K'tagogm-m, v. 1, issue 3, September 1945
Page 10
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K'taogbm-m 10 TRANSCRIPTIONS FROM THE TERRESTRIAL -A continuing excerpt anthology- ************** (on the birth of a baby) The fierce blind force of life! What cause for exultation could there be in the bringing of one more human being into the world?...The Church might rejoice in one more stupefied soul, the British bourgeois empire in more defender. The pulpy little creature's non-existent mind would presently unfold through the inculcation of chimerical fables and superstitions, would be stocked with the ideas by means of which it would think, feel, and tattle, not one of which would have the remotest basis in reason or reality. Those inculcated stupidities would in all likelihood be forever ineradicable. Should any glimmer of struggling intelligence survive the process, he would spend his life tortured by the interminable and futile conflict. Poor little pulpy Harry! About to become, in all probability, an insufferable little maleficent sham. (Robert Briffault "Europa in Limbo") *************** You want to know where is the life of our young Soviet giant? All right then, I will tell you. The life of our Soviet giant is to be found in the center of a territory far greater than any land unit under any flag. At this center there is a rock of granite and in the heart of the granite a diamond, harder than any stone; on the diamond is written, "Not mine for me but ours for us." That is the deathless life of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (Walter Duranty[[?]] "I write as I please") ************** MICE Here's to the mice chat scare the lions, Creeping into their cages. Here's to the fairy mice that bite The elephants fat and wise: Hidden in the hay pile while the elephant-thunder rages; Here's to the scurrying timid mice, Through whom the proud cause dies. Here's to the seeming accident When all is planned and working, All the wheels a-turning, Not one serf a-shirking. Here's to the hidden tunneling thing That brings the mountain's groans. Here's to the midnight scamps that gnaw; Gnawing away the thrones. (Vachel Lindsay)
K'taogbm-m 10 TRANSCRIPTIONS FROM THE TERRESTRIAL -A continuing excerpt anthology- ************** (on the birth of a baby) The fierce blind force of life! What cause for exultation could there be in the bringing of one more human being into the world?...The Church might rejoice in one more stupefied soul, the British bourgeois empire in more defender. The pulpy little creature's non-existent mind would presently unfold through the inculcation of chimerical fables and superstitions, would be stocked with the ideas by means of which it would think, feel, and tattle, not one of which would have the remotest basis in reason or reality. Those inculcated stupidities would in all likelihood be forever ineradicable. Should any glimmer of struggling intelligence survive the process, he would spend his life tortured by the interminable and futile conflict. Poor little pulpy Harry! About to become, in all probability, an insufferable little maleficent sham. (Robert Briffault "Europa in Limbo") *************** You want to know where is the life of our young Soviet giant? All right then, I will tell you. The life of our Soviet giant is to be found in the center of a territory far greater than any land unit under any flag. At this center there is a rock of granite and in the heart of the granite a diamond, harder than any stone; on the diamond is written, "Not mine for me but ours for us." That is the deathless life of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (Walter Duranty[[?]] "I write as I please") ************** MICE Here's to the mice chat scare the lions, Creeping into their cages. Here's to the fairy mice that bite The elephants fat and wise: Hidden in the hay pile while the elephant-thunder rages; Here's to the scurrying timid mice, Through whom the proud cause dies. Here's to the seeming accident When all is planned and working, All the wheels a-turning, Not one serf a-shirking. Here's to the hidden tunneling thing That brings the mountain's groans. Here's to the midnight scamps that gnaw; Gnawing away the thrones. (Vachel Lindsay)
Hevelin Fanzines