Phanny, v. 3, issue 1, Spring 1944
page 5
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5 PHANNY 5 I.M. Irksom hadles the Caustic Square, don't you think? CAUSTIC SQUARE BULLSHOOTER. Hilarious. The typo-errors look quite natural. claude will probably accept this as complimentary, though, as he did Wollheim's article last time. COVENTRY. Not for me. I can't see much value in the Fortean approach to mysteries of nature. I enjoyed "LO" when I read it, but was not impressed. THE PEACE WITNESS. The best statement of the Pacifist view that I have seen, although I think there are many such to whom it does not apply. Persnoally, I don't think the few honest, sincere conscientious objectors do have or can have any effect either way on the duration of the war. Nor do I think they will be an important factor in the eventual abolishment of war; they simply look like easy marks to the aggressive, warlike individual and his followers. Nor do I think Chaneless convictions, however praiseworthy, are in any sense, a logical or justifiable basis of action; we live in a world of change, and the man whose ideas are fixed gets left behind. War is bad, but regusal to fight does not stop wars. However, one of the things for which this was is being fought is the right to hold and express opinions, and I would not want to see that right abridged, so long as it does not contribute too directly to my own injury, or to the iinjury of our way of living. The same comments apply in general to the SOCIETY OF JURIDICA pamphlet. TOWARD YESTERDAY. -- "Futurian" might be a good name for fanes, if the name did not already have definite connotations within the fan fold. But it has definite significance, being regularly applied to member to the FSNY. The FSNY represents only one of many facets of Fandom; an important facet, but no the only important one. That, however, would not be so bad; but now, Cosmic Claude has adopted the FSNY and the name "Futurian." That is bad. -- Use a lighter paper next time, Jike; there isn't enough contrast this time; hard to read. SPEER, agin; forgot this awhile back. -- Like the tern "Stefnist" for "fan" It is a new word, with no other meanings, so we can define it as we like. It is specific, and it is of definite fan deriviation. But I'd like to learn a little more about declensions. What would be used to represent "Fandom," for instance? "Stefnisy" is obvious enough, as a sort of collective nown for all the elements which make up fan activities, but it doesn't include "Fandom" in its meanings. We migt have such words as "stefnic," "stefnistic," "stefnical," etc.; perhaps "stefnism," and even such telescoped wrods as "Stefnicynic." Get busy, Juffus, I can't even define all those I've listed. FANDANGO --- Well, maybe you are right in your plans for Degler and Raym, but I still think the FAPA can ignore Degler and live quite happily. He has supposedly resigned from the CC, now; at least, as Co-Ordinator; the drool put out from headquarters is going from bad to worse again, after a very brief bit of improvement in technique and presentation. Let's Forget Claude. --The hectoed portion was very well done, but nothing requires comment in it. Excellent typography. FA LEAN 3; Useful, like its namesakes. FEN. -- Shaw is right; "fen" and "slen" as plurals for "fan" and "slan" are retrogressive. We have enough irregularities in English, without such a return to the idiosyncrasies of our Germanic ancestors. "Fen" is positively anachronistic. Let's use "stefnists." --Fassbeinder took a long route to point in his premise of protracted juvenility in Claude, but I reckon he made his point. EN GARDE -- Nothing wrongwith the colors this time. But who isthe guy with the orange-red eye, and what the devil goes on? The fire in the air anin#t goin' nowhere; just tell me--what's goin' on? -- Slan Center--see the opening article in this sih. --Visualization. I think a relatively small proportion of the population can visualize to the extent which you describe. I've known people who can and do remember facts they read by "seeing" each printed page complete, with number and paragraph indentations, so that they can "read" it just as wen they actually saw it in print. I certainly can't approach anything like that. I can often call up very vivid scenes, but usually can't hold them very long. If I could visualize better, I could undoubtedly remember names and faces more successfully. Undoubtedly, such vivid visualization is the chief secret of some chess experts, and others in similar fields. --Glad to see that you see through the tinsel of the super-imposed Utopia. -- Oy, Yorbber --how about trying KCN; more quicker. "Umberto Concerto" ---Scgserhoomphthsczouss. -- "Imaginary Iles"-
