K'tagogm-m, v. 1, issue 3, September 1945
Page 2
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K'taogm-m page 2 THE WISE MAN SEEKS THE TRUTH In his interesting little exposition of the varying "truths" about the present regime in Russia, Lowndes neglected to examine these three truths more closely. A supposed verity may, of course, be presented to the world by anybody on a "take it or leave it" basis. The scientific mind does not reject such a proposition merely because of the "faith" nature of its expounder. The scientific mind treats all statements as possibilities to be subjected to test and trial before any acceptance, reliable modification, or rejection. Unfortunately, in dealing with "truths" involving the social relations of masses of humanity, we are handicapped always by an almost irremediable subjectivity. We are part of the problem our selves; we thus can never successfully remove all our own personal interests from the question. However, there are still certain tests which can be applied to even human theories. These are the tests of time, struggle, and result of struggle. Examined in detail it rapidly becomes clear that there are not three differing presentations of Russia, but only two. The picturization of the Soviet Union given by the capitalist (including the extremist Hearstian, Reader's Digest pictures) does not in major detail differ from that given by the anti-Stalin "socialist". Probing the origins of the capitalist pictures we find that in leading instances these depictions are those first stated by the "socialist" enemies of Soviet Communism: such self-proclaimed "radicals" as Max Eastman, Angelica Balabanoff, Fred Beal, Eugene Lyons, Isaac Don Levine, Jan Valtin, etc. Their stories are the ones presented by the capitalist press. And even when presented by a non-radical such as W.L.White, this picture does not differ. Generally the details are that the USSR is a place of great misery, great poverty, totalitarian in nature, governed by a police despotism, terroristic in nature, exercised against the majority of the people, plotting against the rest of the world in Hitlerian fashion, dictated by absolute despot--the power-crazy, Asiatic, blood-thirsty, maniac Stalin. The other "truth" about Russia, the story given by persons not prejudiced against Russia as well as by persons openly in favor of the USSR (Communists or obvious sympathizers) tells a story of a country that has built up a huge and powerful industrial machine, still lacks consumer goods (giving the nation a poverty-struck appearance), supported overwhelmingly by its people, with a tremendous upsurge in education, culture, and genuine enthusiasm for its popularly run co-operative, Socialist structure, admiring Stalin as a guide teacher, but knowing that he is but the spokesman for a party of which membership is the most highly prized and studiously sought after of each citizen. Both statements are subject to various degrees of emotional interpretation. But the scientific test of which came closer to the truth has already been made. Any acceptance now of the defeated "truth" comes close to dangerous lunacy today. The test was made by the attack against the USSR by the entire European military and industrial machine, organized under German efficiency, and lead by the best military staff in Europe.
K'taogm-m page 2 THE WISE MAN SEEKS THE TRUTH In his interesting little exposition of the varying "truths" about the present regime in Russia, Lowndes neglected to examine these three truths more closely. A supposed verity may, of course, be presented to the world by anybody on a "take it or leave it" basis. The scientific mind does not reject such a proposition merely because of the "faith" nature of its expounder. The scientific mind treats all statements as possibilities to be subjected to test and trial before any acceptance, reliable modification, or rejection. Unfortunately, in dealing with "truths" involving the social relations of masses of humanity, we are handicapped always by an almost irremediable subjectivity. We are part of the problem our selves; we thus can never successfully remove all our own personal interests from the question. However, there are still certain tests which can be applied to even human theories. These are the tests of time, struggle, and result of struggle. Examined in detail it rapidly becomes clear that there are not three differing presentations of Russia, but only two. The picturization of the Soviet Union given by the capitalist (including the extremist Hearstian, Reader's Digest pictures) does not in major detail differ from that given by the anti-Stalin "socialist". Probing the origins of the capitalist pictures we find that in leading instances these depictions are those first stated by the "socialist" enemies of Soviet Communism: such self-proclaimed "radicals" as Max Eastman, Angelica Balabanoff, Fred Beal, Eugene Lyons, Isaac Don Levine, Jan Valtin, etc. Their stories are the ones presented by the capitalist press. And even when presented by a non-radical such as W.L.White, this picture does not differ. Generally the details are that the USSR is a place of great misery, great poverty, totalitarian in nature, governed by a police despotism, terroristic in nature, exercised against the majority of the people, plotting against the rest of the world in Hitlerian fashion, dictated by absolute despot--the power-crazy, Asiatic, blood-thirsty, maniac Stalin. The other "truth" about Russia, the story given by persons not prejudiced against Russia as well as by persons openly in favor of the USSR (Communists or obvious sympathizers) tells a story of a country that has built up a huge and powerful industrial machine, still lacks consumer goods (giving the nation a poverty-struck appearance), supported overwhelmingly by its people, with a tremendous upsurge in education, culture, and genuine enthusiasm for its popularly run co-operative, Socialist structure, admiring Stalin as a guide teacher, but knowing that he is but the spokesman for a party of which membership is the most highly prized and studiously sought after of each citizen. Both statements are subject to various degrees of emotional interpretation. But the scientific test of which came closer to the truth has already been made. Any acceptance now of the defeated "truth" comes close to dangerous lunacy today. The test was made by the attack against the USSR by the entire European military and industrial machine, organized under German efficiency, and lead by the best military staff in Europe.
Hevelin Fanzines