National Fantasy Fan, issue 5, May 22, 1946
Page 2
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- 2 - In the past it has been customary to extend “free ” dues privileges to some. A polling of the Directorate reveals that they believe no one should have “free ” dues with the possible exception of servicemen overseas. I’ll leave the whole matter to the judgment of our able Sec’y-Treas. Art Widner. The new letterheads and envelops are being printed and are available from Marty Carlson. All new members are entitled to 25 sheets and envelops on request. Others can obtain additional supplies by purchase or special arrangements with Marty. Ed Counts has been released from his job as Constitutional Trouble Shooter. His job takes him on the road most of the time leaving very little time at home per week. As he has received no complaints there hasn’t been any work to do so he asked that the job be transferred to someone else. Director Tarr has taken over the receipt of complaints in his place. The only ones received to date have originated from the Officers themselves. The only one under discussion is the problem of the “and/our”, but in as much as the Board of Directors has ruled that any member who does not pay his dues (with the exception of Laureate Award Winners and overseas servicemen) will be dropped at once, the vagueness of the wording need no longer be considered. A poll will be held later to change the wording to eliminate the vagueness. While on the subject of dues, it has been interpretated by your President and so ordered by the Board of Directors that new members who came in after July 1st 1945 and paid a whole year’s dues at the time of entry should pay the balance of the 1946 dues at the same time as other members pay theirs in full (Jan. 1st). So the balance of the new (1945) members’ dues (50¢) for 1946 is now due and payable to the Sec’y-Treas., Art Widner. The Chairman of the Manuscript Bureau is to be commended for his excellent work and the efficiency of his Bureau. Take about, Walter A. Coslet. Members are urged to take advantage of this Bureau in the procurement of publishable material or in placing material. Coslet makes no charge for this service but asks that users of the service donate something to help defray postage bills. The Board of Directors has commended him and authorized continuation of this service under his capable management without any hampering restrictions. The Book-Com is still functioning but I’m asking that the matter be held in abeyance until the exact nature of the announced FAN ANTHOLOGY edited by Bob Tucker and published by T.P.Hadley, is seen. A duplicate effort by our organization in competition, a s it were, with a publishing concern would lead to a financial situation that might be disastrous. T.P.Hadley has promised that recognition of the N.F.F.F. will appear in the book, possibly on the dedication page. The details are still to be worked out. A certain amount of criticism has occurred concerning my suspension of the February issue of the 00. I desire that we have an 00 that is regular and frequent as much as anyone else, but financial considerations make it imperative that we curtail our expenditures where ever we can. The matter is now in the able hands of Tanner and Warner and we’ll await their recommendations. I’m sure that our members desire that our members desire that our organization have more purpose than the publishing of a (bi-)monthly official organ.
- 2 - In the past it has been customary to extend “free ” dues privileges to some. A polling of the Directorate reveals that they believe no one should have “free ” dues with the possible exception of servicemen overseas. I’ll leave the whole matter to the judgment of our able Sec’y-Treas. Art Widner. The new letterheads and envelops are being printed and are available from Marty Carlson. All new members are entitled to 25 sheets and envelops on request. Others can obtain additional supplies by purchase or special arrangements with Marty. Ed Counts has been released from his job as Constitutional Trouble Shooter. His job takes him on the road most of the time leaving very little time at home per week. As he has received no complaints there hasn’t been any work to do so he asked that the job be transferred to someone else. Director Tarr has taken over the receipt of complaints in his place. The only ones received to date have originated from the Officers themselves. The only one under discussion is the problem of the “and/our”, but in as much as the Board of Directors has ruled that any member who does not pay his dues (with the exception of Laureate Award Winners and overseas servicemen) will be dropped at once, the vagueness of the wording need no longer be considered. A poll will be held later to change the wording to eliminate the vagueness. While on the subject of dues, it has been interpretated by your President and so ordered by the Board of Directors that new members who came in after July 1st 1945 and paid a whole year’s dues at the time of entry should pay the balance of the 1946 dues at the same time as other members pay theirs in full (Jan. 1st). So the balance of the new (1945) members’ dues (50¢) for 1946 is now due and payable to the Sec’y-Treas., Art Widner. The Chairman of the Manuscript Bureau is to be commended for his excellent work and the efficiency of his Bureau. Take about, Walter A. Coslet. Members are urged to take advantage of this Bureau in the procurement of publishable material or in placing material. Coslet makes no charge for this service but asks that users of the service donate something to help defray postage bills. The Board of Directors has commended him and authorized continuation of this service under his capable management without any hampering restrictions. The Book-Com is still functioning but I’m asking that the matter be held in abeyance until the exact nature of the announced FAN ANTHOLOGY edited by Bob Tucker and published by T.P.Hadley, is seen. A duplicate effort by our organization in competition, a s it were, with a publishing concern would lead to a financial situation that might be disastrous. T.P.Hadley has promised that recognition of the N.F.F.F. will appear in the book, possibly on the dedication page. The details are still to be worked out. A certain amount of criticism has occurred concerning my suspension of the February issue of the 00. I desire that we have an 00 that is regular and frequent as much as anyone else, but financial considerations make it imperative that we curtail our expenditures where ever we can. The matter is now in the able hands of Tanner and Warner and we’ll await their recommendations. I’m sure that our members desire that our members desire that our organization have more purpose than the publishing of a (bi-)monthly official organ.
Hevelin Fanzines