Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
Page 7
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IMAGINATION #7 38 Apr A REPLY TO "MICHELISM": T. Bruce Yerke I have heard quite a bit about Michelism lately, which originated at the 3d Eastern Science Fiction Convention this ism having caused a small bombshell to burst over the head of fandom. DAWollheim has become completely enraptured with the delectable thot of "Michelism" & workt his typewriter overtime to publicize the party. The other day as a member of the S-FA I rcvd my monthly copy of Novae Terrae (38 Jan issue) & discovered the banner had hitch-hiked over the Atlantic to Merrie Englande, to be broadcast back to the U.S. Again Wollheim is behind the growing snowball, or should I say 8 ball? After having read the article (or at least the readable parts) I find that M. Wollheim kicks himself in his pants quite lustily & hasnt as yet found out about it. First, he loudly condemns the Peace Pledge Folder for reasons which shall follow later, the general gist being no Peace Union or the like can succeed, with which I wholeheartedly agree. Then, Sir Wollheim enters into an earnest harangue setting forth the general principles of MICHELISM, namely (I shall quote his own words): "MICHELISM is the belief that science fiction followers should actively work for the realization of the scientific socialist world-state as the only genuine justificaton for their activities and existence"--which is, essentially, the ultimate goal of dozens of other unions striving toward "Peace, Unity & Freedom". This contradicts his previous paragraf. Enuf of that. What gets me is the fact that Wollheim, of all people, can be deluded into thinking all fandom can be united in one group for one goal, when in the past, & the present, no one agrees with anything & never has been able to do so--& especially to work for one purpose which is against the ideals of dozens, yea 100s, yea 1000s, of fans. There can't be more than 300 active fans, if the term "active" is used in its generally accepted form. Of those it is easily discernable at least 1/3d, or most likely more, are distincly antisocialist, anticommunist, very patriotic & quite undesirous of such a motive. Thus we are left with not more than 200 fans who might be willing to work toward the aforementioned cause. Ofcourse I don't mean there arent 1000s of people who wouldnt be in accord with MICHELISM, so I believe we had better turn elsewhere than stf for support. As for another "point de resistance" which has popt up somewhere: It is mutually agreed people who read scientifiction are broad-minded, progressive but not necessarily scientific. When you read stf, & if you enjoy it, you unconsciously or otherwise gain a broader view of the cosmos; you look at the human race, guillible homo sapiens, as from another world, & can see with greater clarity the true blindness, pettiness & ignorance of humanity; & you gain a greater perspective of the cosmos & see as never before how inconsequential is this Tere, its populations & desires; & it promotes, as has been recently suggested, Atheism, in which you begin to doubt certain things that have been taught you since birth. GOOD, but it is not the destiny of SCIENTIFICTION to reform the world to what it should be tho I have little doubt Scientifictionists will have no small part in the struggle. At present Tere is going to Inferno. It is in the power of greed, corruption, graft, hate, selfishness, militarism, ambitional conquest, Ackermanese & ultimate self-destruction. Every nation regards the other wih grim foreboding & in the bosom of the world smoulders an all-consuming fire that has gone too far to be quencht. There are 2 alternatives: A War, which will practically wipe out humanity & retard civilization for centurys; or: A socialistic (but by no means bloodless) revolution, from which will emerge (we hope) a newer, "truer" civilization, which is Man's Rightful Heritage. But--It is not for the science fiction ranks to accomplish this reform.
IMAGINATION #7 38 Apr A REPLY TO "MICHELISM": T. Bruce Yerke I have heard quite a bit about Michelism lately, which originated at the 3d Eastern Science Fiction Convention this ism having caused a small bombshell to burst over the head of fandom. DAWollheim has become completely enraptured with the delectable thot of "Michelism" & workt his typewriter overtime to publicize the party. The other day as a member of the S-FA I rcvd my monthly copy of Novae Terrae (38 Jan issue) & discovered the banner had hitch-hiked over the Atlantic to Merrie Englande, to be broadcast back to the U.S. Again Wollheim is behind the growing snowball, or should I say 8 ball? After having read the article (or at least the readable parts) I find that M. Wollheim kicks himself in his pants quite lustily & hasnt as yet found out about it. First, he loudly condemns the Peace Pledge Folder for reasons which shall follow later, the general gist being no Peace Union or the like can succeed, with which I wholeheartedly agree. Then, Sir Wollheim enters into an earnest harangue setting forth the general principles of MICHELISM, namely (I shall quote his own words): "MICHELISM is the belief that science fiction followers should actively work for the realization of the scientific socialist world-state as the only genuine justificaton for their activities and existence"--which is, essentially, the ultimate goal of dozens of other unions striving toward "Peace, Unity & Freedom". This contradicts his previous paragraf. Enuf of that. What gets me is the fact that Wollheim, of all people, can be deluded into thinking all fandom can be united in one group for one goal, when in the past, & the present, no one agrees with anything & never has been able to do so--& especially to work for one purpose which is against the ideals of dozens, yea 100s, yea 1000s, of fans. There can't be more than 300 active fans, if the term "active" is used in its generally accepted form. Of those it is easily discernable at least 1/3d, or most likely more, are distincly antisocialist, anticommunist, very patriotic & quite undesirous of such a motive. Thus we are left with not more than 200 fans who might be willing to work toward the aforementioned cause. Ofcourse I don't mean there arent 1000s of people who wouldnt be in accord with MICHELISM, so I believe we had better turn elsewhere than stf for support. As for another "point de resistance" which has popt up somewhere: It is mutually agreed people who read scientifiction are broad-minded, progressive but not necessarily scientific. When you read stf, & if you enjoy it, you unconsciously or otherwise gain a broader view of the cosmos; you look at the human race, guillible homo sapiens, as from another world, & can see with greater clarity the true blindness, pettiness & ignorance of humanity; & you gain a greater perspective of the cosmos & see as never before how inconsequential is this Tere, its populations & desires; & it promotes, as has been recently suggested, Atheism, in which you begin to doubt certain things that have been taught you since birth. GOOD, but it is not the destiny of SCIENTIFICTION to reform the world to what it should be tho I have little doubt Scientifictionists will have no small part in the struggle. At present Tere is going to Inferno. It is in the power of greed, corruption, graft, hate, selfishness, militarism, ambitional conquest, Ackermanese & ultimate self-destruction. Every nation regards the other wih grim foreboding & in the bosom of the world smoulders an all-consuming fire that has gone too far to be quencht. There are 2 alternatives: A War, which will practically wipe out humanity & retard civilization for centurys; or: A socialistic (but by no means bloodless) revolution, from which will emerge (we hope) a newer, "truer" civilization, which is Man's Rightful Heritage. But--It is not for the science fiction ranks to accomplish this reform.
Hevelin Fanzines