STF-Ette, issue 1, September 1940
Page 12
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10 GLEANINGS In the Chicon issue of Vom is a letter received from Georges H. Gallet. Never before has anything concerning the war impressed me, but his letter made up for all that I've disregarded. The following is some more from the same letter. Although Stfette doesn't like to be called a war propaganda mag, I feel that the description is worthy of being printed here. —Pogo. "What I must say also is that the Germans had prepared this war even more carefully than I had ever dreamt. They were almost businesslike about it, did only what was necessary to destroy or block or panick, then carried on. The Belgians and the British just flew like driven sheep. Our soldiers did their best in face of heavy odds but had to fall back or die. "The Germans were, as always, brave soldiers and splendid fighters but served by a magnificent organization and an enormous aircraft that practically did the work. The prisoners and wounded which I had occasion to talk to had the highest possible moral. They were sure of the ultimate victory of their Army and sure to go back home very soon so they did not care much whether they were momentarily in our hands. "This is how I stand still under the uniform for how long? Twice mentioned in army orders, a war is coming but without hope for the time being. Still France shall survive and better days will come. We did what we could, were faithful to the bitter end to friends who seem to forget to say the least!" [CARTOON] POST "War will go on" says Mayor Times "Mass Troops On Western Front" Sun "U-Boat Sunk Off US" "What are you gonna be--if you grow up?"
10 GLEANINGS In the Chicon issue of Vom is a letter received from Georges H. Gallet. Never before has anything concerning the war impressed me, but his letter made up for all that I've disregarded. The following is some more from the same letter. Although Stfette doesn't like to be called a war propaganda mag, I feel that the description is worthy of being printed here. —Pogo. "What I must say also is that the Germans had prepared this war even more carefully than I had ever dreamt. They were almost businesslike about it, did only what was necessary to destroy or block or panick, then carried on. The Belgians and the British just flew like driven sheep. Our soldiers did their best in face of heavy odds but had to fall back or die. "The Germans were, as always, brave soldiers and splendid fighters but served by a magnificent organization and an enormous aircraft that practically did the work. The prisoners and wounded which I had occasion to talk to had the highest possible moral. They were sure of the ultimate victory of their Army and sure to go back home very soon so they did not care much whether they were momentarily in our hands. "This is how I stand still under the uniform for how long? Twice mentioned in army orders, a war is coming but without hope for the time being. Still France shall survive and better days will come. We did what we could, were faithful to the bitter end to friends who seem to forget to say the least!" [CARTOON] POST "War will go on" says Mayor Times "Mass Troops On Western Front" Sun "U-Boat Sunk Off US" "What are you gonna be--if you grow up?"
Hevelin Fanzines