Fantasite, v. 1, issue 2, February 1941
Page 15
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15.......... THE FANTASITE DREAM TRANSCRIPT (A Sandmanuscript) by Forrest J Ackerman Someone was dead. It was because of my experiment, & so they were after me. Down the dark street I ran, my invisible pursuers not far behind. With a purpose in mind, I made heavy imprints in the soft grass as I ran alongside the sidewalk. 3/4s the way down the block, I scooted across the street on tiptoes. At this point I encountered a stitch in time and abruptly found myself back running down the dark street, my invisible pursuers not far behind. When once again I was within a quarter block of the end of the street, and sped across it on tiptoes, I continued my flite. Tearing along on my toes (strange I did not elect to fly, an ability I have in dreams) I soon reacht the end of the block. Then, calmly, I walkt across the street, confident my pursuers, if they saw me, would not take me for he whom they saut (I being so bold). [Drawing of green man with big ears holding sign saying, "Read VOM!"] But suddenly I was recognized! I ran and jumpt up on the roof of the garage. The garage on Hobart St. They surrounded it--I was trapt! I stared down at them, heart pounding. One started to climb up after me. Wildly I ran to the other end of the garage. There was another garage top about 10' away. I nue I never coud leap that distance, but I threatened to. "If I leap and die" I cryd "U will never learn the secret of immortality!" (Which was silly, because I didn't noe the secret of immortality myself. My experiment, U noe, had been to bring the Martians to life.) Well, while they hesitated, I jumpt from the roof top into the open coupe, stompt on the accelerator (I guess; I as who has never driven an auto) & rrrrrr'd up the street. They followed. Ensued a wild chase. With my heel I pusht the accelerator (?) to the floorboard. I slowd for nothing. Once I tryd shifting to 2d. This momentarily gave me more speed, but soon slowd me down, so I reverted to first. Then I got in a hilly district, with winding roads; and this speld my eventual doom. Suffice it to say they finally caut me. So we stood around the rectangular table in the hall in the hospital & lookt at the Martian seeds. They were about the size of unsheld almonds, coated white. My captors admitted the professor had been crazy, given me the rong formula, which was why someone had died; still, I must die. Because the Martian seeds lookt so much like salted pine-nuts, I put one in my mouth and lickt it. A portion of the shell dissolved and I felt a tiny moving object on my tongue. Hastily I spat it out; it lit on the table top; scurryd across it. It had come alive! Where all others had failed, I had brot the Martian to life! We crowded around and watcht it in ecstasy. Small, it was; small round white creature, no bigger'n a mothball, no features, just all delicate quills, like a porcupine. I put another Martian seed in my mouth, wet it, took it out, observed how the saliva dissolved a side.... & another Martian was released and rold about on the table top! I was so proud. Then she led me away to be executed. "You should write it a note," she said. "Tell it you were its father. So it will know, when it grows up." "Do you think it will ever be able to read?" I askt. & then I broke down and wept bitterly, for I was about to die, & never to see my "son" a grown Martian. Sadly I awoke. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
15.......... THE FANTASITE DREAM TRANSCRIPT (A Sandmanuscript) by Forrest J Ackerman Someone was dead. It was because of my experiment, & so they were after me. Down the dark street I ran, my invisible pursuers not far behind. With a purpose in mind, I made heavy imprints in the soft grass as I ran alongside the sidewalk. 3/4s the way down the block, I scooted across the street on tiptoes. At this point I encountered a stitch in time and abruptly found myself back running down the dark street, my invisible pursuers not far behind. When once again I was within a quarter block of the end of the street, and sped across it on tiptoes, I continued my flite. Tearing along on my toes (strange I did not elect to fly, an ability I have in dreams) I soon reacht the end of the block. Then, calmly, I walkt across the street, confident my pursuers, if they saw me, would not take me for he whom they saut (I being so bold). [Drawing of green man with big ears holding sign saying, "Read VOM!"] But suddenly I was recognized! I ran and jumpt up on the roof of the garage. The garage on Hobart St. They surrounded it--I was trapt! I stared down at them, heart pounding. One started to climb up after me. Wildly I ran to the other end of the garage. There was another garage top about 10' away. I nue I never coud leap that distance, but I threatened to. "If I leap and die" I cryd "U will never learn the secret of immortality!" (Which was silly, because I didn't noe the secret of immortality myself. My experiment, U noe, had been to bring the Martians to life.) Well, while they hesitated, I jumpt from the roof top into the open coupe, stompt on the accelerator (I guess; I as who has never driven an auto) & rrrrrr'd up the street. They followed. Ensued a wild chase. With my heel I pusht the accelerator (?) to the floorboard. I slowd for nothing. Once I tryd shifting to 2d. This momentarily gave me more speed, but soon slowd me down, so I reverted to first. Then I got in a hilly district, with winding roads; and this speld my eventual doom. Suffice it to say they finally caut me. So we stood around the rectangular table in the hall in the hospital & lookt at the Martian seeds. They were about the size of unsheld almonds, coated white. My captors admitted the professor had been crazy, given me the rong formula, which was why someone had died; still, I must die. Because the Martian seeds lookt so much like salted pine-nuts, I put one in my mouth and lickt it. A portion of the shell dissolved and I felt a tiny moving object on my tongue. Hastily I spat it out; it lit on the table top; scurryd across it. It had come alive! Where all others had failed, I had brot the Martian to life! We crowded around and watcht it in ecstasy. Small, it was; small round white creature, no bigger'n a mothball, no features, just all delicate quills, like a porcupine. I put another Martian seed in my mouth, wet it, took it out, observed how the saliva dissolved a side.... & another Martian was released and rold about on the table top! I was so proud. Then she led me away to be executed. "You should write it a note," she said. "Tell it you were its father. So it will know, when it grows up." "Do you think it will ever be able to read?" I askt. & then I broke down and wept bitterly, for I was about to die, & never to see my "son" a grown Martian. Sadly I awoke. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hevelin Fanzines