Fantasy-News, v. 5, issue 15, whole no. 120, October 6, 1940
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Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50¢ minimum. (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. ------------------------------------------------------ BOOST SCIENCE FICTION ------------------------------------------------------ EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. In issue No. 115, we said: "In order to keep on printing FANTASY NEWS it would be necessary to charge 10¢ per copy, 3 issues for 25¢." If we return to mimeoing, as we have, the subscription rates will remain the same as before. We also said that the choice would be left entirely up to our readers. Therefore a postal card for balloting purposes has been sent to every subscriber with the following questions: 1. Will you pay 10¢ per copy, 3 for 25¢, for a printed FANTASY NEWS? Or 2. Will you continue to support FANTASY NEWS, even though mimeod, at the usual low subscription rate? NOTE: All old subs will be continued at the low rate. Please send in these postals as soon as possible. If you wish to write a letter giving your views and suggestions, do not hesitate to do so, and if of sufficient general interest, it will be published in these columns. Readers, please so not lose sight of the fact that issues will occassionally be printed. Whenever any very special news breaks, or whenever our advertising income warrants the extra expenditure, an issue of FN will be printed. At the same time we our working on a plan whereby a large magazine section will be added to the paper bi-monthly, which will bring the page content up to as many as ten pages. All this will be done without any increase in the subscription rates. Please let us have your suggestions. We need news items, reviews, ads, and above all subs. ACE SCIENCE FICTION No. 2 by Thos. S..Gardner. Reviews of "Vandals Of the Sky" by John Murray Reynolds. A well worn plot, but well written! Mars and Earth are united and peaceful until an invading body brings unpleasant visitors whose sole aim seems to be steal atmospheres and enslave both planets' peoples. Dan Dryden, head of Moon Excursions, Inc., unexpectedly leads the fight against the invaders, and wins with ancient weapons, bombs. All the subtle points of Fantasy are worked in, invisibility, ray guns, villians, and traitors to the planets to make a rousing tale of the future. You'll like his girl friend, Jean, who slings a wicked bomb in the final battle, incidentally. Although not a must yarn, no true lover of Fantasy should miss Reynolds' work. Don't look for anything astounding or great, just an interesting science fiction story that won't let you stop until it is finished. "Vandals Of the Sky" is featured in the March issue of FIVE NOVELS MONTHLY. The cover is good in spite of the fact it has no direct connection with the story except the central figure. The background shows the artist did not read the yarn. If one is willing to go to the past, the tale by David Allan Ross, "Viking Vengeance" is excellent as pure adventure. It is interesting to note that the old Viking customs are well portrayed in this story. It is in the same issue as the above. The mag is well worth your 20¢. --------------------------------------------------- FANTASY IN ARGOSY If you like fine fantasy, the current series of shorts by H. Bedford Jones will suit your fancy. The latest is titled, "Ruby Of France". Looking into the heart of this ruby, you will be transported into medieval Provence. "Satans on Saturn" by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffman Price is in its second part. This five part science fiction serial is up to the usual high ARGOSY standard. These yarns are in the Nov 9 issue.
Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50¢ minimum. (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. ------------------------------------------------------ BOOST SCIENCE FICTION ------------------------------------------------------ EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. In issue No. 115, we said: "In order to keep on printing FANTASY NEWS it would be necessary to charge 10¢ per copy, 3 issues for 25¢." If we return to mimeoing, as we have, the subscription rates will remain the same as before. We also said that the choice would be left entirely up to our readers. Therefore a postal card for balloting purposes has been sent to every subscriber with the following questions: 1. Will you pay 10¢ per copy, 3 for 25¢, for a printed FANTASY NEWS? Or 2. Will you continue to support FANTASY NEWS, even though mimeod, at the usual low subscription rate? NOTE: All old subs will be continued at the low rate. Please send in these postals as soon as possible. If you wish to write a letter giving your views and suggestions, do not hesitate to do so, and if of sufficient general interest, it will be published in these columns. Readers, please so not lose sight of the fact that issues will occassionally be printed. Whenever any very special news breaks, or whenever our advertising income warrants the extra expenditure, an issue of FN will be printed. At the same time we our working on a plan whereby a large magazine section will be added to the paper bi-monthly, which will bring the page content up to as many as ten pages. All this will be done without any increase in the subscription rates. Please let us have your suggestions. We need news items, reviews, ads, and above all subs. ACE SCIENCE FICTION No. 2 by Thos. S..Gardner. Reviews of "Vandals Of the Sky" by John Murray Reynolds. A well worn plot, but well written! Mars and Earth are united and peaceful until an invading body brings unpleasant visitors whose sole aim seems to be steal atmospheres and enslave both planets' peoples. Dan Dryden, head of Moon Excursions, Inc., unexpectedly leads the fight against the invaders, and wins with ancient weapons, bombs. All the subtle points of Fantasy are worked in, invisibility, ray guns, villians, and traitors to the planets to make a rousing tale of the future. You'll like his girl friend, Jean, who slings a wicked bomb in the final battle, incidentally. Although not a must yarn, no true lover of Fantasy should miss Reynolds' work. Don't look for anything astounding or great, just an interesting science fiction story that won't let you stop until it is finished. "Vandals Of the Sky" is featured in the March issue of FIVE NOVELS MONTHLY. The cover is good in spite of the fact it has no direct connection with the story except the central figure. The background shows the artist did not read the yarn. If one is willing to go to the past, the tale by David Allan Ross, "Viking Vengeance" is excellent as pure adventure. It is interesting to note that the old Viking customs are well portrayed in this story. It is in the same issue as the above. The mag is well worth your 20¢. --------------------------------------------------- FANTASY IN ARGOSY If you like fine fantasy, the current series of shorts by H. Bedford Jones will suit your fancy. The latest is titled, "Ruby Of France". Looking into the heart of this ruby, you will be transported into medieval Provence. "Satans on Saturn" by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffman Price is in its second part. This five part science fiction serial is up to the usual high ARGOSY standard. These yarns are in the Nov 9 issue.
Hevelin Fanzines