Imagination!, v. 1, issue 9, whole 9, June 1938
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IMAGINATION! #9 38 JUNE 5 Forrest J Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART Synopsis of serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" Chapt 6: "Reemen of Mars". Dr Zarkov revives in time to save th paralyzd Flash from being run down by th onrushing boar. Later, in th Claypeopl's land, Flash proves he's on th Clayking's side. Whereupon th King releases Dale & Hap Hapgood. Flash trys to nlist th Forestpeopl's aid in fiteng Azura & Ming. Azura, aware of this, uses her magic to turn th Forestpeopl against him. Wen he ventures into their domain they set fire to th brush around him. A flame-ring hungryly closes in on Flash... #7: "Prisnr of Mongo"--He escapes his fiery death slideng into a great hlow tree that's an ntrance to an undrground cavrn. Later Flash meets frendly Prince Barin, who tels him th Black Safire, a fameustone[[?]] that rests in th forehead of th Forestfolk's idol-god, makes its posesr ivempl[[?]] wich contains th idol. Atakt by th Forestpeopl they take to th trees. Flash grasps a vine & swings in giang arc tord[[?]] templ. Flameng are cuts vine abov his head; he hurtls tord ground-- #8: "Th Blak Safire of Kalu"--His fall is broken by th branches of a tree; he escapes with a few scratchs. Wile his friends fite off th Fp, Flash secures th BS, wich'l make him imune to Azygous' (er, pardn--Azura's) magic. F & his frend Barin capture Azura. F trys to rek[[?]] th lamp that is takeng nitrogen from Tero but is caut by Ming th Mereyles & his aide, Tarnak. They hurl F into th teribl electrode rm & turn on the juice! Flash crumpls to th flr in a blinding flash! Synopsis to b concluded next month... ~~ I take off my crown to Ray Harryhausen, who has seen KING KONG twice as many times as I'v seen THINGS TO COME! If U recall my record (which may still b a record asfaras TTC is concernd but certnly's been shatrd in the specificase of singl fantasy-film atendance), that means this youthful Angeleno, visitr to our first LASFL meeting of May, has witnest that trik fotography triumf 210 times! Still not satiated, Ray is going to th xtreme of produceng his own prehistoric picture! His plot require s amodel time-machine; wil briefly picture Lemuria, story will b filmdon th smallsize coluloid[[?]]. A stegosaurus & pterodactyl model hav already been made. Wen completed, Ray promises to xibit the picture to th Club.. ~~ Flash! Th Kurt Siodmak scientifilm (he rote "Th Egs from Lako Tanganyika") FLOATING PLATFORM #1 DOES NOT REPLY is skedd for general re-release. Gaument [[?]] (it's producer in colabration with UFA) anounces it will produce DETH OF A GOST & MTPY WORLD which, pesimisticly (& with provocation!) we may asume'l b perfectly prosaic pix--but I hope to hav th plesur to report at later date its developt imaginativ themes actually wil bak up their intrig[?]eng titles... ~~ Wen FANTASY foldd ther went with it th medium in wich to anounce th results of Don Green's cinematicontest wich I'd sponsord in our famous 4th Ann Ish. However, as it is IMAGINATION! readr Robt A. Maldo's wish I shoud report on th competition's outcom I gladly resurect what info I still hav in my files on "Fantascience Filmaze". It was a decided success, considrng in most fanmag contest 'tis not unusual for th numbr competeng to run as hi as one! Object of this contest was to test fans' fantascience filmemorys--requireng acurat matching of 45 picture playrs with 45 imaginativ movies in wich they'd apeard. No name coud b used mor'n once so that particular posers wer presented in cases such as Fay Wray's, wher th horor-heroin had playd in 4 of th films listd. Strangely enuf the first fan to ntr cincht fFirst Prize (serial-scenario of Wells' "Miracl-Maker"): LESTER ANDERSON of Hayward/Cal, whose total correct numbrd (dpending on my memry) 39. Next came Phil McKernan of San Mateo/Cal with 28. J. Francis Hatch, #3, 19. Luther A Cloud Jr of Newark/NJ, 4th contenstnt - scord 25. JERRY TURNER's total was 38, in consequence of wich he did rate 2d place & acompanying prize of Mad Love in fiction form from an English cinemag. #6 --a winr!--tied with #8, Mr madle. #6 may'v been Clay Ferguson Jr. Both had 36 all x; I sent m stils from THINGS TO COME. #7 was Miss Margaret Ennis of Bklyn/NY - 33. & #9, th last: Wile no name is apendd to th taly sheet, th impresion comes to me it came from England. Ah, yes; th only oversea submission. Maurice K. Hanson? With 30 rite.