5 PHANNY 5 I.M. Irksom hadles the Caustic Square, don't you think? CAUSTIC SQUARE BULLSHOOTER. Hilarious. The typo-errors look quite natural. claude will probably accept this as complimentary, though, as he did Wollheim's article last time. COVENTRY. Not for me. I can't see much value in the Fortean approach to mysteries of nature. I enjoyed "LO" when I read it, but was not impressed. THE PEACE WITNESS. The best statement of the Pacifist view that I have seen, although I think there are many such to whom it does not apply. Persnoally, I don't think the few honest, sincere conscientious objectors do have or can have any effect either way on the duration of the war. Nor do I think they will be an important factor in the eventual abolishment of war; they simply look like easy marks to the aggressive, warlike individual and his followers. Nor do I think Chaneless convictions, however praiseworthy, are in any sense, a logical or justifiable basis of action; we live in a world of change, and the man whose ideas are fixed gets left behind. War is bad, but regusal to fight does not stop wars. However, one of the things for which this was is being fought is the right to hold and express opinions, and I would not want to see that right abridged, so long as it does not contribute too directly to my own injury, or to the iinjury of our way of living. The same comments apply in general to the SOCIETY OF JURIDICA pamphlet. TOWARD YESTERDAY. -- "Futurian" might be a good name for fanes, if the name did not already have definite connotations within the fan fold. But it has definite significance, being regularly applied to member to the FSNY. The FSNY represents only one of many facets of Fandom; an important facet, but no the only important one. That, however, would not be so bad; but now, Cosmic Claude has adopted the FSNY and the name "Futurian." That is bad. -- Use a lighter paper next time, Jike; there isn't enough contrast this time; hard to read. SPEER, agin; forgot this awhile back. -- Like the tern "Stefnist" for "fan" It is a new word, with no other meanings, so we can define it as we like. It is specific, and it is of definite fan deriviation. But I'd like to learn a little more about declensions. What would be used to represent "Fandom," for instance? "Stefnisy" is obvious enough, as a sort of collective nown for all the elements which make up fan activities, but it doesn't include "Fandom" in its meanings. We migt have such words as "stefnic," "stefnistic," "stefnical," etc.; perhaps "stefnism," and even such telescoped wrods as "Stefnicynic." Get busy, Juffus, I can't even define all those I've listed. FANDANGO --- Well, maybe you are right in your plans for Degler and Raym, but I still think the FAPA can ignore Degler and live quite happily. He has supposedly resigned from the CC, now; at least, as Co-Ordinator; the drool put out from headquarters is going from bad to worse again, after a very brief bit of improvement in technique and presentation. Let's Forget Claude. --The hectoed portion was very well done, but nothing requires comment in it. Excellent typography. FA LEAN 3; Useful, like its namesakes. FEN. -- Shaw is right; "fen" and "slen" as plurals for "fan" and "slan" are retrogressive. We have enough irregularities in English, without such a return to the idiosyncrasies of our Germanic ancestors. "Fen" is positively anachronistic. Let's use "stefnists." --Fassbeinder took a long route to point in his premise of protracted juvenility in Claude, but I reckon he made his point. EN GARDE -- Nothing wrongwith the colors this time. But who isthe guy with the orange-red eye, and what the devil goes on? The fire in the air anin#t goin' nowhere; just tell me--what's goin' on? -- Slan Center--see the opening article in this sih. --Visualization. I think a relatively small proportion of the population can visualize to the extent which you describe. I've known people who can and do remember facts they read by "seeing" each printed page complete, with number and paragraph indentations, so that they can "read" it just as wen they actually saw it in print. I certainly can't approach anything like that. I can often call up very vivid scenes, but usually can't hold them very long. If I could visualize better, I could undoubtedly remember names and faces more successfully. Undoubtedly, such vivid visualization is the chief secret of some chess experts, and others in similar fields. --Glad to see that you see through the tinsel of the super-imposed Utopia. -- Oy, Yorbber --how about trying KCN; more quicker. "Umberto Concerto" ---Scgserhoomphthsczouss. -- "Imaginary Iles"-
Hevelin Fanzines