National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 4, June 1946
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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Fellow NFFFers: A bombshell was tossed into Directorial procedure during the past couple of weeks by Director F.T. Laney. He blithely announced that following the Pacificon "I can guarantee that there will be another and better organization springing up to take the place of the NFFF." Accompanying that statement were derogatory remarks concerning myself and the organization. Possibly the former were deserved, but the latter were definitely unbecoming an elected official. As I definitely have a personal interest in the matter and doubt if it would be possible for me to compose an unbiased report of the matter at this time I have asked Director Tarr to report to the NFFF on it. There hasn't been much of anything to report to the members since my emergency bulletin of May 22nd except for some new developments along lines already mentioned. Milton A. Rothman has kindly consented to become our Official Editor, and his appointment has been approved by the Board of Directors. Milty will give you his own statement of polict somewhere within this issue. Our projects are coming along fine. The Evans' Biblio is now being stenciled. Lynn Bridges' work on the introductions is progressing very nicely and actual check listings are ready and awaiting his completion so that they can be stenciled to fit the pages. An innovation has been suggested and is being considered to leave appropriate blanks at the end of each check list for new issues as they appear so that recipients can keep their check lists up to date for several years in the future. A suggestion has been forthcoming from a lithographer concerning the reprint edition of the FIRST FINLAY PORTFOLIO. The original edition of 8 Finlay illustrations from the pages of FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES was published on 9 x 12 glazed paper. The lithographer suggests that by elimination of a small portion of white space surrounding the illustrations without cutting the actual picture size he can reduce the cost by approximately one third. This will mean an 8 1/2 x 11 inch finished size and a few more dollars for use on our official organ or some other project. I have taken the liberty of approving such a move, since it doesn't actually change the project in any manner. Word has been received from Mary Gnaedinger that FFM is happy to insert an ad in FFM telling of the reprint edition of the FIRST FINLAY PORTFOLIO giving prices and suggesting that readers apply for membership in the NFFF. Art Widner's name and address are included so that readers may write for information and application blanks. 1
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Fellow NFFFers: A bombshell was tossed into Directorial procedure during the past couple of weeks by Director F.T. Laney. He blithely announced that following the Pacificon "I can guarantee that there will be another and better organization springing up to take the place of the NFFF." Accompanying that statement were derogatory remarks concerning myself and the organization. Possibly the former were deserved, but the latter were definitely unbecoming an elected official. As I definitely have a personal interest in the matter and doubt if it would be possible for me to compose an unbiased report of the matter at this time I have asked Director Tarr to report to the NFFF on it. There hasn't been much of anything to report to the members since my emergency bulletin of May 22nd except for some new developments along lines already mentioned. Milton A. Rothman has kindly consented to become our Official Editor, and his appointment has been approved by the Board of Directors. Milty will give you his own statement of polict somewhere within this issue. Our projects are coming along fine. The Evans' Biblio is now being stenciled. Lynn Bridges' work on the introductions is progressing very nicely and actual check listings are ready and awaiting his completion so that they can be stenciled to fit the pages. An innovation has been suggested and is being considered to leave appropriate blanks at the end of each check list for new issues as they appear so that recipients can keep their check lists up to date for several years in the future. A suggestion has been forthcoming from a lithographer concerning the reprint edition of the FIRST FINLAY PORTFOLIO. The original edition of 8 Finlay illustrations from the pages of FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES was published on 9 x 12 glazed paper. The lithographer suggests that by elimination of a small portion of white space surrounding the illustrations without cutting the actual picture size he can reduce the cost by approximately one third. This will mean an 8 1/2 x 11 inch finished size and a few more dollars for use on our official organ or some other project. I have taken the liberty of approving such a move, since it doesn't actually change the project in any manner. Word has been received from Mary Gnaedinger that FFM is happy to insert an ad in FFM telling of the reprint edition of the FIRST FINLAY PORTFOLIO giving prices and suggesting that readers apply for membership in the NFFF. Art Widner's name and address are included so that readers may write for information and application blanks. 1
Hevelin Fanzines