Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
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20 Advertisements UNVEILING THE UNIVERSE: A Significant Work. 7" X 10", 135 pgs, over 500 fascinating fotos...telling...Where We Are & What We Are as revealed by Telescope & Spectroscope. Bk that should be in the library of every science fiction reader; would be a bargain, we believe, at $1.50--but, to offer it to you cheaply as possible, we'll stop sales talk right now & simply recommend you rush 75c which will be refunded if you are not enthusiastic about the bk to SUPPLIED SCIENCE: 3796 1-2 S Vermont, Los Angeles/Calif. THE CROOKED ROAD--th litl bklet U must buy! Y? Read reports from round th Imagi-Nation: Louis Kuslan--"It is quite interesting, and as you say, it is thought-variant"; Dr Keller--"The message it contains is very timely"; Julia Bethancourt--"I liked the bk. very much & agreed thoroly"; even th 3 BIG Ws--Wollheim, Wilson & Wiggens--xprest aproval! What's this work got that "gets" evryone who reads it? 26 copys circulated inside 3 mos! If U don't yet kno what th GR is, don't dtour round this ad! Bklet may b had for 20c ppd from me--Myrtle R. Douglas: Bx 6475 Met Sta; LA. Serious Specialty Collectors make offers--issue of Nat'l Radio News containing stf storys "Electronics Inc" & sequel. RAS: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal. Typ with[[?]] th technicoloribbon featured by neotrists of our Imagi-Nation! "Blak is old, cold, dull, blasé--but go to town with green & ordr of th day!" So testify th ordrs of Walter Earl Marconette (Scienti-Snaps), Allen Glasser (The Time Traveller & Fantasy Fans Fraternity), Theodore Bruce Yerke (Imagination!), Robert Lean Cumnock (Nucleus)Fan), Celeste De Pinto (LASFL), Forrest J Ackerman (nuf sed!) &c. Made to ordr to fit Ur machine--simply name make. Maild ppd anywher in world for $. Morojo: Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles; California/USA Futuria Fantasia is Commg! Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal Return Post Gtd Imagination!
20 Advertisements UNVEILING THE UNIVERSE: A Significant Work. 7" X 10", 135 pgs, over 500 fascinating fotos...telling...Where We Are & What We Are as revealed by Telescope & Spectroscope. Bk that should be in the library of every science fiction reader; would be a bargain, we believe, at $1.50--but, to offer it to you cheaply as possible, we'll stop sales talk right now & simply recommend you rush 75c which will be refunded if you are not enthusiastic about the bk to SUPPLIED SCIENCE: 3796 1-2 S Vermont, Los Angeles/Calif. THE CROOKED ROAD--th litl bklet U must buy! Y? Read reports from round th Imagi-Nation: Louis Kuslan--"It is quite interesting, and as you say, it is thought-variant"; Dr Keller--"The message it contains is very timely"; Julia Bethancourt--"I liked the bk. very much & agreed thoroly"; even th 3 BIG Ws--Wollheim, Wilson & Wiggens--xprest aproval! What's this work got that "gets" evryone who reads it? 26 copys circulated inside 3 mos! If U don't yet kno what th GR is, don't dtour round this ad! Bklet may b had for 20c ppd from me--Myrtle R. Douglas: Bx 6475 Met Sta; LA. Serious Specialty Collectors make offers--issue of Nat'l Radio News containing stf storys "Electronics Inc" & sequel. RAS: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal. Typ with[[?]] th technicoloribbon featured by neotrists of our Imagi-Nation! "Blak is old, cold, dull, blasé--but go to town with green & ordr of th day!" So testify th ordrs of Walter Earl Marconette (Scienti-Snaps), Allen Glasser (The Time Traveller & Fantasy Fans Fraternity), Theodore Bruce Yerke (Imagination!), Robert Lean Cumnock (Nucleus)Fan), Celeste De Pinto (LASFL), Forrest J Ackerman (nuf sed!) &c. Made to ordr to fit Ur machine--simply name make. Maild ppd anywher in world for $. Morojo: Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles; California/USA Futuria Fantasia is Commg! Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal Return Post Gtd Imagination!
Hevelin Fanzines