Fantasite, v. 1, issue 2, February 1941
Page 24
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BILL GROVEMAN - Your Fantasite came just as I was leaving for New York this ayem and I read it on the train. From the disapproving look of the woman sitting next to me I gather that she doesn't approve of fandom. To hell with her, nobody told her to read over my shoulder... I like the mag, the color combinations are dandy, it is all interesting. Brazier's "colyum" was outstanding. BARRY SCHAMRJE -- After finishing The Fantasite here's the verdict:- excellent mag. The cover is a work of art. Second page-- your Martians are well drawn. Contents page -- such a rainbow of color. Swell, Phil, the material and other illustrations are super duper. And I'm not kidding either. TUCKER again -- Glad to hear that FANTASITE is going over; it is really the most beautiful hecto-mag I've seen to date and there have been some beauties in the past! GERRY DE LA REE. JR - Liked your FANTASITE very much. The cover was a honey Howja ever do it? Will be awaiting the next anxiously. Back to the longer letters ........ HARRY WARNER After two years and a little more in the fan field I still have a horrible habit of going into detail as to my opinions on every fan magazine I get, and the tendency hasn't let up yet. Long-suffering editors will be very happy when it does, no doubt; I don't blame them ((I doubt that very much, Harry!)) Possibly the biggest thing in this magazine's favor is the extremely nice format -- I still prefer a hektoed to a mimeod magazine, providing it's fairly readable. Your illustrations are all swell, I noticed almost no typographical errors and if you can add even margins to all this later on it should be heaven too. Oh, yes, the pink covers set the whole thing off very nicely. As to material I liked [?] Tucker and Brazier. Any Chicon articles are bound to appeal even though you'd think fandom would be tired of them by this time and the type article Donn is [?] out I enjoy always. As for the rest -- well, Ray was delightfully nutty; Confessions of a Ghost Writer a bit less so. That idea's been worked to death, anyway Ditto Intrigue on a S Liner. Tom's full pager fine, except for the gentleman and the lady; I've yet to find a fan artist who can draw humans correctly except Damon Knight. Reviewing the fan mags is always a pleasant and convenient means of filling up that blank page or so, and you do it very well. Thanks very much for the nice review of Spaceways. The thought suddenly struck me that something should be done about this new habit of naming every new fan magazine "Fan something" We have on the market Fantaseer, Fantasite, Fanfare, Fanatic and about a million starting with "Fantasy" Oh well, pleasant confusion and it may mean your getting some dimes by mistake! ((H-m-m-m .... you've got something there!!)) SAM RUSSELL Let me congratulate you again on the makeup of The Fantasite. The more I look at it the more I like it; it's one of the few fan mags I've seen that is really pleasing physically to the eye. I hope you can continue to take such pains with it. The only slightly discordant note is the picture on page one; it strikes me as a little too extravagantly fantastic (especially the two figures), despite the skill of the drawing itself. I hope you are going to have another "symbolic" cover design ((Thanx, Sam and as you can see, I've taken a few more pains with this issue.)) PHIL SCHUMANN The FANTASITE . Ahh... Mon Cherie, the cover was excelllent. The contents page outdid itself. Nifty idea PB. Ye editorial was also good. Let's have more nexttime... Tucker's titbit on the Chicon takes high honors. No matter how many times I hear the Chicon hashed around, it is always a different version... and always interesting. And now for that stinkeroo The Tale of The Terrible Type.. It was positively... well HORRIBLE !!! I don't care if Ray Bradbury did write it, he knows at what address to take out his vengeance on me. Fan mag reviews was O.k., why not keep it up in the
BILL GROVEMAN - Your Fantasite came just as I was leaving for New York this ayem and I read it on the train. From the disapproving look of the woman sitting next to me I gather that she doesn't approve of fandom. To hell with her, nobody told her to read over my shoulder... I like the mag, the color combinations are dandy, it is all interesting. Brazier's "colyum" was outstanding. BARRY SCHAMRJE -- After finishing The Fantasite here's the verdict:- excellent mag. The cover is a work of art. Second page-- your Martians are well drawn. Contents page -- such a rainbow of color. Swell, Phil, the material and other illustrations are super duper. And I'm not kidding either. TUCKER again -- Glad to hear that FANTASITE is going over; it is really the most beautiful hecto-mag I've seen to date and there have been some beauties in the past! GERRY DE LA REE. JR - Liked your FANTASITE very much. The cover was a honey Howja ever do it? Will be awaiting the next anxiously. Back to the longer letters ........ HARRY WARNER After two years and a little more in the fan field I still have a horrible habit of going into detail as to my opinions on every fan magazine I get, and the tendency hasn't let up yet. Long-suffering editors will be very happy when it does, no doubt; I don't blame them ((I doubt that very much, Harry!)) Possibly the biggest thing in this magazine's favor is the extremely nice format -- I still prefer a hektoed to a mimeod magazine, providing it's fairly readable. Your illustrations are all swell, I noticed almost no typographical errors and if you can add even margins to all this later on it should be heaven too. Oh, yes, the pink covers set the whole thing off very nicely. As to material I liked [?] Tucker and Brazier. Any Chicon articles are bound to appeal even though you'd think fandom would be tired of them by this time and the type article Donn is [?] out I enjoy always. As for the rest -- well, Ray was delightfully nutty; Confessions of a Ghost Writer a bit less so. That idea's been worked to death, anyway Ditto Intrigue on a S Liner. Tom's full pager fine, except for the gentleman and the lady; I've yet to find a fan artist who can draw humans correctly except Damon Knight. Reviewing the fan mags is always a pleasant and convenient means of filling up that blank page or so, and you do it very well. Thanks very much for the nice review of Spaceways. The thought suddenly struck me that something should be done about this new habit of naming every new fan magazine "Fan something" We have on the market Fantaseer, Fantasite, Fanfare, Fanatic and about a million starting with "Fantasy" Oh well, pleasant confusion and it may mean your getting some dimes by mistake! ((H-m-m-m .... you've got something there!!)) SAM RUSSELL Let me congratulate you again on the makeup of The Fantasite. The more I look at it the more I like it; it's one of the few fan mags I've seen that is really pleasing physically to the eye. I hope you can continue to take such pains with it. The only slightly discordant note is the picture on page one; it strikes me as a little too extravagantly fantastic (especially the two figures), despite the skill of the drawing itself. I hope you are going to have another "symbolic" cover design ((Thanx, Sam and as you can see, I've taken a few more pains with this issue.)) PHIL SCHUMANN The FANTASITE . Ahh... Mon Cherie, the cover was excelllent. The contents page outdid itself. Nifty idea PB. Ye editorial was also good. Let's have more nexttime... Tucker's titbit on the Chicon takes high honors. No matter how many times I hear the Chicon hashed around, it is always a different version... and always interesting. And now for that stinkeroo The Tale of The Terrible Type.. It was positively... well HORRIBLE !!! I don't care if Ray Bradbury did write it, he knows at what address to take out his vengeance on me. Fan mag reviews was O.k., why not keep it up in the
Hevelin Fanzines