Latino-Native American Cultural Center newspaper clippings, 1972-1988
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AP wirephoto 9/24/73 Kennedy supports Chavez U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., reaffirmed his support Saturday for the struggle of Cesar Chavez (left) to regain farm labor contracts lost to the Teamsters Union in the lettuce fight. Kennedy reminded delegates to the United Farmworkers of America convention that his brother, the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, backed their original strike and boycott during his campaign for the 1968 Democratic Presidential nomination.
AP wirephoto 9/24/73 Kennedy supports Chavez U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., reaffirmed his support Saturday for the struggle of Cesar Chavez (left) to regain farm labor contracts lost to the Teamsters Union in the lettuce fight. Kennedy reminded delegates to the United Farmworkers of America convention that his brother, the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, backed their original strike and boycott during his campaign for the 1968 Democratic Presidential nomination.
Campus Culture