The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 62
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Page 62 THE ALCHEMIST STEVE TAKACS I received the second issue of ”A1” and enjoyed it very much, especially the Collector’s Comer and the book review. I have already bought a copy of "The Synthetic Men of Mars”. You probably already know this, but if you don’t, there are science fiction stories in the latest issues of ’’Action Stories” and "Blue Book.” Eando Binder has a complete novel in "Action” and Nelson S. Bond has a complete novel about time travel in the Blue Book. Fantasy is certainly "booming” these days. I only hope the publishers don’t overdo it by printing a lot of junk, thereby killint the ’’goose that laid the golden egg”. The hell just rang and it was the postman with a copy of "The Shadow of Atlantis" by Col. Alexander Braghine. This book is published by E. P. Dutton & Co. New York City, and the price is $3.50. By the way, have you read "The Star Gazer” by Zolt de Harsanyi? This is a novel of the life of Galileo and I think that science fiction fans would enjoy it very much. I’m surprised that this book has not been reviewed in the various "pro” mags. The same goes for "Power for Sale”, by John Knittel, published by Frederick Stokes Co, New York City for $2.50. Another fantasy book I have purchased recently is "The Twenty Fifth Hour” by Herbert Best. It is published by Random House. NYC for $2.50. ***Well, I guess that’s about all for now. . . . HARRY WARNER, Editor of SPACEWAYS and HORIZONS. I really think this issue is a tremendous improvement. Just one trouble with the mimeoing—the small black specks everywhere throughout the magazine. Otherwise, it’s good work for a first attempt with the mimeo. And about the black specks: as long as you use the slick hektograph paper, I suppose they’re unavoidable, for hekto paper just ._________________
Page 62 THE ALCHEMIST STEVE TAKACS I received the second issue of ”A1” and enjoyed it very much, especially the Collector’s Comer and the book review. I have already bought a copy of "The Synthetic Men of Mars”. You probably already know this, but if you don’t, there are science fiction stories in the latest issues of ’’Action Stories” and "Blue Book.” Eando Binder has a complete novel in "Action” and Nelson S. Bond has a complete novel about time travel in the Blue Book. Fantasy is certainly "booming” these days. I only hope the publishers don’t overdo it by printing a lot of junk, thereby killint the ’’goose that laid the golden egg”. The hell just rang and it was the postman with a copy of "The Shadow of Atlantis" by Col. Alexander Braghine. This book is published by E. P. Dutton & Co. New York City, and the price is $3.50. By the way, have you read "The Star Gazer” by Zolt de Harsanyi? This is a novel of the life of Galileo and I think that science fiction fans would enjoy it very much. I’m surprised that this book has not been reviewed in the various "pro” mags. The same goes for "Power for Sale”, by John Knittel, published by Frederick Stokes Co, New York City for $2.50. Another fantasy book I have purchased recently is "The Twenty Fifth Hour” by Herbert Best. It is published by Random House. NYC for $2.50. ***Well, I guess that’s about all for now. . . . HARRY WARNER, Editor of SPACEWAYS and HORIZONS. I really think this issue is a tremendous improvement. Just one trouble with the mimeoing—the small black specks everywhere throughout the magazine. Otherwise, it’s good work for a first attempt with the mimeo. And about the black specks: as long as you use the slick hektograph paper, I suppose they’re unavoidable, for hekto paper just ._________________
Hevelin Fanzines