Pacificonews from Shangri-La, 1942
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PACIFICONEWS NUMBER 3 FANS TO VOTE ON DATE OF CONVENTION Here's How It has been decided by the unanimous vote of the Convention Committee that a new method would be employed to determine the date of the 4th World Science Fiction Convention. Heretofore the Convention Committee made the decision, but this year those anticipating attendance will select their choice of three most favorable dates. It is our belief that those who have joined the Society and those who send in written intentions to join, should be able to pick the date. Therefore, if you desire to vote, you have only to confirm with this simple point. —You must be a member of the 4th World Science Fiction Convention Society, or send in a letter or post card stating that you have full intentions of becoming a member. — (This does not constitute a binding agreement to join.) So send in your dollar or your post card now and with the next Issue of Paclficonews you will receive your post card ballot, which you can mail to Art Widner with the date you choose. Remember—-you must send your dollar or your post card of intention to one of the L.A. members by Dec. 25th, to be able to vote. If you have already joined or written your intention to join, there is no need to write again. You will receive your ballot with issue #4 of Pacificonews. N0TE: L. A. members or persons within fifty (50) miles of Los Angeles will be ineligible to vote. The three dates with explanations of their selection will appear in the same issue of the Pacificonews as your ballot.-- WJD Issuance There have been several inquiries about the issuance of Pacificonews. It was originally slated to be issued every two weeks, but after the first issue the Angel behind the postage was unavoidably forced to withdraw his financial support. Pacificonews tips the dollar scale at about $7.50 per issue, and you can readily see that the Convention Society cannot afford $180 for a year of magazine. Thusly we have changed it to a monthly sheet. One page each month. Issue #1 will constitute the month of August, #2 being three pages, will represent September, October and November. This is issue #3, which is for December. In January we shall publish either a two or three page issue which will represent their respective months. At the suggestion of Russell Wood on LASFS member who drives 30 miles to go to meeting every week, it was decided that anyone who cares to send in $2.50 will be known as the sponsor, or angel, of that specific issue. The balance of the money will come from the treasury. ANOTHER NEW INNOVATION All persons who join the 4th World Science Fiction Convention Society, but are unable to attend, will be mailed a copy of the official Convention booklet, free. This booklet will sell again this year for 10¢ -The cover will be designed by Bok, so send in your dollar for membership now! NOTICE If this is the first (1st) issue of Pacificonews you have received and you desire to receive more—Just drop us a post card and more issues will be forth-coming to your address, with NO OBLIGATION!
PACIFICONEWS NUMBER 3 FANS TO VOTE ON DATE OF CONVENTION Here's How It has been decided by the unanimous vote of the Convention Committee that a new method would be employed to determine the date of the 4th World Science Fiction Convention. Heretofore the Convention Committee made the decision, but this year those anticipating attendance will select their choice of three most favorable dates. It is our belief that those who have joined the Society and those who send in written intentions to join, should be able to pick the date. Therefore, if you desire to vote, you have only to confirm with this simple point. —You must be a member of the 4th World Science Fiction Convention Society, or send in a letter or post card stating that you have full intentions of becoming a member. — (This does not constitute a binding agreement to join.) So send in your dollar or your post card now and with the next Issue of Paclficonews you will receive your post card ballot, which you can mail to Art Widner with the date you choose. Remember—-you must send your dollar or your post card of intention to one of the L.A. members by Dec. 25th, to be able to vote. If you have already joined or written your intention to join, there is no need to write again. You will receive your ballot with issue #4 of Pacificonews. N0TE: L. A. members or persons within fifty (50) miles of Los Angeles will be ineligible to vote. The three dates with explanations of their selection will appear in the same issue of the Pacificonews as your ballot.-- WJD Issuance There have been several inquiries about the issuance of Pacificonews. It was originally slated to be issued every two weeks, but after the first issue the Angel behind the postage was unavoidably forced to withdraw his financial support. Pacificonews tips the dollar scale at about $7.50 per issue, and you can readily see that the Convention Society cannot afford $180 for a year of magazine. Thusly we have changed it to a monthly sheet. One page each month. Issue #1 will constitute the month of August, #2 being three pages, will represent September, October and November. This is issue #3, which is for December. In January we shall publish either a two or three page issue which will represent their respective months. At the suggestion of Russell Wood on LASFS member who drives 30 miles to go to meeting every week, it was decided that anyone who cares to send in $2.50 will be known as the sponsor, or angel, of that specific issue. The balance of the money will come from the treasury. ANOTHER NEW INNOVATION All persons who join the 4th World Science Fiction Convention Society, but are unable to attend, will be mailed a copy of the official Convention booklet, free. This booklet will sell again this year for 10¢ -The cover will be designed by Bok, so send in your dollar for membership now! NOTICE If this is the first (1st) issue of Pacificonews you have received and you desire to receive more—Just drop us a post card and more issues will be forth-coming to your address, with NO OBLIGATION!
Hevelin Fanzines