Voice of the Imagination, no. 9, October 1940
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 10 watching; Jack disappear into the maze of endless corridors typical of all Washington buildings. Elmer and I proceeded to visit Lester del Rey, who we discovered engaged in completing the enlargement of some photographs. Ensued a rambling (and probably more or less confused) conversation which lasted somewhat over an hour, or until I had to leave. All I remember is that del Rey, who took an MA in psychology, thinks Heinlein's psychology screwy, his writing good. Thus the Tale of the Visit. ~~ I don't feel controversial—I'11 not comment on, quarrel with, or agree about, the stuff in August VOM. I did like your impressionistic 'cheese' cover, though, Amicably" Just before we left for the Chicon we received a note from the Chairman. MARK REINSBERG, to the effect that here was a hasty word preceding the Convention, just to be sure he'd be represented in the issue following it. We, in our equal haste, somehow misplaced the actual note and have not been able to locate it since our return, so can only give you the gist of what he wrote. E. Everett Evans of 191 Capital Ave SW, Battle Creek, Mich, saw fanmags for the first time at the Chicon, afterward asked: "YOYOYO [ie; Why Oh, Why Oh, Why Oh] wasn't I told before how interesting these fan mags were. I had read about them in the pro mags, of course, but hadn't paid any attention to them before Chicago, when I got several copies. But now I am going to make up for it and am enclosing a dollar for the one Morojo and Forrest put out. I also want to get the ones published by Wiggins and Tucker. ~~ Am all rested up now, but still so thrilled (Sept 7) with all the wonder of the Chicon, and the many things I saw, heard and learned; and most especially with the marvellous new friendships I made there. Am really planning on going to Denver, and have started my savings for it." (We too. B'c'n U! PS: Thanx mightily for the $) On Aug 22 TED CARNELL was alive & well, wrote from 17, Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London: "It's alright for you guys to keep stating that the Chicago hamburger meet (pause), will be held on Labor Day, but over here we work six or seven days a week, and they are all labor days. I gather that it is early September or late August. Reason for asking is that I've just sent Bob Tucker a message for the conflagration, and don't know when it will reach him." (It reached him in time to be read by him at the Chindig.) Over a period of 4 days Ted wrote us a 6 pg letter, at times typing by candle-lite in a bomb-sheIter during air raids. The very latest word we had from him was Aug 26. We shall continue to keep our readers informed. VOL MOLESWORTH, leading Australifan, in green & brown type from "Del Monte", Kangaroo Point Rd, Sylvania, New South Wales, on Aug 22: "There is a magazine started because of the ban called Modern Adventure, So far it has printed only west, sex, and adventure. Futurians are writing under dozens of pseuds to get a little stf occasionally. Results to date: nil. The new semipro, IMAGINATIVE STORIES, will feature in its first issue, out September sometime, my yarn Man Who Lived Thrice; Evans' Message From Psychos and lessons on Esperanto, also reader section and other departments including The Man Tomoro." [Humorous illustration of a "Poll Cat" by Art Widner, Jr.]
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 10 watching; Jack disappear into the maze of endless corridors typical of all Washington buildings. Elmer and I proceeded to visit Lester del Rey, who we discovered engaged in completing the enlargement of some photographs. Ensued a rambling (and probably more or less confused) conversation which lasted somewhat over an hour, or until I had to leave. All I remember is that del Rey, who took an MA in psychology, thinks Heinlein's psychology screwy, his writing good. Thus the Tale of the Visit. ~~ I don't feel controversial—I'11 not comment on, quarrel with, or agree about, the stuff in August VOM. I did like your impressionistic 'cheese' cover, though, Amicably" Just before we left for the Chicon we received a note from the Chairman. MARK REINSBERG, to the effect that here was a hasty word preceding the Convention, just to be sure he'd be represented in the issue following it. We, in our equal haste, somehow misplaced the actual note and have not been able to locate it since our return, so can only give you the gist of what he wrote. E. Everett Evans of 191 Capital Ave SW, Battle Creek, Mich, saw fanmags for the first time at the Chicon, afterward asked: "YOYOYO [ie; Why Oh, Why Oh, Why Oh] wasn't I told before how interesting these fan mags were. I had read about them in the pro mags, of course, but hadn't paid any attention to them before Chicago, when I got several copies. But now I am going to make up for it and am enclosing a dollar for the one Morojo and Forrest put out. I also want to get the ones published by Wiggins and Tucker. ~~ Am all rested up now, but still so thrilled (Sept 7) with all the wonder of the Chicon, and the many things I saw, heard and learned; and most especially with the marvellous new friendships I made there. Am really planning on going to Denver, and have started my savings for it." (We too. B'c'n U! PS: Thanx mightily for the $) On Aug 22 TED CARNELL was alive & well, wrote from 17, Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London: "It's alright for you guys to keep stating that the Chicago hamburger meet (pause), will be held on Labor Day, but over here we work six or seven days a week, and they are all labor days. I gather that it is early September or late August. Reason for asking is that I've just sent Bob Tucker a message for the conflagration, and don't know when it will reach him." (It reached him in time to be read by him at the Chindig.) Over a period of 4 days Ted wrote us a 6 pg letter, at times typing by candle-lite in a bomb-sheIter during air raids. The very latest word we had from him was Aug 26. We shall continue to keep our readers informed. VOL MOLESWORTH, leading Australifan, in green & brown type from "Del Monte", Kangaroo Point Rd, Sylvania, New South Wales, on Aug 22: "There is a magazine started because of the ban called Modern Adventure, So far it has printed only west, sex, and adventure. Futurians are writing under dozens of pseuds to get a little stf occasionally. Results to date: nil. The new semipro, IMAGINATIVE STORIES, will feature in its first issue, out September sometime, my yarn Man Who Lived Thrice; Evans' Message From Psychos and lessons on Esperanto, also reader section and other departments including The Man Tomoro." [Humorous illustration of a "Poll Cat" by Art Widner, Jr.]
Hevelin Fanzines