Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
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IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 3 FANTASCIENCE F-L-A-S-H-E-S ! By Claire Voyant WANTED: WIVES & MUSIC is the strangely unscientifictional-sounding title of an interplantaryarn of peril in C sharp minor under submission by Bob Olsen. Henry Kuttner, working over time, has turnd out no less than 9 new tales, to wit: BEYOND THE PHOENIX~~FLUX~~WHEN THE BEAST CAME~~THE DARK HERITAGE~~FRIGHTFUL CLAY~~ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN~~THE DISNHERITED~~THE TRANSGRESSOR~~& MURDER FOR FUN! 2d in The Bizarre Series (Richard Frank & K. Russell Miller, publishers) will b Dr Keller's own favorite among his short storys, the shudderyarn THING IN THE CELLAR... Amelia Reynolds Long working on another Prof O'Flannigan scientifunnyarn, THE MAN WHO SWALLOWD AN ELEFANT Fans interested in the identity of Lt John Pease, author of THE INVISIBLE BOMBER in Amazing 38 Jun, r tipt to thumb thru Argosyarn THE RADIO WAR for either a case of circumstantial evidence or 2 + 2 equals Ralph Milne 4-ley! Allis Kerlay & I were going thru Russ Hodgkins' astonishing sudonym sheet the other day--a little guessing game contest tween Allis & me to see how many alter egos we knew offhand--when my French-Canadian friend (she pronounces her name Ahl-ecs') called something queer to my attn: "Thornton Ayre" is Frank Jones of England; "Milton R. Peril" is Francis Aurthur Jones--believed to b British. Is it possible our old familiar "Milton Peril" is the new flash, "Thronton Ayre"--? As Weaver'd write: "Draw Ur own concussions..!" (WOW cont'd) time message should be releast to teach destination during the assemblage. Now we wonder how well we succeeded. We were glad to welcome back one of our first Hon Mems--one, in fact, whom we must thank for the very existence of our organization: The founder of the SFL--Charlie Hornig! In a short speech he expresst his desire to do all in his power to push our club & put to the pinnacle. New mems recently acquired include Charlie Henderson from "Shep's Shop" & Truman Reese recruited by Hal Clark. "Dr Acula" (Frank Brady), just back from a special trip to Northern Cal, tells of his disillusionment investigating the Rosicrucians' reports of a hidden retreat of legendary Lemurians in the Mt Shaste district. Doc summd up his feelings: Nuts! Number of our mems of atheisticomplex engaged in a blasfemous experiment of defying a deity, if there be one, to strike them dead--much to the consternation of those in the crowd with faith. Agnostics, unwilling to risk their own lives, defyd the Diety to strike a fellow mem down! (NB: I must regretfully report that Acker-man is still with us!). As these, the last words to be mimeod for May, are being written (24 Apr), Vodoso arrives with an ad ("Madge" has Sunday service at her bx): "I understand Imag is now the best fan mag--inclosed find 20 cents for which please run my add: Wanted--Thrill Bks, Tales of Magic & Mystery, Recluse, Conquest of Mars &c. E. Weinman: 57 1/2 Lyndhurst, Rochester/NY"
IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 3 FANTASCIENCE F-L-A-S-H-E-S ! By Claire Voyant WANTED: WIVES & MUSIC is the strangely unscientifictional-sounding title of an interplantaryarn of peril in C sharp minor under submission by Bob Olsen. Henry Kuttner, working over time, has turnd out no less than 9 new tales, to wit: BEYOND THE PHOENIX~~FLUX~~WHEN THE BEAST CAME~~THE DARK HERITAGE~~FRIGHTFUL CLAY~~ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN~~THE DISNHERITED~~THE TRANSGRESSOR~~& MURDER FOR FUN! 2d in The Bizarre Series (Richard Frank & K. Russell Miller, publishers) will b Dr Keller's own favorite among his short storys, the shudderyarn THING IN THE CELLAR... Amelia Reynolds Long working on another Prof O'Flannigan scientifunnyarn, THE MAN WHO SWALLOWD AN ELEFANT Fans interested in the identity of Lt John Pease, author of THE INVISIBLE BOMBER in Amazing 38 Jun, r tipt to thumb thru Argosyarn THE RADIO WAR for either a case of circumstantial evidence or 2 + 2 equals Ralph Milne 4-ley! Allis Kerlay & I were going thru Russ Hodgkins' astonishing sudonym sheet the other day--a little guessing game contest tween Allis & me to see how many alter egos we knew offhand--when my French-Canadian friend (she pronounces her name Ahl-ecs') called something queer to my attn: "Thornton Ayre" is Frank Jones of England; "Milton R. Peril" is Francis Aurthur Jones--believed to b British. Is it possible our old familiar "Milton Peril" is the new flash, "Thronton Ayre"--? As Weaver'd write: "Draw Ur own concussions..!" (WOW cont'd) time message should be releast to teach destination during the assemblage. Now we wonder how well we succeeded. We were glad to welcome back one of our first Hon Mems--one, in fact, whom we must thank for the very existence of our organization: The founder of the SFL--Charlie Hornig! In a short speech he expresst his desire to do all in his power to push our club & put to the pinnacle. New mems recently acquired include Charlie Henderson from "Shep's Shop" & Truman Reese recruited by Hal Clark. "Dr Acula" (Frank Brady), just back from a special trip to Northern Cal, tells of his disillusionment investigating the Rosicrucians' reports of a hidden retreat of legendary Lemurians in the Mt Shaste district. Doc summd up his feelings: Nuts! Number of our mems of atheisticomplex engaged in a blasfemous experiment of defying a deity, if there be one, to strike them dead--much to the consternation of those in the crowd with faith. Agnostics, unwilling to risk their own lives, defyd the Diety to strike a fellow mem down! (NB: I must regretfully report that Acker-man is still with us!). As these, the last words to be mimeod for May, are being written (24 Apr), Vodoso arrives with an ad ("Madge" has Sunday service at her bx): "I understand Imag is now the best fan mag--inclosed find 20 cents for which please run my add: Wanted--Thrill Bks, Tales of Magic & Mystery, Recluse, Conquest of Mars &c. E. Weinman: 57 1/2 Lyndhurst, Rochester/NY"
Hevelin Fanzines