STEF News, issue 70, December 1, 1946
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STEFNEWS ____________________________ 1 Dec 46 ____________________________ VAPA The fifth mailing of 1946 from the Vanguard Amateur Press Association is out. Included in the mailing are BLITHERINGS (Davis), AGENBITE OF INWIT, VANGUARD POLL, VANGUARD BOOJUM, SNARK, VANGUARD AMATEUR (Lowndes), JOE'S JOTTINGS (Kennedy), HORIZONS (Warner), EMBRASURE, TUMBRILS (Blish), VANGUARDSRECORDS (Blish - Lowndes), and STEFANTASY (Danner). _____________________________ VITAL STATISTICS James Gregory Widner was born to Art Widner and wife 25 Nov. _____________________________ PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING "Fox Woman," the A Merritt tale completed by Hannes Bok, should appear during Dec. Bok says that Merritt's other unfinished story, "Black Wheel" was turned down by Mary Gnaedinger of FFM because of racy dialogue, not situation. The Nov issue of OPEN ROAD FOR BOYS contains "Sydney the Scientist," a humorous stf story. WESTERN FAMILY, with a circulation of over 400,000, has devoted most of a column to Charles McNutt and his visit to Fritz Lang to present a petition asking him to arrange a special showing of "Metropolis." It mentions fandom and states that Lang was unable to arrange the showing because he had no print of the picture. The article appeared in the issue for 21 Nov. Before its publication, Forry Ackerman had arranged for a private showing in LA which was mentioned in STEFNEWS #68. ____________________________ TRAVELS The Widner chain letter is on the move again. Willy Ley has been in Los Angeles during recent weeks. Raymond Washington, Jr is out of the Navy and has been touring in the East, visiting some fans. He has joined the merchant marine and is probably at sea now. Tom Hadley and Bob Grant had a visit with Art Widner the evening of 20 Nov, discussing Shaver, a Slan atomic haven, books, and fans. They also visited at the Swisher home on that date. ____________________________ PERSONALS Jay Chidsey and Bill Groveman are both attending Antioch College in Ohio. Jay found and took over a copy of "The Outsider and Others" discarded by a former student! " Bill Evans has taken some exams for his doctorate, but [is] he succeeds he will not be a Ph D until next June. _____________________________ FANZINES ALCHEMIST Autumn 46 (Hansen). Roy Hunt linoleum block cover, editorial, Petersen's "Fan Travels," a book report by Tigrina, Ackerman on gay deceivers, fiction by Stan Mullen, "Egyptian Sorcery" by the editor, Mullen's "Ebony Tower," and Roy Hunt's reviews of "Seven Footprints to Satan" movie. This half-size, 40 page job mimeoed in blue ink is going to lead the fan field if it holds the pace set by this revival issue. (Continued over page, column 1) ____________________________ i have new copies of out-of-print jumbee at $3---cash or money order _____________________________
STEFNEWS ____________________________ 1 Dec 46 ____________________________ VAPA The fifth mailing of 1946 from the Vanguard Amateur Press Association is out. Included in the mailing are BLITHERINGS (Davis), AGENBITE OF INWIT, VANGUARD POLL, VANGUARD BOOJUM, SNARK, VANGUARD AMATEUR (Lowndes), JOE'S JOTTINGS (Kennedy), HORIZONS (Warner), EMBRASURE, TUMBRILS (Blish), VANGUARDSRECORDS (Blish - Lowndes), and STEFANTASY (Danner). _____________________________ VITAL STATISTICS James Gregory Widner was born to Art Widner and wife 25 Nov. _____________________________ PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING "Fox Woman," the A Merritt tale completed by Hannes Bok, should appear during Dec. Bok says that Merritt's other unfinished story, "Black Wheel" was turned down by Mary Gnaedinger of FFM because of racy dialogue, not situation. The Nov issue of OPEN ROAD FOR BOYS contains "Sydney the Scientist," a humorous stf story. WESTERN FAMILY, with a circulation of over 400,000, has devoted most of a column to Charles McNutt and his visit to Fritz Lang to present a petition asking him to arrange a special showing of "Metropolis." It mentions fandom and states that Lang was unable to arrange the showing because he had no print of the picture. The article appeared in the issue for 21 Nov. Before its publication, Forry Ackerman had arranged for a private showing in LA which was mentioned in STEFNEWS #68. ____________________________ TRAVELS The Widner chain letter is on the move again. Willy Ley has been in Los Angeles during recent weeks. Raymond Washington, Jr is out of the Navy and has been touring in the East, visiting some fans. He has joined the merchant marine and is probably at sea now. Tom Hadley and Bob Grant had a visit with Art Widner the evening of 20 Nov, discussing Shaver, a Slan atomic haven, books, and fans. They also visited at the Swisher home on that date. ____________________________ PERSONALS Jay Chidsey and Bill Groveman are both attending Antioch College in Ohio. Jay found and took over a copy of "The Outsider and Others" discarded by a former student! " Bill Evans has taken some exams for his doctorate, but [is] he succeeds he will not be a Ph D until next June. _____________________________ FANZINES ALCHEMIST Autumn 46 (Hansen). Roy Hunt linoleum block cover, editorial, Petersen's "Fan Travels," a book report by Tigrina, Ackerman on gay deceivers, fiction by Stan Mullen, "Egyptian Sorcery" by the editor, Mullen's "Ebony Tower," and Roy Hunt's reviews of "Seven Footprints to Satan" movie. This half-size, 40 page job mimeoed in blue ink is going to lead the fan field if it holds the pace set by this revival issue. (Continued over page, column 1) ____________________________ i have new copies of out-of-print jumbee at $3---cash or money order _____________________________
Hevelin Fanzines