Phanny, v. 3, issue 1, Spring 1944
page 7
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7 PHANNY 7 Triplets." My only acuqaintance with Collier is by way of "Green Thoughts," which came very close to convincing me for all time that I had missed nothing in not becoming more familiar with him. Some of the items by Searles roused my curiosity a little, however, although I still remember "Green Thoughts" with displeasure. "Sam Small Flies Again." I'll eventually read these further adventures of the Flying Yorjshireman; the first book was a gem. "Two Bottles of Relish" sounds interesting, too. The comments on INSPIRATION indicate that PHANNY, too, will probably meet with Searles displeasure, for PHANNY has even less to do with professional fantasy than Lynn's mag has; it is intelligently handled, and the remarks are generally concise and penetrating. Of course, their are no book reviews..... -- The harsh remarks about Trudy's editorializing on the Race question were scarcely merited, I should say. Of course she can't solve the problem. Neither, I think, can Searles, although his criticism suggests that he, if he desired, could do much better than Trudy. I wonder. THE FAPA CORRESPONDENT. Yep, it was the stencils, Harry. LIGHT. Best portion is the Editorial. The contents don't quite live up to the promises. Fiction unimpressive; but then it is straight Weird and Horror stuff, for which see comments on "A Few Uncomfortable Moments" in The F. C. COMIC CIRCLE COMMENTATOR: Very capable takeoff onsomething which should be taken off; the farther off the better. List of officers very imposing, and in the best CC tradition, too, since the officers are the ones who are being imposed upon. FAN-DANGO (hektoed) -- The discussion of negroid influences is interesting and pertinent. -- Can't see the point about extreme skepticism being desirable. Truth is too rare to make it desirable to smear any of it; better let a little Blah creep through instead. Extreme cynics live a rather starved sort of life, I suspect. TRIVIAL TRIANGLE. -- This is a very inadequate imitation of the real thing. Very few if any typographical errors; only two bad blots, and the sentences are quite grammatical. (After reading this much of my stuff, you may well wonder upon what basis I make that statement about grammar; there is nothing in PHANNY to indicate that I know anything about it.) TALE OF THE 'EVANS. Sure glad to see this back again. Welcome home, EEE+ BROWSING. This publication grows on one. Mike and I certainly disagree on a number of things, but I wouldn't arguify with him; I'm too glad to have him around. (Besides, he is probably much too able a debater for my talents.) I find the personalized discussions of books more interersting than the formal reviews. INSPIRATION. Lynn is very adept at this business of composing briefly and to the point, directly on the stencil. -- In some respects, I think Negroes are a little better off here than in many Southern States, particularly in the matter of educational opportunnities. Free text-books, for example, one of the worthwhile practicies initiated by H.P. Long, are not common trhoughout the South. -- I like Lynn's comments on the pros, mainly because our tastes are quite similar. I prefer ASF's "socionomical" stories, too. MEET FAPA. The Pres.takes his office seriously. This booklet has long been needed. It took me some six months to find out just what I had gotten into, after I joined into the FAPA. FANTASNIDE. Nize format and typography; a wee mite punny; also puny, as to size. GUTETO. I'm sufficiently interested in the principle of an International Auxiliary Language to need to other justification for this Drop in the Bucket. I should like to see other material, also, however. -- Look, Morojo; you make one statement which is apparently its own denial. I quote "....a story translated from Swedish into Esperanto by a Swedish Esp-ist and from Esp-o into English by and English Esp-ist turns out much better than one translated from Swedish to English by ether and English-speaking Swede or a Swedish-speaking Englishman." Now, who decides which translation is the best? The Swede or the Englishman in question couldn't very well qualify for the job; perhaps you would have the decision rendered by a Frenchman who speaks both English and Swedish? FANFARE. This was great, Art. The space-zoor-sooted cover hero is but little more ridiculous than some I've seen on the pros; as for the gal--well, on the third look, I noticed that her head was missing. The ads were super-excellent.
