The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 32
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Page 32 THE ALCHEMIST for awhile it looked as though we might go to press on the kitchen floor. There's still a sticky spot on the linoleum. Next day, when the gelatine cooled and hardened we wrapped them in newspapers and took them to Martin's which was to serve as the editorial offices of "Al". When we arrived and un-wrapped our treasures we had some very pretty im-pressions of newsprint. Well, we washed 'em and blotted 'em.... with newspaper. After rewashing we decided we were ready to begin. So we pounded out a mastercopy of one of the articles, using hecto ribbon. After we'd pulled about twenty five copies the gelatine came loose from the pan. We remelted the stuff and the next day tried again. The result was the same... only more-so. To help matters the hecto ribbon made a mess of the mastercopies, we used the wrong kind of paper for both masters and duplicating, and altogether made a helluva mess of things. In desperation we sexcended upon Olon Wiggins one night. He was most gracious and seemed genuine-ly pleased to see us. When he found we were trying to start a new fan mag he was overjoyed. Apparent-ly he wasn't much worried about any competition we might offer. He helped us kindly, told us how to handle the hecto, and gave us many hints on successful operation. His advice proved excellent, his four years of real experience with hectos and the Fan pulled us out of a bad hole. We told him we had decided not to advertise the mag. Too many fan mags had announced their birth, but folded before the first issue had ever seen daylight. We decided not to do likewise. If we folded up fefore we finished nobody would know it. Olon offered us the use of his trays, and these, in addition to one we bought immediately were the presses from which the first issue came forth. So, at length, the first printing of the Alchemist came out. We examined the sixty-five copies we had made, and found so many errors in typing,
Page 32 THE ALCHEMIST for awhile it looked as though we might go to press on the kitchen floor. There's still a sticky spot on the linoleum. Next day, when the gelatine cooled and hardened we wrapped them in newspapers and took them to Martin's which was to serve as the editorial offices of "Al". When we arrived and un-wrapped our treasures we had some very pretty im-pressions of newsprint. Well, we washed 'em and blotted 'em.... with newspaper. After rewashing we decided we were ready to begin. So we pounded out a mastercopy of one of the articles, using hecto ribbon. After we'd pulled about twenty five copies the gelatine came loose from the pan. We remelted the stuff and the next day tried again. The result was the same... only more-so. To help matters the hecto ribbon made a mess of the mastercopies, we used the wrong kind of paper for both masters and duplicating, and altogether made a helluva mess of things. In desperation we sexcended upon Olon Wiggins one night. He was most gracious and seemed genuine-ly pleased to see us. When he found we were trying to start a new fan mag he was overjoyed. Apparent-ly he wasn't much worried about any competition we might offer. He helped us kindly, told us how to handle the hecto, and gave us many hints on successful operation. His advice proved excellent, his four years of real experience with hectos and the Fan pulled us out of a bad hole. We told him we had decided not to advertise the mag. Too many fan mags had announced their birth, but folded before the first issue had ever seen daylight. We decided not to do likewise. If we folded up fefore we finished nobody would know it. Olon offered us the use of his trays, and these, in addition to one we bought immediately were the presses from which the first issue came forth. So, at length, the first printing of the Alchemist came out. We examined the sixty-five copies we had made, and found so many errors in typing,
Hevelin Fanzines