STF-Ette, issue 1, September 1940
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"THE VOICE" KEEPS YOU Tuned TO THE TIMES Hear what fandom has to say! 10¢ Bx 6475 Met Sta from Los Angeles Cal BEAUTIES AND THE BEASTIES by Jan Rader Why is it in all these science fiction stories the women are right out of this world--Galactic Glamour Girl No. 1, a dozen Hedy Lamarr's rolled into one--but the men are frogs or spiders! Ugh! For instance take the heroines in Merritt's MOON POOL and SHIP OF ISHTAR: They make your mouth water. But when a girl goes hopefully peeking through the pages hoping to find a handsome man here--what pops out to her horror and dismay but an awful green frog-man or a man with a big eye in the center of his head, or three eyer, or no eyes. For that matter, I can make some suggestions along that line: a man with an eye that can run in a circle all around his head; or both eyes on one side of his head; or a mouth up in his forehead. Science fiction authors are unfair to the fair sex! We want more heroes like Flash Gordon! He's beautiful! SUCCESS TO POGO'S NEW MAG, and may good fortune attend all fanactivites. Leigh (Blanchett) APOLOGY Please don't blame the outcome of this ALL on me. My excuses are many. First, my job had wouldn't have had I gotten busy compiling months ago, but I really hadn't realized what a serious business it would be. Anyway, Tuesday, we leave for Chicago and the mag has to be ready by then. We're also in a hurry cause the equipment for mimeographing is soon to be taken away. You can't imagine the crazy mistakes that were made on stencils and in the numbers have been forgotten...authors names left out......titles missing and typographical errors have been made. Outside of the fact that the material was slow in coming, I think it's a little better than some of the masculine mags I've seen. The only material not written by a girl is the poem by W.J.Oswald, but as it was written for a girl and about a girl I felt free to use it. In case anyone wants to read the ending of Mary Byers story, write me at Box 6475 Metro Station and I'll send you a copy.....I say this because I've a sneaking suspicion that another issue of STFETTE will never come to pass. Pogo
"THE VOICE" KEEPS YOU Tuned TO THE TIMES Hear what fandom has to say! 10¢ Bx 6475 Met Sta from Los Angeles Cal BEAUTIES AND THE BEASTIES by Jan Rader Why is it in all these science fiction stories the women are right out of this world--Galactic Glamour Girl No. 1, a dozen Hedy Lamarr's rolled into one--but the men are frogs or spiders! Ugh! For instance take the heroines in Merritt's MOON POOL and SHIP OF ISHTAR: They make your mouth water. But when a girl goes hopefully peeking through the pages hoping to find a handsome man here--what pops out to her horror and dismay but an awful green frog-man or a man with a big eye in the center of his head, or three eyer, or no eyes. For that matter, I can make some suggestions along that line: a man with an eye that can run in a circle all around his head; or both eyes on one side of his head; or a mouth up in his forehead. Science fiction authors are unfair to the fair sex! We want more heroes like Flash Gordon! He's beautiful! SUCCESS TO POGO'S NEW MAG, and may good fortune attend all fanactivites. Leigh (Blanchett) APOLOGY Please don't blame the outcome of this ALL on me. My excuses are many. First, my job had wouldn't have had I gotten busy compiling months ago, but I really hadn't realized what a serious business it would be. Anyway, Tuesday, we leave for Chicago and the mag has to be ready by then. We're also in a hurry cause the equipment for mimeographing is soon to be taken away. You can't imagine the crazy mistakes that were made on stencils and in the numbers have been forgotten...authors names left out......titles missing and typographical errors have been made. Outside of the fact that the material was slow in coming, I think it's a little better than some of the masculine mags I've seen. The only material not written by a girl is the poem by W.J.Oswald, but as it was written for a girl and about a girl I felt free to use it. In case anyone wants to read the ending of Mary Byers story, write me at Box 6475 Metro Station and I'll send you a copy.....I say this because I've a sneaking suspicion that another issue of STFETTE will never come to pass. Pogo
Hevelin Fanzines