Voice of the Imagination, no. 9, October 1940
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Issue #9 Oct 1940 COVER: A Couple of Halloweenies, by Hector Plasm.......... Table of Contentions...............................................2 Editorial: Conglomer-ration.....................................3 [Name Underlined] Chas D Hornig: Only 24, reads fanmag--Adult Prodigy: ..4 [Name Underlined] Harry Warner Jr.: Yes, we'll letter pass........4 Walt Leibscher: There were no words.......................5 Leigh Brackett: Kickt out of meeting........................ .5 DBThompson: Acts his sage......................................5 Plutonian: "Somewhere a Voice is Calling--" ..........6 J Harvey Haggard: Of chords it's voCal!.................6 leslie perri: 4-lyn rym: Den- ver- for Sure.....................................................................6 Eric F. Russell: The importance of importation........6 JJ Fortier: Editor fandom's only tripe-weekley, Murky! .7 Roberts: Coud Garbo have meant it when she said, "I van to be Alan"?.............................................8 LRChauvenet: Saw Speer disapear: .....................9 "Midwest Markey": Said "Hi" bfor the Chi.................10 Ted Carnell: Over There............................................10 Vol Molesworth: Mae be a little thing like a comma can't comma 'tween West & Sex? ........................10 Art Widner Jr. He Kunkt us! .........................10 Publisht bimonthly at Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles Cal, by Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo. 10c copy, 60c yr. Advertisements on arrangement.
Issue #9 Oct 1940 COVER: A Couple of Halloweenies, by Hector Plasm.......... Table of Contentions...............................................2 Editorial: Conglomer-ration.....................................3 [Name Underlined] Chas D Hornig: Only 24, reads fanmag--Adult Prodigy: ..4 [Name Underlined] Harry Warner Jr.: Yes, we'll letter pass........4 Walt Leibscher: There were no words.......................5 Leigh Brackett: Kickt out of meeting........................ .5 DBThompson: Acts his sage......................................5 Plutonian: "Somewhere a Voice is Calling--" ..........6 J Harvey Haggard: Of chords it's voCal!.................6 leslie perri: 4-lyn rym: Den- ver- for Sure.....................................................................6 Eric F. Russell: The importance of importation........6 JJ Fortier: Editor fandom's only tripe-weekley, Murky! .7 Roberts: Coud Garbo have meant it when she said, "I van to be Alan"?.............................................8 LRChauvenet: Saw Speer disapear: .....................9 "Midwest Markey": Said "Hi" bfor the Chi.................10 Ted Carnell: Over There............................................10 Vol Molesworth: Mae be a little thing like a comma can't comma 'tween West & Sex? ........................10 Art Widner Jr. He Kunkt us! .........................10 Publisht bimonthly at Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles Cal, by Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo. 10c copy, 60c yr. Advertisements on arrangement.
Hevelin Fanzines