Chicano Heritage coloring book, probably 1970s
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the affective development of the child (self-concept, self confidence). The affective development of the child must be positive if any learning is to take place, and if the child cannot identify with the classroom environment and the instruction or the curriculum of the schools, and if he continues to get negative messages about the things that make him culturally different - his language, his food, his values, his familia, his history, his culture - the Chicano child will not learn. He will be left behind in the classroom and eventually will end up out of the schools. And yet, the Chicano child has a very rich and a definite part of the instruction of the child so that the affective development must be the foremost consideration for the culturally different Chicano child. The Chicano Heritage Coloring Book is designed with this in mind. Themes of the CHICANO HERITAGE Coloring Book To understand the Chicano is to look at his historical past that reveals the many dimensions of his culture. The Chicano Heritage Book focuses attention on various important themes that give life to those dimensions of the Chicano. The book stresses influences and forces that have gone into making the Chicano child culturally different. By focusing attention in a positive way to these themes, the child will understand and place himself in perspective with the dominant society of today. He will see himself and his community as a people whose heritage crosses political borders, 36
the affective development of the child (self-concept, self confidence). The affective development of the child must be positive if any learning is to take place, and if the child cannot identify with the classroom environment and the instruction or the curriculum of the schools, and if he continues to get negative messages about the things that make him culturally different - his language, his food, his values, his familia, his history, his culture - the Chicano child will not learn. He will be left behind in the classroom and eventually will end up out of the schools. And yet, the Chicano child has a very rich and a definite part of the instruction of the child so that the affective development must be the foremost consideration for the culturally different Chicano child. The Chicano Heritage Coloring Book is designed with this in mind. Themes of the CHICANO HERITAGE Coloring Book To understand the Chicano is to look at his historical past that reveals the many dimensions of his culture. The Chicano Heritage Book focuses attention on various important themes that give life to those dimensions of the Chicano. The book stresses influences and forces that have gone into making the Chicano child culturally different. By focusing attention in a positive way to these themes, the child will understand and place himself in perspective with the dominant society of today. He will see himself and his community as a people whose heritage crosses political borders, 36
Campus Culture