K'tagogm-m, v. 1, issue 3, September 1945
Page 4
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K'taogm-m 4 Elsie Balter Wollheim writes PARAGRAPHS FROM PINNACLES **********The time when I wrote wonderful fast-writing letters that came out of the hinterland of the mind and words fashioned thoughts that I didn't know, I didn't know, I say! were there. And they would say that the letters were "literary", as though I had tried tried to make them anything, had striven for a classic effect. Fool! There was no striving. Unless you could call this tearing to get the words out, this mad tumbling, racing, erupting, streaming--striving. And always there was crying. Writing and crying, and I never know why. **********Scrubbing is good for the soul. No doubt, and immediately PSYCHOLOGY, MR. SIGMUND FREUD,Mr. Adler, GESTALT-ists beat their brains for the significance of this. Posh. It may be only that it is the release of exercise-- be it mental or physical. Or perhaps I made the place clean. It had been filthy. I felt released, free again. Must there be a significance, as though Ye had invented the conception of a significance? **********It is only this. The atom bomb may cause a tidal wave. LOOK OUT! Tighten your grasp, lest you all be swept away. Man will not survive unless he sees that there are only People and the Anti-People. WATCH OUT! **********How I could laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh. One is now either a business woman--no, they call it sonething more romantic than that, one has a career, lives as one chooses, is free--or one melts into a husband, a home and one's children. It is never a question of doing a good job of whatever, your hear? I said whatever! one is doing! Such weakness! Such revolting sniveling. **********There was a time when one had a duty, and a pride in a job well done. One had a duty to do the most difficult job one could endeavor, the best that one could. And the best meant well-done. Not just for a passing mark, but for outstanding achievement! Not to sneak past! To walk proudly. Now all is a sham. It makes me sick. **********What happens t the lessons they taught? Was it because they were secretly swinishly greedy? **********The Senate of the United States. The House of Representatives. And whom does it represent? ********Eh,Mr. Michel? So you see I write. Perhaps I should thank you. Or who can tell? Why, after being urged all these years (and not with derision,Mr. Michel); and watching and listening for these five years, why, just half an hour ago, should I suddenly feel as though I must pound? I used to scribble. I didn't even know how to type in the old days of letter writing. But it's the same old feeling of racing to get a thing said, racing to get it down. Has the boil erupted? ********** "The People, Yes." -- Magnificent!
K'taogm-m 4 Elsie Balter Wollheim writes PARAGRAPHS FROM PINNACLES **********The time when I wrote wonderful fast-writing letters that came out of the hinterland of the mind and words fashioned thoughts that I didn't know, I didn't know, I say! were there. And they would say that the letters were "literary", as though I had tried tried to make them anything, had striven for a classic effect. Fool! There was no striving. Unless you could call this tearing to get the words out, this mad tumbling, racing, erupting, streaming--striving. And always there was crying. Writing and crying, and I never know why. **********Scrubbing is good for the soul. No doubt, and immediately PSYCHOLOGY, MR. SIGMUND FREUD,Mr. Adler, GESTALT-ists beat their brains for the significance of this. Posh. It may be only that it is the release of exercise-- be it mental or physical. Or perhaps I made the place clean. It had been filthy. I felt released, free again. Must there be a significance, as though Ye had invented the conception of a significance? **********It is only this. The atom bomb may cause a tidal wave. LOOK OUT! Tighten your grasp, lest you all be swept away. Man will not survive unless he sees that there are only People and the Anti-People. WATCH OUT! **********How I could laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh. One is now either a business woman--no, they call it sonething more romantic than that, one has a career, lives as one chooses, is free--or one melts into a husband, a home and one's children. It is never a question of doing a good job of whatever, your hear? I said whatever! one is doing! Such weakness! Such revolting sniveling. **********There was a time when one had a duty, and a pride in a job well done. One had a duty to do the most difficult job one could endeavor, the best that one could. And the best meant well-done. Not just for a passing mark, but for outstanding achievement! Not to sneak past! To walk proudly. Now all is a sham. It makes me sick. **********What happens t the lessons they taught? Was it because they were secretly swinishly greedy? **********The Senate of the United States. The House of Representatives. And whom does it represent? ********Eh,Mr. Michel? So you see I write. Perhaps I should thank you. Or who can tell? Why, after being urged all these years (and not with derision,Mr. Michel); and watching and listening for these five years, why, just half an hour ago, should I suddenly feel as though I must pound? I used to scribble. I didn't even know how to type in the old days of letter writing. But it's the same old feeling of racing to get a thing said, racing to get it down. Has the boil erupted? ********** "The People, Yes." -- Magnificent!
Hevelin Fanzines