7 PHANNY 7 Triplets." My only acuqaintance with Collier is by way of "Green Thoughts," which came very close to convincing me for all time that I had missed nothing in not becoming more familiar with him. Some of the items by Searles roused my curiosity a little, however, although I still remember "Green Thoughts" with displeasure. "Sam Small Flies Again." I'll eventually read these further adventures of the Flying Yorjshireman; the first book was a gem. "Two Bottles of Relish" sounds interesting, too. The comments on INSPIRATION indicate that PHANNY, too, will probably meet with Searles displeasure, for PHANNY has even less to do with professional fantasy than Lynn's mag has; it is intelligently handled, and the remarks are generally concise and penetrating. Of course, their are no book reviews..... -- The harsh remarks about Trudy's editorializing on the Race question were scarcely merited, I should say. Of course she can't solve the problem. Neither, I think, can Searles, although his criticism suggests that he, if he desired, could do much better than Trudy. I wonder. THE FAPA CORRESPONDENT. Yep, it was the stencils, Harry. LIGHT. Best portion is the Editorial. The contents don't quite live up to the promises. Fiction unimpressive; but then it is straight Weird and Horror stuff, for which see comments on "A Few Uncomfortable Moments" in The F. C. COMIC CIRCLE COMMENTATOR: Very capable takeoff onsomething which should be taken off; the farther off the better. List of officers very imposing, and in the best CC tradition, too, since the officers are the ones who are being imposed upon. FAN-DANGO (hektoed) -- The discussion of negroid influences is interesting and pertinent. -- Can't see the point about extreme skepticism being desirable. Truth is too rare to make it desirable to smear any of it; better let a little Blah creep through instead. Extreme cynics live a rather starved sort of life, I suspect. TRIVIAL TRIANGLE. -- This is a very inadequate imitation of the real thing. Very few if any typographical errors; only two bad blots, and the sentences are quite grammatical. (After reading this much of my stuff, you may well wonder upon what basis I make that statement about grammar; there is nothing in PHANNY to indicate that I know anything about it.) TALE OF THE 'EVANS. Sure glad to see this back again. Welcome home, EEE+ BROWSING. This publication grows on one. Mike and I certainly disagree on a number of things, but I wouldn't arguify with him; I'm too glad to have him around. (Besides, he is probably much too able a debater for my talents.) I find the personalized discussions of books more interersting than the formal reviews. INSPIRATION. Lynn is very adept at this business of composing briefly and to the point, directly on the stencil. -- In some respects, I think Negroes are a little better off here than in many Southern States, particularly in the matter of educational opportunnities. Free text-books, for example, one of the worthwhile practicies initiated by H.P. Long, are not common trhoughout the South. -- I like Lynn's comments on the pros, mainly because our tastes are quite similar. I prefer ASF's "socionomical" stories, too. MEET FAPA. The Pres.takes his office seriously. This booklet has long been needed. It took me some six months to find out just what I had gotten into, after I joined into the FAPA. FANTASNIDE. Nize format and typography; a wee mite punny; also puny, as to size. GUTETO. I'm sufficiently interested in the principle of an International Auxiliary Language to need to other justification for this Drop in the Bucket. I should like to see other material, also, however. -- Look, Morojo; you make one statement which is apparently its own denial. I quote "....a story translated from Swedish into Esperanto by a Swedish Esp-ist and from Esp-o into English by and English Esp-ist turns out much better than one translated from Swedish to English by ether and English-speaking Swede or a Swedish-speaking Englishman." Now, who decides which translation is the best? The Swede or the Englishman in question couldn't very well qualify for the job; perhaps you would have the decision rendered by a Frenchman who speaks both English and Swedish? FANFARE. This was great, Art. The space-zoor-sooted cover hero is but little more ridiculous than some I've seen on the pros; as for the gal--well, on the third look, I noticed that her head was missing. The ads were super-excellent.
Hevelin Fanzines