National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 4, June 1946
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office becomes vacant, the Directors shall fill it by appointment. In case the Directors fail to notify the senior officer of their decision within three weeks of being notified of the vacancy, the senior officer shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy. Section 7: The officers shall rank in the order in which they appear in this constitution, and the directors shall rank according to the number of votes by which they are elected. The Director receiving the greatest number of votes shall be Chairman of the Board. ARTICLE IV ** Appointive Officers and Committees The President shall be empowered to appoint officers and committees necessary to carry on the work of the League. He may remove them without cause. ARTICLE V -- Elections Section 1: Before November 1 the President shall appoint a Custodian of Ballots resident in the convention city selected by the previous convention or, in default of a convention, by mail ballot of the members. He shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer of such appointment before November 1. Section 2: Before December 1 the Secretary-Treasurer shall mail to each member in good standing two copies of a mail ballot on which the member may indicate his choices for officers, for convention city, and for proposed amendments to the constitution. No candidates name shall appear on the ballot. Section 3: Members who will not be present at the convention may vote by mail, sending one signed ballot to the Secretary-Treasurer at his permanent address, the other signed ballot to the Custodian of Ballots designated by the President. The latter ballot must be received by the Custodian of Ballots before the roll is called in the first day of the convention, at which time members in attendance who wish to vote in person may withdraw their mail ballots. Section 4: At the first session of the convention the presiding officer shall appoint a Proxy Committee under the chairmanship of the Vice President. (Robert's Rules of Order provide that the first order of business on the first day of a convention is to appoint temporary officers, so that a full slate may be present. Thus, the chairman of the Proxy Committee would be the Vice President thus appointed and the Secretary-Treasurer might also be a temporary officer.) The Secretary-Treasurer shall also be a member and the official list of members in good standing shall become part of the records of the Proxy Committee. The Proxy committee shall count all legal votes sent by mail and shall certify the results to the first session of the following day. 7
office becomes vacant, the Directors shall fill it by appointment. In case the Directors fail to notify the senior officer of their decision within three weeks of being notified of the vacancy, the senior officer shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy. Section 7: The officers shall rank in the order in which they appear in this constitution, and the directors shall rank according to the number of votes by which they are elected. The Director receiving the greatest number of votes shall be Chairman of the Board. ARTICLE IV ** Appointive Officers and Committees The President shall be empowered to appoint officers and committees necessary to carry on the work of the League. He may remove them without cause. ARTICLE V -- Elections Section 1: Before November 1 the President shall appoint a Custodian of Ballots resident in the convention city selected by the previous convention or, in default of a convention, by mail ballot of the members. He shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer of such appointment before November 1. Section 2: Before December 1 the Secretary-Treasurer shall mail to each member in good standing two copies of a mail ballot on which the member may indicate his choices for officers, for convention city, and for proposed amendments to the constitution. No candidates name shall appear on the ballot. Section 3: Members who will not be present at the convention may vote by mail, sending one signed ballot to the Secretary-Treasurer at his permanent address, the other signed ballot to the Custodian of Ballots designated by the President. The latter ballot must be received by the Custodian of Ballots before the roll is called in the first day of the convention, at which time members in attendance who wish to vote in person may withdraw their mail ballots. Section 4: At the first session of the convention the presiding officer shall appoint a Proxy Committee under the chairmanship of the Vice President. (Robert's Rules of Order provide that the first order of business on the first day of a convention is to appoint temporary officers, so that a full slate may be present. Thus, the chairman of the Proxy Committee would be the Vice President thus appointed and the Secretary-Treasurer might also be a temporary officer.) The Secretary-Treasurer shall also be a member and the official list of members in good standing shall become part of the records of the Proxy Committee. The Proxy committee shall count all legal votes sent by mail and shall certify the results to the first session of the following day. 7
Hevelin Fanzines