Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
Page 16
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16 VOICE OF THE CONDEM-NATION! The Readers Rate the mag they LOVE (to hate!) J. CHAPMAN MISKE: 5000 Train Av; Cleveland/O is encouraging: "I was quite glad to read that you fellas there in the Golden West hadn't become embittered to such an extent over the spelling controversy -- or should I say riot? -- that the organ was discontinued. Please don't do that. Despite the fact that I am on the side of those among you who think that less of the extremist spelling would enhance the magazine, I would rather see 'Madge' with it, than not see it without it -- or don't I make myself clear?" (Quite) "Hi Priestess of Foo Foo" sends this Foo for Thot from Bx 2, Gila Bend; [Signed Pogo] Ariz: "I was very hapy 2 recv Madge. I njoyd it vedy vedy much. That is, th material on th inside. U shoudntv let Bradbury, the Foo, draw it. Y did U let him? That covr was nothing unsual, anyone coudv thot up that idea. Here aftr try & get somethng individual, & somethng that requires IMAGINATION, & don't let Bradbury draw it. (Not even under a pseudonym?) -- Hum, I rembr seeing Fred Shreyer riton 'Anent, Atheism & Stf'. If he is an atheist, wich he saz he is, then Y didnt he sign his name 2 th AA&S, insted of Resurection? (Far b it from Fred to make any bones about his being an atheist. He put his name to both articles. But as Resurrection is to b a permanent feature, & we like--on the surface at least--for only 1 article to apear by 1 person in 1 issue--ateists amike Akerman contrived "Erick Freyer" from (Fred)erick Shreyer for the Contents Pg. Siehst du?) -- I recvd th 'Television Dectiv' yesterday. It is very easily understood, and I liked very much, but it shoudv had mor ACKERMANESE in it. -- U wasn't there any Esperanto n the Mag? Not enuf space is a very poor xcuse. -- Pardin milion mistakes, pliz; am inahury!" Excerpts from a lengthy letter from [Signed Donald Wollheim] "Ghu Ghu" & "Michelist" of 801 W End Av, NYC: "Enclosed you will find One Dollar to renew my subscription to IMAGINATION. -- The sciencefiction fan who sincerely belives in the world-state aim and in the immediate needs for scientific socialism and other advances, would do far better to confine his writings and notions to the regular English language. Rationalization of spelling is desirable, but NOT NOW. -- You ought at least to pretend that the editorial staff has spent a little time on the magazine instead of dashing it out while waiting for a street-car." (The picture daw paints is preposterous. As if the compositors of IMAGINATION! would ride in a common conveyance! Or bother about editing! Y, they relax in their Rolls Royces, leave the mental & manual labor of publishing the periodical to the 2d Asst Secys…) Sec-Treas the American Fantasy Fan Assn., 170 Washington Av; W Haven/Ct: [Signed Louis Kuslan] "The most laudable attribute of this fan magazine is its propensity for coming out on time, which propensity happens to be possessed by only two or three other fan efforts. I am very glad to see that we eastern fans who are against futuristic spelling have an ally in the person of Perry L. Lewis. If necessary, Perry, I'll send you some tri-nitro-toluene for the purpose of blowing up Ackerman, and his dastardly Ackermanese. Just give the word. -- The most interesting article in this issue was Robert Bloch's interview with a monster (himself). Bloch's humor was awful in places, but effective in others. I did enjoy his work in Weird Tales, but I have recently given it (W.T.) up as not fit reading for anyone but a moron. Perhaps he will write a science-fiction story (a hint, Mr. Bloch!). -- By all means keep up Resurrection by Frederick Shreyer. There happen to be several book reviews in other fan mags, but Mr. Shreyer has as interesting material, and style as any of them. Please review Messiah of the Cylinder by Rousseau. -- I don't know what to vote the worst thing in the issue as there are several, so I won't say anything, but I'll think a lot." JACK "IPO" SPEER, 117N4: Comanche/Okla.: "I don't believe you can do it. Why don't you offer a year's subscription to anyone that finds a taint of Ackermanese in the forthcoming article? (Taint a bad idea. Agreed! Coudnt xpect th LASFL treasu-
