New Fandom, v. 2, issue 1, April 1940
Page 16
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Page Sixteen ADVERTISEMENTS NEW FANDOM STARDUST the queen of fan mags PRINTED! 20[cents] a copy, $1.00 for 6 issues, from W. Lawrence Hamling, 2609 Argyle Street, Chicago, Illinois. FANTASCIENCE DIGEST the digest of imaginative fiction LARGE SIZE MIMEOGRAPHED! 15[cents] a copy from Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR the battle-ground of stfandom SMALL SIZE HECTOGRAPHED! 10 [cents] a copy from John V. Baltadonis, 1700 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. FANTASY TIMES the fan mag within a pro mag SEND NEWS OF YOUR STF ACTIVITIES to James V. Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Ave, Flushing, N.Y: and see them published in FUTURE FICTION. NEWS WHILE IT'S HOT! FANTASY-NEWS the sciencefiction weekly newspaper PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. LARGE SIZE MIMEOGRAPHED! Latest news of the sciencefiction world every week. Never missed an issue in nearly two years. William S. Sykora, Editor, 31-51 41st Street, Long Island City, N.Y. The four sciencefiction fan magazines listed above are among the most outstanding of contemporary fan publication. They are published by Fans who have been active for years. A grand total of over fifteen years of intense fan activity is represented by these topnotch super-active fans. By supporting these fan magazines you support all science fiction fandom. Send in your subscription to all four NOW-NOW-NOW!!!!! Mark Reinsberg, speaking for the ILLINI FANTASY FICTIONEERS, accepted the full support of NEW FANDOM, when Sam Moskowitz offerred that support at the SECOND ANNUAL PHILADELPHIA SCIENCE FICTION CONFERENCE. This acceptance may or may not be denied in the near future. But whether it is denied or not, NEW FANDOM intends that the CHICAGO WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION WILL BE A SUCCESS. Hence it will throw the full power of its organized strength in support of this convention, and, IF YOU SUPPORT NEW FANDOM, YOU SUPPORT THE CHICAGO CONVENTION IN 1940! Send your $1.00 annual dues to: RAYMOND VAN HOUTEN, Secretary, NEW FANDOM, 26 Seeley Street, Paterson, New Jersey.
Page Sixteen ADVERTISEMENTS NEW FANDOM STARDUST the queen of fan mags PRINTED! 20[cents] a copy, $1.00 for 6 issues, from W. Lawrence Hamling, 2609 Argyle Street, Chicago, Illinois. FANTASCIENCE DIGEST the digest of imaginative fiction LARGE SIZE MIMEOGRAPHED! 15[cents] a copy from Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR the battle-ground of stfandom SMALL SIZE HECTOGRAPHED! 10 [cents] a copy from John V. Baltadonis, 1700 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. FANTASY TIMES the fan mag within a pro mag SEND NEWS OF YOUR STF ACTIVITIES to James V. Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Ave, Flushing, N.Y: and see them published in FUTURE FICTION. NEWS WHILE IT'S HOT! FANTASY-NEWS the sciencefiction weekly newspaper PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. LARGE SIZE MIMEOGRAPHED! Latest news of the sciencefiction world every week. Never missed an issue in nearly two years. William S. Sykora, Editor, 31-51 41st Street, Long Island City, N.Y. The four sciencefiction fan magazines listed above are among the most outstanding of contemporary fan publication. They are published by Fans who have been active for years. A grand total of over fifteen years of intense fan activity is represented by these topnotch super-active fans. By supporting these fan magazines you support all science fiction fandom. Send in your subscription to all four NOW-NOW-NOW!!!!! Mark Reinsberg, speaking for the ILLINI FANTASY FICTIONEERS, accepted the full support of NEW FANDOM, when Sam Moskowitz offerred that support at the SECOND ANNUAL PHILADELPHIA SCIENCE FICTION CONFERENCE. This acceptance may or may not be denied in the near future. But whether it is denied or not, NEW FANDOM intends that the CHICAGO WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION WILL BE A SUCCESS. Hence it will throw the full power of its organized strength in support of this convention, and, IF YOU SUPPORT NEW FANDOM, YOU SUPPORT THE CHICAGO CONVENTION IN 1940! Send your $1.00 annual dues to: RAYMOND VAN HOUTEN, Secretary, NEW FANDOM, 26 Seeley Street, Paterson, New Jersey.
Hevelin Fanzines