil we can get into the FAPA. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This issue of FANTA-SEER was gotten out on a 9x12 hectograph, which we purchased at Goldsmith Brothers, N.Y. Colored pencils of Purple, Red, and Greed used for flag. .16 pound typing paper is what this is. Now are you satisfied? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Next issue of FANTA-SEER will have either four pages this size, or 8 pages 5 1-2 x 8. SO LONG.
Hevelin Fanzines