Fantasite, v. 1, issue 2, February 1941
Page 22
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FANTASITE 22 FANTASCRIPTS BOB TUCKER The first glimpse of the first issue of THE FANTASITE so completely captured my imagination that I sat me down at once and poured entirely thru it without stopping. I sincerely congratulate you upon such a beauty of a fanmag, and am gladder than I can put into words that you paid no head to me when I wanted to to continue comics or illustrate articles. This is so superior!! It is probably the very best hektoed magazine in the mails today, unless I was just lucky in getting on of the first copies ((The difference between the first and the last copies was hardly niticeable, Bob!)) the work thru-out is marvelous! Oh hell... I like it ((Thanx)) By the by, this story "Confessions of a Ghost Writer" by 'Vanpyer' ....please tell me where you picked that up! When I opened the yarn the first line jumped up at me and said "this is familar". And I read the second line and said "Oh hell yes!" and hastily going thru the third line something exploded like this: "by cracky-- the guy printed a manuscript you was going to print!" Surprised isn't the word for it. I knew the story by heart, having read it a dozen times. I looked all thru the files of my 'material' for future issues and couldn't find the manuscript. Then I had another thought: perhaps its is a reprint from D'JOURNAL or LEZ. So I looked all thru those magazines and couldn't find it. Then I was genuinely puzzled! I knew I had read the story and at one time had it in my possession for publication. Therefore, how did it get out of my hands into yours? I can think of only one answer off-hand, I must have rejected the article, and the writer (I believe it was Bradbury sent it to Martin, who sent it to you? Eh? ((All I knew at first was that I got the thing from Martin, but it was really Widner who wrote it" See his letter in this [?])) Well, anyhow, "Fantasips" was the [?] in the issue. Why not call the reader section "Fantascripts"? ((Done! Thanx!)) LOUIS RUSSELL CHAUVENET Fantasite is the loveliest example of hectoing to turn up in my mail since the last Fanfare, and inasmuch as you seem to be using a Ditto filmograph in competition with a $200 rotary duplicator, this is no small praise. Incidentally, Detours is of necessity going bi-monthly, and I hope to get the Dec issue out before January ( it will probably turn up in your mail about Jan 20, and the Feb issue may arrive during May. But -----I'll try to do better!) I thought the Tucker and Bronson and Brasier material good, the rest of the issue more or less filler. Wright is a lousy artist, by the by note, for example, the drawing on pge 21 - the bored indifference of the wooden faced "humans" makes them looks like puppets. And less important where is the little cloud of violet mist? ((It's right there!!)) Incidental note: A picayuns is 6 1/4 not 6 1/2 cents ((T'was a typographical error)) A picayune used to be a half a bit, and two bits make a quarter. The pucayuns was once in common use in Louisiana and this is reflected in the name of a leading New Orleans newspaper, still called the Times-Picayuns, from the days when it sold for a picayunem the the coin is of course not used anymore and the price has gone down. JOHN CHAPMAN Received the Fantasite today. Had a little more time to peruse it than I did at the meeting ((of the Mpls Fantasy Society )) so I have the "club organ" a good once over. It's really swell. The cover is the most attractive I've seen on a fan mag in a long time. What's more the drawing is excellent - nothing amateurish about that ship. The interior offers plenty of variety -- and a lot of good reading. All in all, the magazine is entirely new. The only thing about it reminiscent of the trash -------next page -------
FANTASITE 22 FANTASCRIPTS BOB TUCKER The first glimpse of the first issue of THE FANTASITE so completely captured my imagination that I sat me down at once and poured entirely thru it without stopping. I sincerely congratulate you upon such a beauty of a fanmag, and am gladder than I can put into words that you paid no head to me when I wanted to to continue comics or illustrate articles. This is so superior!! It is probably the very best hektoed magazine in the mails today, unless I was just lucky in getting on of the first copies ((The difference between the first and the last copies was hardly niticeable, Bob!)) the work thru-out is marvelous! Oh hell... I like it ((Thanx)) By the by, this story "Confessions of a Ghost Writer" by 'Vanpyer' ....please tell me where you picked that up! When I opened the yarn the first line jumped up at me and said "this is familar". And I read the second line and said "Oh hell yes!" and hastily going thru the third line something exploded like this: "by cracky-- the guy printed a manuscript you was going to print!" Surprised isn't the word for it. I knew the story by heart, having read it a dozen times. I looked all thru the files of my 'material' for future issues and couldn't find the manuscript. Then I had another thought: perhaps its is a reprint from D'JOURNAL or LEZ. So I looked all thru those magazines and couldn't find it. Then I was genuinely puzzled! I knew I had read the story and at one time had it in my possession for publication. Therefore, how did it get out of my hands into yours? I can think of only one answer off-hand, I must have rejected the article, and the writer (I believe it was Bradbury sent it to Martin, who sent it to you? Eh? ((All I knew at first was that I got the thing from Martin, but it was really Widner who wrote it" See his letter in this [?])) Well, anyhow, "Fantasips" was the [?] in the issue. Why not call the reader section "Fantascripts"? ((Done! Thanx!)) LOUIS RUSSELL CHAUVENET Fantasite is the loveliest example of hectoing to turn up in my mail since the last Fanfare, and inasmuch as you seem to be using a Ditto filmograph in competition with a $200 rotary duplicator, this is no small praise. Incidentally, Detours is of necessity going bi-monthly, and I hope to get the Dec issue out before January ( it will probably turn up in your mail about Jan 20, and the Feb issue may arrive during May. But -----I'll try to do better!) I thought the Tucker and Bronson and Brasier material good, the rest of the issue more or less filler. Wright is a lousy artist, by the by note, for example, the drawing on pge 21 - the bored indifference of the wooden faced "humans" makes them looks like puppets. And less important where is the little cloud of violet mist? ((It's right there!!)) Incidental note: A picayuns is 6 1/4 not 6 1/2 cents ((T'was a typographical error)) A picayune used to be a half a bit, and two bits make a quarter. The pucayuns was once in common use in Louisiana and this is reflected in the name of a leading New Orleans newspaper, still called the Times-Picayuns, from the days when it sold for a picayunem the the coin is of course not used anymore and the price has gone down. JOHN CHAPMAN Received the Fantasite today. Had a little more time to peruse it than I did at the meeting ((of the Mpls Fantasy Society )) so I have the "club organ" a good once over. It's really swell. The cover is the most attractive I've seen on a fan mag in a long time. What's more the drawing is excellent - nothing amateurish about that ship. The interior offers plenty of variety -- and a lot of good reading. All in all, the magazine is entirely new. The only thing about it reminiscent of the trash -------next page -------
Hevelin Fanzines