Phanny, v. 3, issue 1, Spring 1944
page 4
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4 PHANNY 4 holidays was nice; but Alpha-Man is necessarily a Dictatorial Type, even if he is a Good Dictatorial Type, and all Dictatorial Types are Bad, even when they are Good. Anyway, so it says here. -- Phoney Phone Call wasn't worth quite so much space, but was funny enuf. -- Daniels' comments on setting up a sort of Fan register based on prozine letter columns is far from new; the idea was one of the basic plans in the formation of the NFFFF, and had probably been used many times before. I still think the plan has some merit, if properly handled. Personel letters seem to be most effective; but whatever the method of contact, one reply out of fifty "possibles" is exceptional. -- THE UNKNOWN MADMAN looks like plagiarism to me; I'm quite sure I wrote page two early in 1906. -- CRUISE OF THE FOO FOO SPECIAL JR. Art has a rare knack for these things, altho this seems a little below par. Such tribulations would quench the travel-lust of lesser mortals, but no doubt Art will fare forth again, many times. I'll enjoy reading them, anyway. SPEER and all his works. IM MEMORIAM: SPIRIT OF FOOFOO. What does "Full length Articles" man, Jack? What other lengths are there? -- This rather sizable volume would certainly not be considered closely related to fantast as much of it is not even related to fanning; still, I think it is justifieable as a sort of autobiography of a fan. Intentionally or not, it presents a pretty good picture of at least one side of Juffus. -- The dining car episode merely amuses me; it shows that Jack still fits below the Dixie Line. Politicians make huge capital out of the illogical feeling represented here; demagogues stay in Washington term after term purely on the strength of the inferiority complex here represented. -- SUS-PRO -- As usua, much worthy of comment, and little to be said about it. "Quoteworthy Quotes exceptionally good; if I weren't so lazy and such a procrastinator, I'd keep such things myself when I run across them; but I never will, I suspect. --"The History of Fnadom" seems a bit narrow, but it is probably adequate considering the space limitations. -- When I studied Educational Psychology a number of years bacj, Jack, the evidence then available indicated that there were no difference in intelligence due to race, which were mesaurable by such an instrument as the Simon-Benet test, within the allowable margin of error of 5%. You may have later and more accurate figures, but in any case, difference between races are on a fraction of the difference existing within any racial group. In this case, even if the difference between median scores was as great as 20% (which it certainly is not) your argument would still fall through. For there would still be several hundred thousand of the "inferior race" with I.Q.'s well above the median of their "superiors;! and the median of the lesser mortals would also be far above the level of the lower quartile among the "superior" group. It seems to me that you tend to judge the Top Dogs on the basis of the performance of the upper fifty percent, and the performance of the under-dogs on the basis of the median performance, probably with some slight weight allowed for a few very brillian individuals. You can't very well justify such a stand as that. -- The comments on Slan Center are sound,--but I've discussed that already at some length. (That refers to MOPSY, I've just discovered; not SUS-PRO.) -- THE CC AND FANDOM. -- I agree with most of this. "Unconfirmed reports" should not be included in such a statement, however; they weaken, rather than strengthen the case. If Helen B. is only fifteen now, she was about twelve when INFINITE was a-borning, and that is scarcely likely. Marlowe probably hadn't allowed for the passage of some years since that event. A DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION FOR FANTASY FICTION (Speer) A DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION OF FANTASY FICTION (Russell) When you fellows get this plan straightened out, I'll try using it, because I think the idea is worth while; but I haven't time to work on it any. You have done a lot of work on it, so far, and seem to be making real progress. PEOPLE STORIES. I'd seen the cover before, of course, but that is OK; a good old one beats a poor new one, I allus say. -- "Genesis." Maybe it did happen that way, at least once; the discovery of fire as a friend rather than as an enemy probably took place many times, at points widely separated either spacialy or temporally or both. "The Editors Take Their Stand." Did you happen to see some of the mailings of two or three years ago, 'fellers? No, I thought not. Their is still lots of room for improvement, especially on the parts of some members; but the improvement since ; '41 has been considerable, partly because of stuf like yours.
