The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
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after the sketch of Lovecraft was drawn, and it looked beautiful, but before it was hectographical, which ruined not only the original but all the copies. Until we have a much better method of reproduction than the hectographs we will not attempt any more pictures of this nature)) Sure, have one of Weinbaum. Now? NO, NOT YET! Don't quite get the Black Arts Department, but guess it will be that O.K NOW? O.K give it to 'em. WHAT WAS THAT THING? CALLED "THE CARNIVOROUS TREE?" I can't decide what to make out of it. Was it all a big joke or was it meant in earnest? Gosh, No more fiction, please. Don't know where you got the line "Mos tof this has been swiped--the rest will be" at but it really tickled me. ((errah, well, to tell the truth, I swiped IT!)) The Retort Bubbles is a rather good name for a readers section. TED DIKTY, editor of FANTASY DIGEST and organizer of the INDIANA FANTASY ASSN (now embroyonic) in which we wish him all the luck in the world and our early membership)) The second issue of the Alchemist was quite an improvement over the first. The increase in the number of pages was welcome, as was the partial over to a momoed format. Mimeoing could be improved, but I'd better keep still about this as Fantasy Digest isn't perfect, yet, either. My supply of adjectives fails me when I attempt to comment on Hunt's illustrations. All I can say is that he's the best fan artists that fandom hasever had. I can't wait until he starts to work in colors! The fellow on the back cover is Lovecraft's Nad Arab, isn't he? ((Yes, he is Alhazred, the Mad Arab of Lovecrafts' who did actually exist)) I recognize the multi-eyed creation as something out of "The Shadow out of Time" ((Again correct)) Of the fiction, I liked Fortier and Bell's stories. Ackerman's article was quite interesting.
after the sketch of Lovecraft was drawn, and it looked beautiful, but before it was hectographical, which ruined not only the original but all the copies. Until we have a much better method of reproduction than the hectographs we will not attempt any more pictures of this nature)) Sure, have one of Weinbaum. Now? NO, NOT YET! Don't quite get the Black Arts Department, but guess it will be that O.K NOW? O.K give it to 'em. WHAT WAS THAT THING? CALLED "THE CARNIVOROUS TREE?" I can't decide what to make out of it. Was it all a big joke or was it meant in earnest? Gosh, No more fiction, please. Don't know where you got the line "Mos tof this has been swiped--the rest will be" at but it really tickled me. ((errah, well, to tell the truth, I swiped IT!)) The Retort Bubbles is a rather good name for a readers section. TED DIKTY, editor of FANTASY DIGEST and organizer of the INDIANA FANTASY ASSN (now embroyonic) in which we wish him all the luck in the world and our early membership)) The second issue of the Alchemist was quite an improvement over the first. The increase in the number of pages was welcome, as was the partial over to a momoed format. Mimeoing could be improved, but I'd better keep still about this as Fantasy Digest isn't perfect, yet, either. My supply of adjectives fails me when I attempt to comment on Hunt's illustrations. All I can say is that he's the best fan artists that fandom hasever had. I can't wait until he starts to work in colors! The fellow on the back cover is Lovecraft's Nad Arab, isn't he? ((Yes, he is Alhazred, the Mad Arab of Lovecrafts' who did actually exist)) I recognize the multi-eyed creation as something out of "The Shadow out of Time" ((Again correct)) Of the fiction, I liked Fortier and Bell's stories. Ackerman's article was quite interesting.
Hevelin Fanzines