16 VOICE OF THE CONDEM-NATION! The Readers Rate the mag they LOVE (to hate!) J. CHAPMAN MISKE: 5000 Train Av; Cleveland/O is encouraging: "I was quite glad to read that you fellas there in the Golden West hadn't become embittered to such an extent over the spelling controversy -- or should I say riot? -- that the organ was discontinued. Please don't do that. Despite the fact that I am on the side of those among you who think that less of the extremist spelling would enhance the magazine, I would rather see 'Madge' with it, than not see it without it -- or don't I make myself clear?" (Quite) "Hi Priestess of Foo Foo" sends this Foo for Thot from Bx 2, Gila Bend; [Signed Pogo] Ariz: "I was very hapy 2 recv Madge. I njoyd it vedy vedy much. That is, th material on th inside. U shoudntv let Bradbury, the Foo, draw it. Y did U let him? That covr was nothing unsual, anyone coudv thot up that idea. Here aftr try & get somethng individual, & somethng that requires IMAGINATION, & don't let Bradbury draw it. (Not even under a pseudonym?) -- Hum, I rembr seeing Fred Shreyer riton 'Anent, Atheism & Stf'. If he is an atheist, wich he saz he is, then Y didnt he sign his name 2 th AA&S, insted of Resurection? (Far b it from Fred to make any bones about his being an atheist. He put his name to both articles. But as Resurrection is to b a permanent feature, & we like--on the surface at least--for only 1 article to apear by 1 person in 1 issue--ateists amike Akerman contrived "Erick Freyer" from (Fred)erick Shreyer for the Contents Pg. Siehst du?) -- I recvd th 'Television Dectiv' yesterday. It is very easily understood, and I liked very much, but it shoudv had mor ACKERMANESE in it. -- U wasn't there any Esperanto n the Mag? Not enuf space is a very poor xcuse. -- Pardin milion mistakes, pliz; am inahury!" Excerpts from a lengthy letter from [Signed Donald Wollheim] "Ghu Ghu" & "Michelist" of 801 W End Av, NYC: "Enclosed you will find One Dollar to renew my subscription to IMAGINATION. -- The sciencefiction fan who sincerely belives in the world-state aim and in the immediate needs for scientific socialism and other advances, would do far better to confine his writings and notions to the regular English language. Rationalization of spelling is desirable, but NOT NOW. -- You ought at least to pretend that the editorial staff has spent a little time on the magazine instead of dashing it out while waiting for a street-car." (The picture daw paints is preposterous. As if the compositors of IMAGINATION! would ride in a common conveyance! Or bother about editing! Y, they relax in their Rolls Royces, leave the mental & manual labor of publishing the periodical to the 2d Asst Secys…) Sec-Treas the American Fantasy Fan Assn., 170 Washington Av; W Haven/Ct: [Signed Louis Kuslan] "The most laudable attribute of this fan magazine is its propensity for coming out on time, which propensity happens to be possessed by only two or three other fan efforts. I am very glad to see that we eastern fans who are against futuristic spelling have an ally in the person of Perry L. Lewis. If necessary, Perry, I'll send you some tri-nitro-toluene for the purpose of blowing up Ackerman, and his dastardly Ackermanese. Just give the word. -- The most interesting article in this issue was Robert Bloch's interview with a monster (himself). Bloch's humor was awful in places, but effective in others. I did enjoy his work in Weird Tales, but I have recently given it (W.T.) up as not fit reading for anyone but a moron. Perhaps he will write a science-fiction story (a hint, Mr. Bloch!). -- By all means keep up Resurrection by Frederick Shreyer. There happen to be several book reviews in other fan mags, but Mr. Shreyer has as interesting material, and style as any of them. Please review Messiah of the Cylinder by Rousseau. -- I don't know what to vote the worst thing in the issue as there are several, so I won't say anything, but I'll think a lot." JACK "IPO" SPEER, 117N4: Comanche/Okla.: "I don't believe you can do it. Why don't you offer a year's subscription to anyone that finds a taint of Ackermanese in the forthcoming article? (Taint a bad idea. Agreed! Coudnt xpect th LASFL treasu-
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