Horizons, v. 6, issue 3, whole no. 22, March 1945
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someone else's argument. The Phantagraphs: Yes, but wait until you see the 1st centuriversary issue of The EAPA Correspondent! Contents of these two issues are exceptionally fine. Star-Bound: I'd rather not comment. Fantasy Commentator: Easily best thing in the "mailing". The articles by Ladd (does he exist?) and Evans are very valuable. I don't think any of us is going to try to collect all the fantasy that has appeared in Blue Book, or read all the novels of Haggard, but the point is that this kind of articles is what makes fanzines worth preservation. EAPA Ballot: An extra, void copy for each member would have been convenient for reference. I voted against the measure; a new member usually requires at least two mailings before he becomes oriented in the EAPA, and a publication produced immediately upon receipt of his first bundle isn't apt to be so hot. Zizzle-Pop: How do you prevent that thing stock from creasing at the bottom, like Horizons? Fandango: Comments to the effect that Fran did not receive several supposedly FAPA publications emphasize the point that only those distributed by the official editor as part of a mailing or authorized post-mailing should be legitimate. That Ackerman dogtagazine wasn't intended as EAPA matter, for instance, to my knowledge, but has been listed as such. Point is, Fran, there's a big difference between what you put into print and what you gossip over the back fence. Opinions and rumors and guesses told to a friend are put into a form that that friend will understand--you know how much he knows. Comments on Searles' threat call for a reminder that eppur si muove: the postal laws are there, regardless of what you think of Searles, whether fandom is an entity to itself as Ackerman thinks, and we're eventually going to get in dutch if we don't conform to those standards. Doctor Ashley and Mr Lowndes: Why couldn't "races", as used in the proposed constitutional change, have been defined as Thomas wolf defined races--races of waiters, races of bankers, races of writers You can't deny the inferiority of certain of this kind of races. Rubaiyat swell in Browsings. Now that just about everyone is agreed that the book-a-page idea is a good one, how about some of you others pitching in? This stencil is being cut more than a month after page 1. During this period of intermission, the storm has broken. The whole sorry mess is one best forgotten as soon as possible, but I want to make my own stand clear. It is that, regardless of the whereabouts of Suddsy Schwartz, Shaw and Lowndes were very guilty or several counts. The December "mailing" was a misdemeanor spoken of on page 1. They had no right to "plan" a mailing for the last part of January--the mailing date was January 13. They had no excuse for failing to contact the other EAPA members in the immediate vicinity--Unger, Ryder, Koenig, Searles and Fern--for manual assistance if physically incapable of getting the mailing to the postoffice. They failed to inform the EAPA membership of the circumstances of the finances, which would have been promptly alleviated by loans or donations if known. They violated common principles of trust and duty by neglecting their duties as elected officers of the EAPA to organize a rival ayjay group. They climaxed all this by creating further confusion with resignation from office--just as the Futurians did when the EAPA was young once before. The tragedy of the whole affair is Larry Shaw, who was rapidly becoming one of the more valuable members, and who may be expected to disappear from fandom within the next six months. The January-February-March mailing (you can take your pick) apparently reached everyone in a most deplorable state, envelope torn to shreds and the publications held together only by twine. It points up the need for finding a new mailing wrapping system, if the size of the bundles continues to increase. The Fantasy Amateur: Very bad issue. Where are the report on the balloting on the last proposed amendment, report of Wollheim, laureate report--tarnation, critics' report, I mean? Approve of the Lowdnes decision to restrict distribution of the surplus EAPA zines; however, a mailing should be forwarded regularly to the Li -
someone else's argument. The Phantagraphs: Yes, but wait until you see the 1st centuriversary issue of The EAPA Correspondent! Contents of these two issues are exceptionally fine. Star-Bound: I'd rather not comment. Fantasy Commentator: Easily best thing in the "mailing". The articles by Ladd (does he exist?) and Evans are very valuable. I don't think any of us is going to try to collect all the fantasy that has appeared in Blue Book, or read all the novels of Haggard, but the point is that this kind of articles is what makes fanzines worth preservation. EAPA Ballot: An extra, void copy for each member would have been convenient for reference. I voted against the measure; a new member usually requires at least two mailings before he becomes oriented in the EAPA, and a publication produced immediately upon receipt of his first bundle isn't apt to be so hot. Zizzle-Pop: How do you prevent that thing stock from creasing at the bottom, like Horizons? Fandango: Comments to the effect that Fran did not receive several supposedly FAPA publications emphasize the point that only those distributed by the official editor as part of a mailing or authorized post-mailing should be legitimate. That Ackerman dogtagazine wasn't intended as EAPA matter, for instance, to my knowledge, but has been listed as such. Point is, Fran, there's a big difference between what you put into print and what you gossip over the back fence. Opinions and rumors and guesses told to a friend are put into a form that that friend will understand--you know how much he knows. Comments on Searles' threat call for a reminder that eppur si muove: the postal laws are there, regardless of what you think of Searles, whether fandom is an entity to itself as Ackerman thinks, and we're eventually going to get in dutch if we don't conform to those standards. Doctor Ashley and Mr Lowndes: Why couldn't "races", as used in the proposed constitutional change, have been defined as Thomas wolf defined races--races of waiters, races of bankers, races of writers You can't deny the inferiority of certain of this kind of races. Rubaiyat swell in Browsings. Now that just about everyone is agreed that the book-a-page idea is a good one, how about some of you others pitching in? This stencil is being cut more than a month after page 1. During this period of intermission, the storm has broken. The whole sorry mess is one best forgotten as soon as possible, but I want to make my own stand clear. It is that, regardless of the whereabouts of Suddsy Schwartz, Shaw and Lowndes were very guilty or several counts. The December "mailing" was a misdemeanor spoken of on page 1. They had no right to "plan" a mailing for the last part of January--the mailing date was January 13. They had no excuse for failing to contact the other EAPA members in the immediate vicinity--Unger, Ryder, Koenig, Searles and Fern--for manual assistance if physically incapable of getting the mailing to the postoffice. They failed to inform the EAPA membership of the circumstances of the finances, which would have been promptly alleviated by loans or donations if known. They violated common principles of trust and duty by neglecting their duties as elected officers of the EAPA to organize a rival ayjay group. They climaxed all this by creating further confusion with resignation from office--just as the Futurians did when the EAPA was young once before. The tragedy of the whole affair is Larry Shaw, who was rapidly becoming one of the more valuable members, and who may be expected to disappear from fandom within the next six months. The January-February-March mailing (you can take your pick) apparently reached everyone in a most deplorable state, envelope torn to shreds and the publications held together only by twine. It points up the need for finding a new mailing wrapping system, if the size of the bundles continues to increase. The Fantasy Amateur: Very bad issue. Where are the report on the balloting on the last proposed amendment, report of Wollheim, laureate report--tarnation, critics' report, I mean? Approve of the Lowdnes decision to restrict distribution of the surplus EAPA zines; however, a mailing should be forwarded regularly to the Li -
Hevelin Fanzines