The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
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MAGIC ISLAND Reviewed by Morojo By WBSeabrook, this is 282 pgs of nonfiction followd by a comprehensive appendix of author's notes & fotografs. Publisht NY 29 by The Literary Guild of America, it is expertly illustrated by Alexander King with weird, exaggerated character drawings --19 in number. Bk deals with the personal experiences, mostly, of the fact-finder in Haiti during an expedition to investigate the religion (as he so politely terms it) of the people of that curious country. it reveals some the ingredients of Ouangas (charms) of Voodism. The native dance called the Congo is describe in careful detail. While it is purely a social affair it is so intense some who have seen it believed they were witnessing Voodoo rites. However, the rites, which the author himself saw, are different & seldom seen by whites because these rites are against the law & performed therefore in greatest secrecy. Another form of mystery worship in which the bodies of dead persons are used is described, also; & there is a chapter on Zombies. Zombies oriented in Haiti. Praps that is the only place in the world where they are found, except Bloomington, Illinois. ((Miss Morojo reviews "The World Below", "Test Tube baby" and other book sin current number of Novacious, five-center fan-mag from Box 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, Calif. -- LM))
MAGIC ISLAND Reviewed by Morojo By WBSeabrook, this is 282 pgs of nonfiction followd by a comprehensive appendix of author's notes & fotografs. Publisht NY 29 by The Literary Guild of America, it is expertly illustrated by Alexander King with weird, exaggerated character drawings --19 in number. Bk deals with the personal experiences, mostly, of the fact-finder in Haiti during an expedition to investigate the religion (as he so politely terms it) of the people of that curious country. it reveals some the ingredients of Ouangas (charms) of Voodism. The native dance called the Congo is describe in careful detail. While it is purely a social affair it is so intense some who have seen it believed they were witnessing Voodoo rites. However, the rites, which the author himself saw, are different & seldom seen by whites because these rites are against the law & performed therefore in greatest secrecy. Another form of mystery worship in which the bodies of dead persons are used is described, also; & there is a chapter on Zombies. Zombies oriented in Haiti. Praps that is the only place in the world where they are found, except Bloomington, Illinois. ((Miss Morojo reviews "The World Below", "Test Tube baby" and other book sin current number of Novacious, five-center fan-mag from Box 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, Calif. -- LM))
Hevelin Fanzines