National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 2, February-March 1946
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THE BLATANT BEAST Art Widner, of course QX -- Ken Kreuger, (Pvt), Sec. D, Co. N, WDPC, Fort Devens, Mass. mimeo, std, 3/10c. 8pp. #27 consists of one page of plugs for Buffalo Book Co., and two pages of ads for same. #28 is about the same with a paragraf or two of chatter thrown in. #29 sports a very poor cover by Krueger, a ficitonized account of a fan meeting with a prize for guessing where Kreuger left off writing it and Perry began, or vice-versa. The rest of it is a little chatter and several drawings no better than the cover. FANEWS -- Walter Dunkelberger, 1443 4th Ave So., Fargo, N. D. mimeo, std, 5c -- 25/$1, 6pp avg. The last one of these I received is dated 25 Nov. There is a feud on between Walt and Jack Speer, but I'm damned if I can figure it out. It seems they just don't like each other and Jack will get a sly dig in now and then and Walt will hit the ceiling. Why don't you drop it, boys? I've seen more sensible stuff coming from Schmarje and Ludowitz. STEFNEWS -- Jack Speer, 5229 University Way, Seattle 5, Wash. heckto, std, free, 2-4 pp. More regular, and news items better arranged than above. BLOOMINGTON NEWS LETTER -- Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill mimeo, std, exchange only, 1p. Similar to STEFNEWS, but only one issue so far -- Dec 15. THE SCIENTIFICTIONIST -- Henry Elsner Jr., 13618 Cedar Grove, Detroit 5, Mich. mimeo, std., 10c -- 3/25c, 15pp. This 2nd issue is an improvement over the first, which means it's pretty good. John Stadter criticizes thud and blunder policy and sexy covers from the standpoint of a new fan. Laney compares book and pulp stf to the detriment of the latter.
THE BLATANT BEAST Art Widner, of course QX -- Ken Kreuger, (Pvt), Sec. D, Co. N, WDPC, Fort Devens, Mass. mimeo, std, 3/10c. 8pp. #27 consists of one page of plugs for Buffalo Book Co., and two pages of ads for same. #28 is about the same with a paragraf or two of chatter thrown in. #29 sports a very poor cover by Krueger, a ficitonized account of a fan meeting with a prize for guessing where Kreuger left off writing it and Perry began, or vice-versa. The rest of it is a little chatter and several drawings no better than the cover. FANEWS -- Walter Dunkelberger, 1443 4th Ave So., Fargo, N. D. mimeo, std, 5c -- 25/$1, 6pp avg. The last one of these I received is dated 25 Nov. There is a feud on between Walt and Jack Speer, but I'm damned if I can figure it out. It seems they just don't like each other and Jack will get a sly dig in now and then and Walt will hit the ceiling. Why don't you drop it, boys? I've seen more sensible stuff coming from Schmarje and Ludowitz. STEFNEWS -- Jack Speer, 5229 University Way, Seattle 5, Wash. heckto, std, free, 2-4 pp. More regular, and news items better arranged than above. BLOOMINGTON NEWS LETTER -- Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill mimeo, std, exchange only, 1p. Similar to STEFNEWS, but only one issue so far -- Dec 15. THE SCIENTIFICTIONIST -- Henry Elsner Jr., 13618 Cedar Grove, Detroit 5, Mich. mimeo, std., 10c -- 3/25c, 15pp. This 2nd issue is an improvement over the first, which means it's pretty good. John Stadter criticizes thud and blunder policy and sexy covers from the standpoint of a new fan. Laney compares book and pulp stf to the detriment of the latter.
Hevelin Fanzines