The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 41
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THE ALCHEMIST Page 41 DEFT DECEPTION By Lew Martin We have all seen at some time or another at various carnivals, circus side shows, and theaters certain tricks which are made possible because the performer for no apparent reason at all was gifted with supernatural powers. Naturally we know that all of these are no more than extremely clever deceptions but usually it is quite hard to lay your finger on the exact method it's done, and at times impossible without considerable research. One of the most deceiving and puzzeling even to individuals of high mentality is what I will call the Telepathy Act. This is the one Anna Eva Fay, a noted medium, made famous and baffled most experts for some time with her cleverness. She would have the ushers in the theater pass out small pads and pencils. Then from the stage who would instruck the audience to write the question that was baffling them on the pad, rip off the paper and pass the pad and pencil to the isle where the ushers would collect them and take them to a secret room under the platform. The second sheets of the pads were coated with a very light, invisible rubbing of paraffin. In this room the pads were rubbed with plumbago which develops the pencil impressions and makes them very legible. After the questions are read the names that are signed at the bottoms of the questions are
THE ALCHEMIST Page 41 DEFT DECEPTION By Lew Martin We have all seen at some time or another at various carnivals, circus side shows, and theaters certain tricks which are made possible because the performer for no apparent reason at all was gifted with supernatural powers. Naturally we know that all of these are no more than extremely clever deceptions but usually it is quite hard to lay your finger on the exact method it's done, and at times impossible without considerable research. One of the most deceiving and puzzeling even to individuals of high mentality is what I will call the Telepathy Act. This is the one Anna Eva Fay, a noted medium, made famous and baffled most experts for some time with her cleverness. She would have the ushers in the theater pass out small pads and pencils. Then from the stage who would instruck the audience to write the question that was baffling them on the pad, rip off the paper and pass the pad and pencil to the isle where the ushers would collect them and take them to a secret room under the platform. The second sheets of the pads were coated with a very light, invisible rubbing of paraffin. In this room the pads were rubbed with plumbago which develops the pencil impressions and makes them very legible. After the questions are read the names that are signed at the bottoms of the questions are
O ALQUIMISTA Página 41 HÁBIL ENGANO Por Lew Martin Todos nós já vimos em um momento ou outo em vários carnavais, sideshows, e teatros certos truques que são possivelmente realizados porque o performista, sem nenhum motivo aparente, fora agraciado com poderes sobrenaturais. Naturalmente, nós sabemos que tudo isso não passa de ludibriações extremamentes astutas, mas geralmente é dificil apontar com exatidão como o metodo é feito, sendo por vezes até impossível sem uma pesquisa consideravel. Um dos mais ardilosos e intrigantes para individuos altamente capazes é aquele que chamarei de Ato de Telepatia. Ato pelo qual Anna Eva Fay, uma medium notável, ficou famosa e deixou, durante um tempo, a maioria dos especialistas perplexos com a sua esperteza. Ela teria deixado os porteiros dos teatros destribuir pequenos blocos de nota e lápis. Então, direto do palco instruiria a audência a escrever a pergunta que os estavam confundindo no bloco, arrancasse o papel e passasse o bloco de notas e o lápis para a pequena ilha, onde os guias internos os coletariam e levariam para um quarto secreto sob a plataforma. As segundas folhas dos blocos estavam revestidas com uma camada bem fina, invisível de parafina. Nesse comodo os blocos de nota eram ungidos com plumbago, que ampliava as impressões do pincel, as deixando muito legíveis. Após as questôes serem lidas, os nomes que foram assinadas ao pé das páginas eram
Hevelin Fanzines