Xenon, v. 1, issue 1, March 1944
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XENON Volume 1 March 1944 Number 1 Published in the interests of fantasy and science fiction by Gordon K. Rouze, 1217 Broadway, Imperial, Nebraska. 65 copies distributed thru the Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Non-members welcome to a copy if they'll send a stamp for postage. All printing and mimeographing done by the editor. Contributions in the form of manuscripts and art work most heartily welcomed; letters welcomed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors Corner [Illustration: Smoking man leaning over desk] New Comer to the fold. ------------------------------- Here is my first attempt at activity in the FAPA. I have been trying to get an issue out ever since I joined some six months agoand finally bought a 2nd hand mimeo and found some time and jumped in to work on it. I have been associated with the National and American Amateur Press Associations, and was thru a member of one of these groups that I found out about the FAPA. That person was Bill Groveman who is now stationed at the University of Connecticut. I have been reading and digesting fantasy and science fiction stuff for some years and have found the FAPA just over
XENON Volume 1 March 1944 Number 1 Published in the interests of fantasy and science fiction by Gordon K. Rouze, 1217 Broadway, Imperial, Nebraska. 65 copies distributed thru the Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Non-members welcome to a copy if they'll send a stamp for postage. All printing and mimeographing done by the editor. Contributions in the form of manuscripts and art work most heartily welcomed; letters welcomed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors Corner [Illustration: Smoking man leaning over desk] New Comer to the fold. ------------------------------- Here is my first attempt at activity in the FAPA. I have been trying to get an issue out ever since I joined some six months agoand finally bought a 2nd hand mimeo and found some time and jumped in to work on it. I have been associated with the National and American Amateur Press Associations, and was thru a member of one of these groups that I found out about the FAPA. That person was Bill Groveman who is now stationed at the University of Connecticut. I have been reading and digesting fantasy and science fiction stuff for some years and have found the FAPA just over
Hevelin Fanzines