The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 5
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THE ALCHEMIST --------------— page 5 AS THE ALCHEMIST SEES IT by Lew Martin How I’m going to cram on these two pages all I want to say is going to he a feat, so I had better start right off without any flowery adjectives. If you have looked at the Staff Page, you know Al has gone quarterly. Why? There are various factors that go in here, but mainly from lack of time and money. Perhaps soon we will he able to go on a hi-monthly basis. This will depend on future events unpredictable now. We figure that if we take our time and put out a good(?) issue, it will be better accepted than rushing thru and putting out three punk issues——what do you think? Heedless to say, in this big issue, we have almost used up our reserve material and we will have to have more if we expect to have anywhere near this big an issue for Fall. While I’m talking about the Fall ish, I might give you a tentative lineup as far as we know. The cover is a lulu by Damon Knight. We will have articles by Lowndes, Moskowitz, & Widner. All the Depts will be there including a new one by Hunt concerning old s-f movies. While we were thumbing thru a copy of Strange Stories (which is the first issue we’ve looked at closely) we saw to our horror and amazement that it had a "Black Arts Department"! Naturally we are changing the name of our department. Next issue it will be "The Supernatural Sciences". 1 hereby apologize to Art Widner for ommitting the eleventh line of his poem, Midnight, which I am reprinting this ish as it should have been in the first place. And while we’re speaking of poems, you might be interested to know that "Music of the Spheres" is Harry Warner’s first poem which by several unfortunate accidents, thru no fault of its own, has gone unpublished. Harry has now clicked with Weird Tales and we wish him further luck and hope to have another of his poems for "The Poet’s Corner" of next ish.
THE ALCHEMIST --------------— page 5 AS THE ALCHEMIST SEES IT by Lew Martin How I’m going to cram on these two pages all I want to say is going to he a feat, so I had better start right off without any flowery adjectives. If you have looked at the Staff Page, you know Al has gone quarterly. Why? There are various factors that go in here, but mainly from lack of time and money. Perhaps soon we will he able to go on a hi-monthly basis. This will depend on future events unpredictable now. We figure that if we take our time and put out a good(?) issue, it will be better accepted than rushing thru and putting out three punk issues——what do you think? Heedless to say, in this big issue, we have almost used up our reserve material and we will have to have more if we expect to have anywhere near this big an issue for Fall. While I’m talking about the Fall ish, I might give you a tentative lineup as far as we know. The cover is a lulu by Damon Knight. We will have articles by Lowndes, Moskowitz, & Widner. All the Depts will be there including a new one by Hunt concerning old s-f movies. While we were thumbing thru a copy of Strange Stories (which is the first issue we’ve looked at closely) we saw to our horror and amazement that it had a "Black Arts Department"! Naturally we are changing the name of our department. Next issue it will be "The Supernatural Sciences". 1 hereby apologize to Art Widner for ommitting the eleventh line of his poem, Midnight, which I am reprinting this ish as it should have been in the first place. And while we’re speaking of poems, you might be interested to know that "Music of the Spheres" is Harry Warner’s first poem which by several unfortunate accidents, thru no fault of its own, has gone unpublished. Harry has now clicked with Weird Tales and we wish him further luck and hope to have another of his poems for "The Poet’s Corner" of next ish.
Hevelin Fanzines