4 PHANNY 4 holidays was nice; but Alpha-Man is necessarily a Dictatorial Type, even if he is a Good Dictatorial Type, and all Dictatorial Types are Bad, even when they are Good. Anyway, so it says here. -- Phoney Phone Call wasn't worth quite so much space, but was funny enuf. -- Daniels' comments on setting up a sort of Fan register based on prozine letter columns is far from new; the idea was one of the basic plans in the formation of the NFFFF, and had probably been used many times before. I still think the plan has some merit, if properly handled. Personel letters seem to be most effective; but whatever the method of contact, one reply out of fifty "possibles" is exceptional. -- THE UNKNOWN MADMAN looks like plagiarism to me; I'm quite sure I wrote page two early in 1906. -- CRUISE OF THE FOO FOO SPECIAL JR. Art has a rare knack for these things, altho this seems a little below par. Such tribulations would quench the travel-lust of lesser mortals, but no doubt Art will fare forth again, many times. I'll enjoy reading them, anyway. SPEER and all his works. IM MEMORIAM: SPIRIT OF FOOFOO. What does "Full length Articles" man, Jack? What other lengths are there? -- This rather sizable volume would certainly not be considered closely related to fantast as much of it is not even related to fanning; still, I think it is justifieable as a sort of autobiography of a fan. Intentionally or not, it presents a pretty good picture of at least one side of Juffus. -- The dining car episode merely amuses me; it shows that Jack still fits below the Dixie Line. Politicians make huge capital out of the illogical feeling represented here; demagogues stay in Washington term after term purely on the strength of the inferiority complex here represented. -- SUS-PRO -- As usua, much worthy of comment, and little to be said about it. "Quoteworthy Quotes exceptionally good; if I weren't so lazy and such a procrastinator, I'd keep such things myself when I run across them; but I never will, I suspect. --"The History of Fnadom" seems a bit narrow, but it is probably adequate considering the space limitations. -- When I studied Educational Psychology a number of years bacj, Jack, the evidence then available indicated that there were no difference in intelligence due to race, which were mesaurable by such an instrument as the Simon-Benet test, within the allowable margin of error of 5%. You may have later and more accurate figures, but in any case, difference between races are on a fraction of the difference existing within any racial group. In this case, even if the difference between median scores was as great as 20% (which it certainly is not) your argument would still fall through. For there would still be several hundred thousand of the "inferior race" with I.Q.'s well above the median of their "superiors;! and the median of the lesser mortals would also be far above the level of the lower quartile among the "superior" group. It seems to me that you tend to judge the Top Dogs on the basis of the performance of the upper fifty percent, and the performance of the under-dogs on the basis of the median performance, probably with some slight weight allowed for a few very brillian individuals. You can't very well justify such a stand as that. -- The comments on Slan Center are sound,--but I've discussed that already at some length. (That refers to MOPSY, I've just discovered; not SUS-PRO.) -- THE CC AND FANDOM. -- I agree with most of this. "Unconfirmed reports" should not be included in such a statement, however; they weaken, rather than strengthen the case. If Helen B. is only fifteen now, she was about twelve when INFINITE was a-borning, and that is scarcely likely. Marlowe probably hadn't allowed for the passage of some years since that event. A DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION FOR FANTASY FICTION (Speer) A DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION OF FANTASY FICTION (Russell) When you fellows get this plan straightened out, I'll try using it, because I think the idea is worth while; but I haven't time to work on it any. You have done a lot of work on it, so far, and seem to be making real progress. PEOPLE STORIES. I'd seen the cover before, of course, but that is OK; a good old one beats a poor new one, I allus say. -- "Genesis." Maybe it did happen that way, at least once; the discovery of fire as a friend rather than as an enemy probably took place many times, at points widely separated either spacialy or temporally or both. "The Editors Take Their Stand." Did you happen to see some of the mailings of two or three years ago, 'fellers? No, I thought not. Their is still lots of room for improvement, especially on the parts of some members; but the improvement since ; '41 has been considerable, partly because of stuf like yours.
Hevelin Fanzines