Xenon, v. 1, issue 1, March 1944
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XENON Page seven ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LEG PULLES * (Con't) The trapper's heart sank. His rifle was hanging over the door--and the bear was between him and the weapon. In fact, he had no weapon but his hands to fight this brute with, andhe cried wildly. "Your species ought to have been extinct years ago! Once a few left in the mountains, and one of 'em attacks me!" Suddenly he realized he was still gripping the cylinder which the stranger had left, As a drowning man will grab at a straw, the trapper pressed the button on the thing. A red stream of light came out of the end of it. Where the red light touched the bear's chest yhere was a sort of whooshing sound, and a round hole suddenly appeared. The bear fell with a floor-shaking thump. The trapper went over and put his foot on the bear's belly. He stood gaving out into the night, and his eyes held a dreamy, far-away look. He said, "Well, I'll be...." He did not finish the expression, but just stoof there looking down at the shiny little cylinder in his hands. THE END ------------------------------ EDITOR'S CORNER still more Maybe we will have another chance to get together some time. Have received two mailings since I joined and would like to comment on one of the papers but space is limited. There were some darn good ones. Talking of papers--I would like to buy, trade or steal all fantasy papers published prior to September1943. Am quite a collector (continued page 9
XENON Page seven ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LEG PULLES * (Con't) The trapper's heart sank. His rifle was hanging over the door--and the bear was between him and the weapon. In fact, he had no weapon but his hands to fight this brute with, andhe cried wildly. "Your species ought to have been extinct years ago! Once a few left in the mountains, and one of 'em attacks me!" Suddenly he realized he was still gripping the cylinder which the stranger had left, As a drowning man will grab at a straw, the trapper pressed the button on the thing. A red stream of light came out of the end of it. Where the red light touched the bear's chest yhere was a sort of whooshing sound, and a round hole suddenly appeared. The bear fell with a floor-shaking thump. The trapper went over and put his foot on the bear's belly. He stood gaving out into the night, and his eyes held a dreamy, far-away look. He said, "Well, I'll be...." He did not finish the expression, but just stoof there looking down at the shiny little cylinder in his hands. THE END ------------------------------ EDITOR'S CORNER still more Maybe we will have another chance to get together some time. Have received two mailings since I joined and would like to comment on one of the papers but space is limited. There were some darn good ones. Talking of papers--I would like to buy, trade or steal all fantasy papers published prior to September1943. Am quite a collector (continued page 9
Hevelin Fanzines