Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 5, whole 57, July 23, 1939
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FANTASY NEWS A COSMIC PUBLICATION JAMES V TAURASI editor SAM MOSKOWITZ - MARIO RACIC jr associate editor JOHN GIUNTA - art editor Published every week by James V Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York 3 issues 10c - 9 issues 30c Vol 3 - No 5 -- Whole No 57 July 23, 1939 -------------------------------------------- COMETEERS RIDE ROUGHSHOD OVER PSFS IN HILARIOUS GAME! ---------------------------------- FANS CAN PLAY!! ----------------------------------- IN a game sprinkled with laughs from the start of the first ining to the last the Queens Cometeers skedaddled the PSFS Panthers to the tune of 23 to 11. The Cometeers were never in danger at any point in the game. Led by Sam Moskowitz they barraged the woozy visitors with so many hits and technicalities that the Phillies never were quite sure whether the home-towners were scoring runs or expounding the essentials of Einsteins theory of relativity. There had been some doubt as to whether or not there should be a fan versus pro game or purely a fan game, the problem was settled when too few pros showed up to make the former feasible. Among the many watchers were Jack Speer, Charles D Hornig, Ross Rocklynne, Mario Racic Jr, Hyman Tiger, etc etc. Baltadonis and Moskowitz who had displayed exceptional prowess at the bat in practice were appointed captains. Balty chose wisely but not well. Moskowitz felt so sorry for the fans whom he belived were not very well adept at the game that he choose whom he believed to be the worst players present so as not to hurt their feelings. WOW! What dumb luck. So as to prevent confusion, it was finally decided that both teams adopt their virgin names, despite the fact that foreign players were represented on both. The Phillies being out of towners got up first. And here’s where things began to happen. Two of the Panthers got on base. One was put out. Then Bob Madle got up and lined a vicious drive to short-stop, where it was intercepted by Moskowitz and relayed to first for a double PLAY. Yes,yes, the Cometeers were certainly clicking. At bat in the first inning the Cometeers started things early. Langley Searles singled; Backrack struck out; Myers singled sending Searles to second. Moskowitz singled scoring the two. Peter Racic singled scoring Moskowitz. Three runs for the Cometeers. Searles, who had been appointed pitcher because he was belived to be the worst man on the team baffled the Phillies completely for three innings. THE COMETEERS SCORED A DOUBLE PLAY EVERY INNING FOR THE FIRST THREE INNINGS! The Panthers were completely at a loss. They loaded bases every inning without fail, and then had their potential rallies nipped in the bud by fast double plays and the utilization of clever technicalities. In the fourth inning Searles strained his wrist and the Philadelphians thru dint[?] of much labor pushed across one lone run. This only because of Taurasi who did a war dance every time some one hit a ball to him at third and instead of catching his
FANTASY NEWS A COSMIC PUBLICATION JAMES V TAURASI editor SAM MOSKOWITZ - MARIO RACIC jr associate editor JOHN GIUNTA - art editor Published every week by James V Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York 3 issues 10c - 9 issues 30c Vol 3 - No 5 -- Whole No 57 July 23, 1939 -------------------------------------------- COMETEERS RIDE ROUGHSHOD OVER PSFS IN HILARIOUS GAME! ---------------------------------- FANS CAN PLAY!! ----------------------------------- IN a game sprinkled with laughs from the start of the first ining to the last the Queens Cometeers skedaddled the PSFS Panthers to the tune of 23 to 11. The Cometeers were never in danger at any point in the game. Led by Sam Moskowitz they barraged the woozy visitors with so many hits and technicalities that the Phillies never were quite sure whether the home-towners were scoring runs or expounding the essentials of Einsteins theory of relativity. There had been some doubt as to whether or not there should be a fan versus pro game or purely a fan game, the problem was settled when too few pros showed up to make the former feasible. Among the many watchers were Jack Speer, Charles D Hornig, Ross Rocklynne, Mario Racic Jr, Hyman Tiger, etc etc. Baltadonis and Moskowitz who had displayed exceptional prowess at the bat in practice were appointed captains. Balty chose wisely but not well. Moskowitz felt so sorry for the fans whom he belived were not very well adept at the game that he choose whom he believed to be the worst players present so as not to hurt their feelings. WOW! What dumb luck. So as to prevent confusion, it was finally decided that both teams adopt their virgin names, despite the fact that foreign players were represented on both. The Phillies being out of towners got up first. And here’s where things began to happen. Two of the Panthers got on base. One was put out. Then Bob Madle got up and lined a vicious drive to short-stop, where it was intercepted by Moskowitz and relayed to first for a double PLAY. Yes,yes, the Cometeers were certainly clicking. At bat in the first inning the Cometeers started things early. Langley Searles singled; Backrack struck out; Myers singled sending Searles to second. Moskowitz singled scoring the two. Peter Racic singled scoring Moskowitz. Three runs for the Cometeers. Searles, who had been appointed pitcher because he was belived to be the worst man on the team baffled the Phillies completely for three innings. THE COMETEERS SCORED A DOUBLE PLAY EVERY INNING FOR THE FIRST THREE INNINGS! The Panthers were completely at a loss. They loaded bases every inning without fail, and then had their potential rallies nipped in the bud by fast double plays and the utilization of clever technicalities. In the fourth inning Searles strained his wrist and the Philadelphians thru dint[?] of much labor pushed across one lone run. This only because of Taurasi who did a war dance every time some one hit a ball to him at third and instead of catching his
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