STF-Ette, issue 1, September 1940
Page 5
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Handwriting Analysis of Forrest J. Ackerman by Maryhelen Anschutz "The most outstanding things in this handwriting are the abilities to reason, calculate, and investigate cause and effect. He deals in facts and figures (mostly blondes) and therefore is not a sympathetic person, as his mind rules his emotions. He does not care for people because he is interested in finding out the why of things. "He is a very clear thinker, but I should say more deliberate than rapid, as there are many signs to indicate this--such as--he is rather methodical, systematizes his work, pays attention to details, hates to be rushed, likes order and neatness. "There is no wonder that his taste runs to scientific things, because his handwriting very definitely points to this, and I do not make this statement because I happen to know that he is interested in such things. Perhaps you will have more faith when I tell you his writing is considerably like Thos. Edison's. [INSERT OF SAMPLE OF 4E's HANDWRITING: "...Future of science... progressive and at... esperanto. Fonetix I ..."] "As I told him in my oral analysis, he is inclined to be clannish, that is, he rather prefers to keep within his own set or family, but this is not to be wondered at, because as I told you in the first part of this analysis he does not care much for people as a whole. "He is forceful, has confidence in his own ideas, carries out his plans. He also has a satisfaction in his own opinions which would be difficult to shake. "He is rather secretive in that it would be difficult to get him to tell anything he didn’t want. "Artistic instinct is shown - good taste - refinement - creative ability - somewhat of a materialistic nature - imagination. "I don’t think he'd find it easy to adapt himself to new things or new circumstances . "His handwriting shows good health and vitality... he does not burn up energy, but can continue working at the same rate of speed for long periods at a time. "I find other signs in his writing, but prefer not to say anything about them, first, because I do not have enough material to work with, and second, because they are not very nice.
Handwriting Analysis of Forrest J. Ackerman by Maryhelen Anschutz "The most outstanding things in this handwriting are the abilities to reason, calculate, and investigate cause and effect. He deals in facts and figures (mostly blondes) and therefore is not a sympathetic person, as his mind rules his emotions. He does not care for people because he is interested in finding out the why of things. "He is a very clear thinker, but I should say more deliberate than rapid, as there are many signs to indicate this--such as--he is rather methodical, systematizes his work, pays attention to details, hates to be rushed, likes order and neatness. "There is no wonder that his taste runs to scientific things, because his handwriting very definitely points to this, and I do not make this statement because I happen to know that he is interested in such things. Perhaps you will have more faith when I tell you his writing is considerably like Thos. Edison's. [INSERT OF SAMPLE OF 4E's HANDWRITING: "...Future of science... progressive and at... esperanto. Fonetix I ..."] "As I told him in my oral analysis, he is inclined to be clannish, that is, he rather prefers to keep within his own set or family, but this is not to be wondered at, because as I told you in the first part of this analysis he does not care much for people as a whole. "He is forceful, has confidence in his own ideas, carries out his plans. He also has a satisfaction in his own opinions which would be difficult to shake. "He is rather secretive in that it would be difficult to get him to tell anything he didn’t want. "Artistic instinct is shown - good taste - refinement - creative ability - somewhat of a materialistic nature - imagination. "I don’t think he'd find it easy to adapt himself to new things or new circumstances . "His handwriting shows good health and vitality... he does not burn up energy, but can continue working at the same rate of speed for long periods at a time. "I find other signs in his writing, but prefer not to say anything about them, first, because I do not have enough material to work with, and second, because they are not very nice.
Hevelin Fanzines