The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 6
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Page 6 THE ALCHEMIST - Going quarterly will demand a new system of exchanges which we will try to work out soon. We will exchange all of ours for all of yours, to the few obliging souls that will; for the others I guess you’ll just have to send one of yours when you receive ours. It might be well to remember, tho, that our price should he up to fifteen or possibly twenty cents for this size of mag, so all courtesy copies will he appreciated. The long Retort Bubbles this time is more or less an experiment. If you want it this-long again, lemme know and enclose an interesting letter and I’ll print it. We sincerely hope every one of you will write us a letter for that’s one of the reasons we lose money publishing the thing, so we can hear from you ..... how about it In this issue is the first of a series of depts called "The S-F Glossary”. If you think this is worthy enough to be continued, you might help Al McKeel by co-operating with him and send in your list of fan’s names if you know how they’re pronounced. And while we’re on the S-F Glossary, I want to say that the thumb-nail sketches Al speaks of in his dept were crowded out by a mistake in spacing. They will be started next ish. We already have some corrections on the Book List on Pg 51 which will also appear next ish, so don’t be too alarmed if some titles and authors are wrong when you’re hunting them up at the Libraries & book stores. I hope you notice and appreciate the even right- hand edges, for they are a lot of work and bother, but worth it in the long run. We plan to get heavier paper for #4 as some of the mimeoing shows thru now and is very disgusting. Well, I guess that’s about all I can get on the page, so I’ll he winding up. please don’t forgot to send us your comments and your material, and if you have any spare coin lying around, we’ll appreciate that too. See you at the CHICON!!!
Page 6 THE ALCHEMIST - Going quarterly will demand a new system of exchanges which we will try to work out soon. We will exchange all of ours for all of yours, to the few obliging souls that will; for the others I guess you’ll just have to send one of yours when you receive ours. It might be well to remember, tho, that our price should he up to fifteen or possibly twenty cents for this size of mag, so all courtesy copies will he appreciated. The long Retort Bubbles this time is more or less an experiment. If you want it this-long again, lemme know and enclose an interesting letter and I’ll print it. We sincerely hope every one of you will write us a letter for that’s one of the reasons we lose money publishing the thing, so we can hear from you ..... how about it In this issue is the first of a series of depts called "The S-F Glossary”. If you think this is worthy enough to be continued, you might help Al McKeel by co-operating with him and send in your list of fan’s names if you know how they’re pronounced. And while we’re on the S-F Glossary, I want to say that the thumb-nail sketches Al speaks of in his dept were crowded out by a mistake in spacing. They will be started next ish. We already have some corrections on the Book List on Pg 51 which will also appear next ish, so don’t be too alarmed if some titles and authors are wrong when you’re hunting them up at the Libraries & book stores. I hope you notice and appreciate the even right- hand edges, for they are a lot of work and bother, but worth it in the long run. We plan to get heavier paper for #4 as some of the mimeoing shows thru now and is very disgusting. Well, I guess that’s about all I can get on the page, so I’ll he winding up. please don’t forgot to send us your comments and your material, and if you have any spare coin lying around, we’ll appreciate that too. See you at the CHICON!!!
Hevelin Fanzines