Fantasite, v. 1, issue 2, February 1941
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The Fantasite Contents FEBRUARY 1940 Frontspiece ---- Bob Jones ---- 2 Fanta_Notes ---- Editorial ---- The Editor ---- 4 The Future of Science Fiction ---- Article ---- Clifford D. Simek ---- 5 The Minneapolis Fantasy Society ---- Article ---- Samuel D. Russell ---- 8 Argosy Fiction in 1940 ---- Article ---- Harry Warner, Jr. ---- 10 Thoughts on a Starry Night ---- Poem ----- L. R. Chauvenet ---- 12 The Fneh File ---- Humor ---- Damon Knight ---- 13 Dream Transcript ---- Humor ---- Forrest J Ackerman ---- 15 Fantasips ---- Dept. ---- Donn Braxier ---- 16 Fanzine Review ---- Dept. ---- The Editor ---- 19 "The Door" ---- Article ---- John L. Chapman ---- 20 Recommended Reading ---- Dept. ---- Bob Tucker ---- 21 Fantascripts ---- Dept. ---- The Readers ---- 22 In a House by the Sea ---- L. R. Chauvenet ---- 25 Advertisements ---- Pges. --18--19--21 ---------------- ******** THE FANTASITE ******* VOLUME I No. 2 **** **** A STARLIGHT PUBLICATION OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE MINNEAPOLIS FANTASY SOCIETY Published and edited bi-monthly by Phil Bronson, 224 West 6th St., Hastings, Minnesota. Single copy 10 cts. Three issue subscription 25 cts. Six issues fifty cents. Ad rates: fourth page 25c, one half page 40c, full page 70c. Money for subscriptions or ads may be remitted in the form of [illegible] or small denomination stamps. Exchange of ads or fan mags accepted. Opinions of writers in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor.
The Fantasite Contents FEBRUARY 1940 Frontspiece ---- Bob Jones ---- 2 Fanta_Notes ---- Editorial ---- The Editor ---- 4 The Future of Science Fiction ---- Article ---- Clifford D. Simek ---- 5 The Minneapolis Fantasy Society ---- Article ---- Samuel D. Russell ---- 8 Argosy Fiction in 1940 ---- Article ---- Harry Warner, Jr. ---- 10 Thoughts on a Starry Night ---- Poem ----- L. R. Chauvenet ---- 12 The Fneh File ---- Humor ---- Damon Knight ---- 13 Dream Transcript ---- Humor ---- Forrest J Ackerman ---- 15 Fantasips ---- Dept. ---- Donn Braxier ---- 16 Fanzine Review ---- Dept. ---- The Editor ---- 19 "The Door" ---- Article ---- John L. Chapman ---- 20 Recommended Reading ---- Dept. ---- Bob Tucker ---- 21 Fantascripts ---- Dept. ---- The Readers ---- 22 In a House by the Sea ---- L. R. Chauvenet ---- 25 Advertisements ---- Pges. --18--19--21 ---------------- ******** THE FANTASITE ******* VOLUME I No. 2 **** **** A STARLIGHT PUBLICATION OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE MINNEAPOLIS FANTASY SOCIETY Published and edited bi-monthly by Phil Bronson, 224 West 6th St., Hastings, Minnesota. Single copy 10 cts. Three issue subscription 25 cts. Six issues fifty cents. Ad rates: fourth page 25c, one half page 40c, full page 70c. Money for subscriptions or ads may be remitted in the form of [illegible] or small denomination stamps. Exchange of ads or fan mags accepted. Opinions of writers in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor.
Hevelin Fanzines