K'tagogm-m, v. 1, issue 3, September 1945
Page 3
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K'taogm-m page 3 This attack was based upon the proposition that the anti-Soviet "truth" was the correct story. It was based upon the belief that Soviet industry was not the equal of European (German, French, Czech, Italian, etc.) industry, that the Soviet citizens were in a state of suppressed rebellion and would aid the capitalist-fascist invaders in overthrowing the despised commissars' despotism, that the Soviet railroad system was junk and would collapse, that the Red Army was a bunch of peasants who would flee from a good Stuka or tank. Not quite as baldly as perhaps I state, but in essence it was believed all over the capitalist world that the anti-Soviet "truth" was closer to actual verity than the pro-Soviet "truth". (It is to be noted that Uhe United States Army General Staff did not expect Russia to last more than one year. In their memorandum to the president of Sept.11, 1941, they said: "Germany will occupy Russian territory west of the general line WhiteSea- Moscow- Volga, all inclusive, by July 1942, and that militarily Russia will be impotent subject to that date." Thus their concept of the strength and popular support for Stalin's USSR did not differ greatly from that of Hitler.) The test of time has shown that all plans, actions, and maneuvers based on the so-called anti--Stalin/capitalist "truth" failed miserably; that all speculations based on the pro-Soviet "truth" came much closer to what actually transpired. For evidence, see Max Werner's book on the strength of the world's armies published before the war. Now, four years after the attempt to prove by deeds that Russia was a crumbling, corrupt, antipopular mess, the world has to face the following political verities: The Soviet Union possess the largest and most powerful land army on the planet. It possess an industrial machine more powerful than all pre-war Europe combined, now conceded to be second in size and capacity only to that of the USA. There is no evidence of any movement against the Communist Party or the present constitution of the USSR (any movement large enough to be called a political factor). The citizens of the USSR appear to be strongly in support of their government and its political theories. The works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and other advocates of world socialism are still studied and declared to be political basics in the USSR. In fact, it is now accepted by all political realists of any class or direction that the USSR and the USA are now the only first class world powers capable of waging war on an equal basis. From which deduction is drawn that (a) if ever the USA finds itself at war with the USSR, it would be treasonous to the USA for its supporters to entertain false notions about Russia's strength, and (b) it will be a war against an enemy so powerful that such a war, if fought to any conclusion at all, must need leave both countries and the world at large totally wrecked and carry civilization to destruction for hundreds of years to come (the atom bomb's invention merely points up this probability). Only a deliberate war-wonger therefore would today continue to propagate illusions concerning Russia's weakness, alleged totalitarianism, and her supposed malignancy towards us. The friend of peace will acquaint himself with the facts about Russia as tested by history, however unpleasant they may be to his personal prejudices, and will demand peace in the world.
K'taogm-m page 3 This attack was based upon the proposition that the anti-Soviet "truth" was the correct story. It was based upon the belief that Soviet industry was not the equal of European (German, French, Czech, Italian, etc.) industry, that the Soviet citizens were in a state of suppressed rebellion and would aid the capitalist-fascist invaders in overthrowing the despised commissars' despotism, that the Soviet railroad system was junk and would collapse, that the Red Army was a bunch of peasants who would flee from a good Stuka or tank. Not quite as baldly as perhaps I state, but in essence it was believed all over the capitalist world that the anti-Soviet "truth" was closer to actual verity than the pro-Soviet "truth". (It is to be noted that Uhe United States Army General Staff did not expect Russia to last more than one year. In their memorandum to the president of Sept.11, 1941, they said: "Germany will occupy Russian territory west of the general line WhiteSea- Moscow- Volga, all inclusive, by July 1942, and that militarily Russia will be impotent subject to that date." Thus their concept of the strength and popular support for Stalin's USSR did not differ greatly from that of Hitler.) The test of time has shown that all plans, actions, and maneuvers based on the so-called anti--Stalin/capitalist "truth" failed miserably; that all speculations based on the pro-Soviet "truth" came much closer to what actually transpired. For evidence, see Max Werner's book on the strength of the world's armies published before the war. Now, four years after the attempt to prove by deeds that Russia was a crumbling, corrupt, antipopular mess, the world has to face the following political verities: The Soviet Union possess the largest and most powerful land army on the planet. It possess an industrial machine more powerful than all pre-war Europe combined, now conceded to be second in size and capacity only to that of the USA. There is no evidence of any movement against the Communist Party or the present constitution of the USSR (any movement large enough to be called a political factor). The citizens of the USSR appear to be strongly in support of their government and its political theories. The works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and other advocates of world socialism are still studied and declared to be political basics in the USSR. In fact, it is now accepted by all political realists of any class or direction that the USSR and the USA are now the only first class world powers capable of waging war on an equal basis. From which deduction is drawn that (a) if ever the USA finds itself at war with the USSR, it would be treasonous to the USA for its supporters to entertain false notions about Russia's strength, and (b) it will be a war against an enemy so powerful that such a war, if fought to any conclusion at all, must need leave both countries and the world at large totally wrecked and carry civilization to destruction for hundreds of years to come (the atom bomb's invention merely points up this probability). Only a deliberate war-wonger therefore would today continue to propagate illusions concerning Russia's weakness, alleged totalitarianism, and her supposed malignancy towards us. The friend of peace will acquaint himself with the facts about Russia as tested by history, however unpleasant they may be to his personal prejudices, and will demand peace in the world.
Hevelin Fanzines