K'tagogm-m, v. 1, issue 3, September 1945
Page 6
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K'taogm-m 6 Mi withdrawn article went on to mention Ezra Poind's[[?]] imprisonment and then went on from there, in its error of considering Jim Blish to be a Fascist, as follows: "We would not of course think of tossing Jim Blish in the jug. We only wish that it were possible to take him by the scruff of the neck, and propelling him along with a gentle prod of the bayonet, escort him through the various halls and grounds of Hitler's Maidenek, Buchenwald, and Dachau educational institutes. The proper treatment might well be that that one accords naughty little puppies who bespoil their homes--you rub their noses in and they learn better. "Lacking the means to so educate Jim, and believing that deep down, the kid means well, we can only say that Blish has proven himself to be unworthy of answering until he shows an honest desire first to acquaint himself with the facts of history and politics. The fascist facade may seem logical, but the falsity of its foundation is one with the rubble of the Berlin Reichschancellery. The structures of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain seem to have shown themselves mere fit to survive. As an instructor in zoology, Mr. Blish should take this to heart. As the reader will see, it would have been improper to publish this insofar as Mr. Blish, is, he says, not a Fascist. In the discussion at a local Vanguard circle wherein this discovery was made, Mr. Blish did reveal a rather astounding ignorance of economics, the origins of depressions and wars, and the various theories of socialism. Since then, at my behest, he has condescended to read the one (1) popularization of socialist thought. This is called by him "conducting an examination of the sources of my politics, from which I expect to emerge with some change of views." We are duly grateful and overwhelmed by the brilliance of the brain which, from one popularization, can by the power of its deductive ability reconstruct mentally all the primary and basic works of socialism, Marxism, and so forth. The time this saves is not having to read those hoary works is immense. Of course there is a corresponding loss, in spite of that feat of mentalistics, in that Mr. Blish is certain that he will not find any politic grounds that will agree with the democrats, socialists, and communists who find Mr. Ezra Pound not entirely innocent of evil. We are afraid that Mr. Blish's obstinacy of mind hints at curious mental block in favor of fascistic personages that surmounts all teachings, laws, sciences, and decencies. He should see a psychologist. There are a number of very fine ones who could analyze his case wonderfully well. Those who do not live in Loningrad, undoubtedly reside in Moscow. ************ There is no historical accident, nor anything ironic, in the fact that in the same week that Koestler's latest anti-Soviet book appeared, the movies of the Kharkov trials of other anti-Soviet agents were released. It is rather a tragic reminder that lying attempts to provoke war and undermine the peace are still permitted in our country but logically supressed elsewhere. ************
K'taogm-m 6 Mi withdrawn article went on to mention Ezra Poind's[[?]] imprisonment and then went on from there, in its error of considering Jim Blish to be a Fascist, as follows: "We would not of course think of tossing Jim Blish in the jug. We only wish that it were possible to take him by the scruff of the neck, and propelling him along with a gentle prod of the bayonet, escort him through the various halls and grounds of Hitler's Maidenek, Buchenwald, and Dachau educational institutes. The proper treatment might well be that that one accords naughty little puppies who bespoil their homes--you rub their noses in and they learn better. "Lacking the means to so educate Jim, and believing that deep down, the kid means well, we can only say that Blish has proven himself to be unworthy of answering until he shows an honest desire first to acquaint himself with the facts of history and politics. The fascist facade may seem logical, but the falsity of its foundation is one with the rubble of the Berlin Reichschancellery. The structures of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain seem to have shown themselves mere fit to survive. As an instructor in zoology, Mr. Blish should take this to heart. As the reader will see, it would have been improper to publish this insofar as Mr. Blish, is, he says, not a Fascist. In the discussion at a local Vanguard circle wherein this discovery was made, Mr. Blish did reveal a rather astounding ignorance of economics, the origins of depressions and wars, and the various theories of socialism. Since then, at my behest, he has condescended to read the one (1) popularization of socialist thought. This is called by him "conducting an examination of the sources of my politics, from which I expect to emerge with some change of views." We are duly grateful and overwhelmed by the brilliance of the brain which, from one popularization, can by the power of its deductive ability reconstruct mentally all the primary and basic works of socialism, Marxism, and so forth. The time this saves is not having to read those hoary works is immense. Of course there is a corresponding loss, in spite of that feat of mentalistics, in that Mr. Blish is certain that he will not find any politic grounds that will agree with the democrats, socialists, and communists who find Mr. Ezra Pound not entirely innocent of evil. We are afraid that Mr. Blish's obstinacy of mind hints at curious mental block in favor of fascistic personages that surmounts all teachings, laws, sciences, and decencies. He should see a psychologist. There are a number of very fine ones who could analyze his case wonderfully well. Those who do not live in Loningrad, undoubtedly reside in Moscow. ************ There is no historical accident, nor anything ironic, in the fact that in the same week that Koestler's latest anti-Soviet book appeared, the movies of the Kharkov trials of other anti-Soviet agents were released. It is rather a tragic reminder that lying attempts to provoke war and undermine the peace are still permitted in our country but logically supressed elsewhere. ************
Hevelin Fanzines