IMAGINATION! #9 38 JUNE 5 Forrest J Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART Synopsis of serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" Chapt 6: "Reemen of Mars". Dr Zarkov revives in time to save th paralyzd Flash from being run down by th onrushing boar. Later, in th Claypeopl's land, Flash proves he's on th Clayking's side. Whereupon th King releases Dale & Hap Hapgood. Flash trys to nlist th Forestpeopl's aid in fiteng Azura & Ming. Azura, aware of this, uses her magic to turn th Forestpeopl against him. Wen he ventures into their domain they set fire to th brush around him. A flame-ring hungryly closes in on Flash... #7: "Prisnr of Mongo"--He escapes his fiery death slideng into a great hlow tree that's an ntrance to an undrground cavrn. Later Flash meets frendly Prince Barin, who tels him th Black Safire, a fameustone[[?]] that rests in th forehead of th Forestfolk's idol-god, makes its posesr ivempl[[?]] wich contains th idol. Atakt by th Forestpeopl they take to th trees. Flash grasps a vine & swings in giang arc tord[[?]] templ. Flameng are cuts vine abov his head; he hurtls tord ground-- #8: "Th Blak Safire of Kalu"--His fall is broken by th branches of a tree; he escapes with a few scratchs. Wile his friends fite off th Fp, Flash secures th BS, wich'l make him imune to Azygous' (er, pardn--Azura's) magic. F & his frend Barin capture Azura. F trys to rek[[?]] th lamp that is takeng nitrogen from Tero but is caut by Ming th Mereyles & his aide, Tarnak. They hurl F into th teribl electrode rm & turn on the juice! Flash crumpls to th flr in a blinding flash! Synopsis to b concluded next month... ~~ I take off my crown to Ray Harryhausen, who has seen KING KONG twice as many times as I'v seen THINGS TO COME! If U recall my record (which may still b a record asfaras TTC is concernd but certnly's been shatrd in the specificase of singl fantasy-film atendance), that means this youthful Angeleno, visitr to our first LASFL meeting of May, has witnest that trik fotography triumf 210 times! Still not satiated, Ray is going to th xtreme of produceng his own prehistoric picture! His plot require s amodel time-machine; wil briefly picture Lemuria, story will b filmdon th smallsize coluloid[[?]]. A stegosaurus & pterodactyl model hav already been made. Wen completed, Ray promises to xibit the picture to th Club.. ~~ Flash! Th Kurt Siodmak scientifilm (he rote "Th Egs from Lako Tanganyika") FLOATING PLATFORM #1 DOES NOT REPLY is skedd for general re-release. Gaument [[?]] (it's producer in colabration with UFA) anounces it will produce DETH OF A GOST & MTPY WORLD which, pesimisticly (& with provocation!) we may asume'l b perfectly prosaic pix--but I hope to hav th plesur to report at later date its developt imaginativ themes actually wil bak up their intrig[?]eng titles... ~~ Wen FANTASY foldd ther went with it th medium in wich to anounce th results of Don Green's cinematicontest wich I'd sponsord in our famous 4th Ann Ish. However, as it is IMAGINATION! readr Robt A. Maldo's wish I shoud report on th competition's outcom I gladly resurect what info I still hav in my files on "Fantascience Filmaze". It was a decided success, considrng in most fanmag contest 'tis not unusual for th numbr competeng to run as hi as one! Object of this contest was to test fans' fantascience filmemorys--requireng acurat matching of 45 picture playrs with 45 imaginativ movies in wich they'd apeard. No name coud b used mor'n once so that particular posers wer presented in cases such as Fay Wray's, wher th horor-heroin had playd in 4 of th films listd. Strangely enuf the first fan to ntr cincht fFirst Prize (serial-scenario of Wells' "Miracl-Maker"): LESTER ANDERSON of Hayward/Cal, whose total correct numbrd (dpending on my memry) 39. Next came Phil McKernan of San Mateo/Cal with 28. J. Francis Hatch, #3, 19. Luther A Cloud Jr of Newark/NJ, 4th contenstnt - scord 25. JERRY TURNER's total was 38, in consequence of wich he did rate 2d place & acompanying prize of Mad Love in fiction form from an English cinemag. #6 --a winr!--tied with #8, Mr madle. #6 may'v been Clay Ferguson Jr. Both had 36 all x; I sent m stils from THINGS TO COME. #7 was Miss Margaret Ennis of Bklyn/NY - 33. & #9, th last: Wile no name is apendd to th taly sheet, th impresion comes to me it came from England. Ah, yes; th only oversea submission. Maurice K. Hanson? With 30 rite.
Hevelin Fanzines